Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 234 Lobster and snail, a different kind of fun

"Let's go. Hermione, Ron, you two should try walking the secret passage."

The four of them then walked through the alley and returned to the main street.

Avoid people and enter the cellar of Honeydukes' shop, and go down under the trap door.

After walking for an hour and climbing up a long stone slide, I got out of the one-eyed witch's hump and returned to the corridor on the fourth floor of the castle.

"I'll take the carriage next time!"

Ron was bent over sharply, his palms pressed against his knees, huffing and puffing.

"The wet mud at the bottom of the secret passage looks like it has been poked by someone. Could it be that besides us, Fred, and George, anyone else knows about this secret passage?"

Seven o'clock in the evening, hunting ground, cabin!

The four of them approached the door, but before they knocked, they heard a slight, mournful groan inside the house.

"Do you want to call someone? I'm afraid there's danger in the house."

Ron said nervously, in his mind he imagined Black breaking into the cabin and attacking Hagrid in order to get back his flying motorcycle.

"Ron, don't scare yourself." Hermione said displeased.

Luo Bin knocked on the wooden door and said, "Hagrid, open the door, it's us."

Dong Dong~

There were heavy footsteps inside the house.


The door opened from the inside.

Hagrid's eyes were swollen, and his beard was shiny and covered with tears.

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, what happened? A few hours ago, didn't you curse Sirius with righteous indignation?

"Hagrid, hiss!"

Before Harry could finish his words, Hagrid hugged him into his arms. The squeezing of his ribs made him frown and grit his teeth in pain. The key was that he couldn't breathe.

Hagrid is a half-giant, and his "hug" is no joke. Robin, Hermione, and Ron worked together to pull away his hand and save Harry.

Hagrid was swaying and standing unsteadily. Four people helped him into the house.


After entering the room, Hagrid fell down on the chair and cried bitterly on the table. Tears flowed out of his eyes, pattering and dripping on the low table.

"Hagrid, what happened?"

Luo Bin asked, handing him a glass of warm water.

Hagrid did not take the cup, but took out a crumpled, official-style letter from his pocket.

Robin put down the cup, took the letter, flattened it, and carefully read what was written on it. Hermione, Harry, and Ron also crowded over to read it together.

Dear Mr. Rubeus Hagrid:

I am pleased to inform you that after investigation, it was found that you are not responsible for the Hippogriff attacking students in class.

However, we received a complaint from a student's parent, Mr. Lucius Malfoy, and questioned whether Buckbeak was 'benign and harmless'.

Therefore, Buckbeak's trial will be taken over by the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Animals.

The trial date is scheduled for February 24. At that time, please take Buckbeak with you to the commission's main office in London to report.

Before that, please keep Buckbeak properly tied up and isolated to prevent other students from being attacked.

"Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Animals? Buckbeak is not an evil monster, Hagrid. He will be fine."

Hermione said relieved.

Hagrid wiped his tears with his collar and choked up: "You don't know, those old antiques on the committee who are greedy for money and power only work against interesting animals."

Ga da ~

Suddenly, there was a noise in the dark corner of the house.

Luo Bin quickly turned around, and a monster with a head like a lobster, a mouth like a snail, and a body like an octopus emerged from a stone egg as big as a wheel with a gap, and made a killing pig-like sound at several people.

Hagrid pulled out the bamboo basket under the table and threw a few dead chickens into the corner. The monster's mouth was like a crusher, chewing the dead chickens into a paste before swallowing them.

"It's fun, right?"

Facing the new pet, Hagrid had a smile on his face.

Luo Bin: →_→, sure enough, Hagrid's "interesting" is not the same as other people's interest.

After Hagrid finished feeding his 'new favorite', he lay on the table and sobbed again.

"Cheer up, Hagrid. You need to prepare a strong defense to prove that Buckbeak is not dangerous and will not harm students."

"it's useless!"

"Those old guys are greedy for money, afraid of power, and they still take orders from Lucius!"

"If I lose the case, Buckbeak will be executed. Sir, he is too busy. He has spent a lot of time trying to get me off the hook."

"The dementors sent by the Ministry of Magic are difficult to obey. Sir, you have to spend time talking to the dementors and beware of that lunatic. How dare I bother him with anything else."

When Robin heard this, he turned to look at Harry. Harry noticed his gaze and shook his head at him, his eyes full of worry and concern.

Obviously, Harry couldn't bear to ask Hagrid about Sirius at this juncture.

"Oh, I thought about letting Buckbeak go, but if he leaves, he will become a wanted criminal. He is an animal, not a human. I can't let him understand. If he flies away from Hogwarts, he should quickly find a place where no one is. Hide."

"I also thought about seeking help from some magical creatures protection agencies, but there is a case on Buckbeak, and no agency dares to accept him."

"Hagrid, don't give up. Robin is right. You need a strong defense. We can help you check information, help you write a defense, and even testify in court. We were all present when Malfoy was injured, weren't we? ?"

Hermione said in relief.

Ron made a cup of hot tea and put it into Hagrid's hand, "Drink it! Every time someone is sad, my mother will make hot tea for them."

After listening to the words of comfort and assurance, and two glasses of water, Hagrid wiped away his tears and said in a hoarse voice: "You are right, I can't lose without a fight, I have to cheer up, Buckbeak, I'm still waiting. I'm going to save it."


Yaya timidly got out from under the table, resting his chin on Hagrid's knee, looking at his master worriedly with his dark eyes.

However, its butt pressed firmly against Luo Bin's shoe.

"Ya Ya, be good, it's okay. I'll cook chicken legs for you later, okay? It's getting dark?"

Hagrid looked out the window in fear, as if he was seeing a terrifying monster.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked confused.

"What did you say? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to leave the castle after dark? Come on, come on, I will take you back."

Hagrid pushed the four of them out of the wooden door and escorted them back to the castle. Along the way, he kept muttering: Next time you run around at night, I will tell Professor McGonagall that you will be punished by writing a report.

The four people put it in the left ear and out the right ear, knowing that Hagrid would not do that.

The moon sets, the sun rises, and the Christmas holiday is finally here.

Affected by the incident of "Blake's Night Break into the Castle", few people chose to stay in school for the holidays. The lounges, corridors, and auditoriums were all deserted.

During the holidays, Luo Bin and the others did not play snowball fights, ice skating on the Black Lake, or wizard chess. Instead, they ran to the library, borrowed a lot of books, and carried them back to the lounge.

Sitting by the fireplace, flipping through the musty-smelling files, looking up cases related to 'monsters attacking humans', and occasionally exchanging the results with each other.

However, in the files, monsters that attack humans with impunity either have a powerful background or are so strong that no wizard dares to risk their lives to catch it.

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