Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 233 The secret of the past, the regret of the half-giant

"Blake got out from under my nose that night."

Hagrid finished the mead and said regretfully: "That night, as soon as I picked up little Harry with a bleeding forehead from the ruins, I saw Black riding his flying motorcycle and landing in the yard."

"I mistakenly thought that he heard the news and came to the rescue. Seeing that his face was pale and his body was shaking, and I comforted him, I really wanted to slap myself."

"Later, he claimed to be Harry's godfather and wanted to take Harry away and raise Harry."

"However, Dumbledore ordered me to find Harry and take him to Privet Drive. He said that only blood relationships can make the amulet magic last and protect Harry from growing up."

"I don't understand the rationale behind it, but I know that I must complete what my husband told me."

"Blake argued with me for a while, then gave in and left the flying motorcycle to me."

"I later figured out that the reason why he gave in and kept the motorcycle was not because of my eloquence or his kindness, but because of the downfall of 'that person'. He was in a hurry to escape. It would have been too easy to be tracked if he was riding that motorcycle."

"What would have happened if I had handed Harry over to him? I dare say he would have thrown Harry into the deserted valley at a height of several hundred meters."

"When a person sells his soul and takes refuge in the forces of darkness, there is no humanity left in him."

Qing Gaohe walked to the foot of the boat and consoled him: "When 'that man' fell, Brightling couldn't escape. He was caught by the Ministry of Magic the next day, wasn't he?"

"Oh, it's better if it's us."

Fudge sighed and continued: "It's Peter Pettigrew, the short, fat boy who admires James and Black and likes to follow them."

"He caught up with Black and tried his best to hold him back. When the Ministry of Magic arrived, a big hole exploded in the middle of the street."

"Muggle limbs were splashed all over the street. Black stood on top of a pile of blood-stained robes and laughed wildly. That was Peter Pettigrew's robe. We only found a finger in the robe, poor child."

"We imprisoned Black in Azkaban, sent Peter Pettigrew's 'body' back to his hometown, to his mother, and awarded him the Order of Merlin, First Class."

"But what's the use? He can't come back."

Green Heel walked back to Fat Feet and asked in a low voice: "Minister, everyone who is imprisoned in Azkaban Prison will go crazy, right?"

"Well, it's hard to say."

"When I went back to Beihai for inspection last time, I met Sirius. He looked normal and unlike other prisoners who talked crazy."

"He put his face against the railing and calmly asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper in my hand. He said he was bored and wanted to play the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. I handed him the newspaper out of humanitarianism."

"However, he failed to live up to my good intentions. Not long after, he escaped from prison."

Robin: ( ̄▼ ̄), I bet that that newspaper is definitely the "Daily Prophet", and there must be a column titled "Ministry of Magic Staff Wins Big Prize" with a picture of the Weasley family taking a group photo in Egypt.

Sirius recognized the mouse lying on Ron's shoulder in the photo as his old friend Peter Pettigrew, so he took the risk to escape from Azkaban.

"Could it be that he escaped from prison because he wanted to defect to 'that person'?"

Rosmerta said in horror.

"I think so. But he has been imprisoned for more than ten years. If he wants to defect again, he must have a surrender certificate - Harry Potter, don't forget, the savior."

Ding dong ~

Someone put down their wine glass, and then a serious voice floated from the other side of the tree.

"Fudge, it's getting late. If you want to talk to Mr. Dumbledore about the Ministry of Magic, you'd better leave now."


Four oak chairs were pushed back to the table.

Ta da~

Green high heels walked behind the bar.


The door of the bar was opened, and a little wind and snow rolled in.

Hagrid and the others walked away.

Harry got out from under the table and walked towards the door of the bar like a zombie, with the three of them following closely.

As Luo Bin walked, she glanced at the bar and saw Rosmerta busy cleaning the cups. She didn't notice where the four people came out.

After the four of them came out of the bar, they braved the wind and snow and walked through the alley between the Wenrenju Quill Shop and the Devi Bans Store until they came to the woods wrapped in white quilts.

Harry sat on a snow-covered stone with his face buried between his knees. Hermione and Ron stared at him uneasily, and Robin's eyes were filled with distress.

The fourteen-year-old boy grew up being bullied by the Dursleys. He finally lived a 'normal life' and was haunted by Voldemort. Now

Suddenly, Harry raised his head and roared: "Every time the Dementor gets closer to me, I can hear my mother's scream. She is begging, and she is protecting me with her life. All of this , was caused by Blake."

"He is their friend, but he betrayed them. I hope he comes to me quickly. As soon as I see him, I will raise my wand and fight him to the death. Only one of him and I can survive."

Harry's fierce eyes startled several people, and Ron's upper lip trembled slightly. He seemed to want to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"I think you should talk to Black before you fight him."

"What to talk about?"

Harry clenched his fists and looked at Robin in confusion.

"Ask him if he snitched? Did he cast an explosive spell on the street? Did he kill Peter Pettigrew? Was the purpose of escaping from prison to kill you and defect to Voldemort?"

Luo Bin said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Robin, don't say 'that person's' name." Ron rubbed his arms and said in horror.

Robin's words caused the poisonous hatred to slowly escape from Harry's body, allowing him to regain his sanity.

It also reminded him of the reform that he was wrongly accused of. However, there was a lot of evidence to rely on when Black was found guilty.

for example!

The Red Loyalty Charm means that only when the secret keeper takes the initiative to reveal the secret, the hiding place of Mom and Dad will be discovered.

When Hagrid walked out of the ruins, he saw Black. After the explosion, the surviving Muggles were questioned by the Ministry of Magic before being cast the Forgetting Curse.

Moreover, Black has been in prison for twelve years and has never complained about injustice, right?

However, Hagrid's grievance, anger, and confusion when he was wronged, as well as the emotional and tearful scene after redressing his injustice, frequently appeared in Harry's mind.

These made him extremely entangled.


Harry stood up suddenly, and snowflakes fell down along the wizard's robe.

"Let's go find Hagrid and ask him why he didn't mention Sirius Black when he told me about our parents' past. Ask him what kind of person Black is!"

"Harry, you don't really believe what Robin said, do you? The Ministry of Magic and the school will never make a mistake!"

Obviously, Ron also realized the subtext of Luo Bin.

"Ron, you are wrong. The Ministry of Magic and the school missed Hagrid!"

Harry grinned. It wasn't just that he didn't believe in the Ministry of Magic and the school, but he had a criminal record.

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