Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 235 Christmas gift, give you a hammer

Several people were so busy that they did not have the energy to appreciate the Christmas decorations in the auditorium while eating.

On Christmas Day, early in the morning, Luo Bin was woken up by a pillow.

"Hey! Gift, at the end of the bed!"

After Ron finished speaking, he excitedly hit Harry with a pillow.

Luo Bin yawned, then rolled from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed, lifted up his tube socks, and looked through them to see what gifts were inside.

The first one is a big bulging paper bag.

There was no sender written on it, but inside it was a bright red sweater with a lion pattern printed on it.

Needless to say, it must have been knitted by Ms. Molly herself.

The second one is a square box beautifully tied with colorful ribbons.

Inside are cream cakes with various animal-shaped chocolates, elegant little snakes, evil-smiling white foxes, brilliant black dragons, and ignorant spiders.

Although there was no card in the box, Robin knew that the cake and chocolate stand-up pieces were made by Nagini herself.

The third one is a rectangular black box.

After opening it, there was a heavy small hammer lying in the box.

There was no sender written on the box, and there was no card inside the box, so he couldn't guess who sent it.

"Robin, lend me your hammer. I want to eat the hazelnuts Charlie sent me, but I can't open them with my bare hands."

"Here, take it."

Ron took the hammer and rushed back to his bed. After playing with it for a while, he exclaimed:

"Luo Bin, your hammer looks very beautiful, but it can't even hit a hazelnut."

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), how is it possible?

Robin slipped out of bed, walked up to Ron, grabbed the hammer, and smashed it hard against the hazelnut on the floor.

However, my wrist was numb from the shock, but not only was the hazelnut not broken, it didn't even move its position.

Silence, deathly silence.

"Maybe, Romanian hazelnuts are too hard, hehe!"

Ron's eyes flashed.

Robin didn't believe in evil, so he took out a hard candy from Ron's 'snack gift bag', placed it on the ground, and smashed it down hard.

Very good, the hard candy has not turned into powdered sugar, and the candy wrapper has not wrinkled at all.

Open a box of pudding and smash it hard.

Well, it wasn't broken or shaken.

Robin spread his left hand and raised the hammer with his right hand. Ron exclaimed: "Don't, don't make fun of your hands."

Ron said it was too late, the hammer had already hit his palm.

Luo Bin's right hand felt numb from the shock. Luo Bin's left hand felt nothing at all, as if the hammer didn't exist at all.

In summary, is this a broken hammer that looks tough but can’t hit anything?

There is a universe within the ironclad, and there are other magics hidden within it.

At this time, Harry's exclamation came from the other side of the room.

"Fire Bolt!"

"What? What did you say? Is it the Firebolt I thought about?"


Like hailstones, the hazelnuts fell from the paper bag in Ron's arms to the floor.

He stepped on the hazelnut and walked quickly to the single bed by the window.

Luo Bin put away the hammer and walked over.

Lying on the duvet was a shining broomstick.

On the top of the broom, there is a hand-engraved golden registration number.

The broom is straight and shiny, and the broom tail is made of white birch twigs. It is flexible and smooth, and the streamlined design is pleasing to the eye.

"Cool, I've always dreamed of having a Firebolt. Harry, who has such a big idea?"

Ron took off his socks and jumped onto Harry's bed, his eyes glued to the broom.

Harry stroked the broom gently, with a look of fascination in his eyes, "There is no sender on the package, and there is no card in the box, but I am sure it is not the Dursleys' handiwork."

"Dumbledore! He gave you the Invisibility Cloak anonymously before, didn't he?"

Ron's eyes lit up, he thought this was a great possibility.

"But the invisibility cloak belongs to my father, and Dumbledore is just helping to deliver it."

"Lupin! Everybody can see that he treats you very differently, Harry."

Luo Bin thought of Lupine's ragged appearance and couldn't help laughing, "Stop it, Firebolts cost hundreds of galleons. He wears patched robes every day, as if he has gold. ?"


Ron laughed, laughing at his own foolish guess.

Suddenly, the wooden door creaked and someone pushed it open.

"What are you three laughing at? I can hear it in the lounge downstairs."

Hermione was wearing fluffy pajamas and holding her cat in her arms. Crookshanks was sporting a beard and a fierce look on his face.

Ron hurriedly grabbed Scabbers nestled next to Harry's pillow and stuffed it into his pajamas pocket.

"Hermione, if you bring it here again, I will throw it out of the window and see if the cat has nine lives."

Hermione ignored Ron. She was staring at the Firebolt with her mouth wide open in shock, "Harry, who gave it to you?"

"I don't know, there's no sender, and there's no card."

Hermione's face darkened and her eyes became wary.

"The Firebolt is an internationally popular item. It's more than ten times more expensive than Malfoy's Nimbus 2001. I really want to take it for a spin."

Ron looked at Harry expectantly, and Harry nodded slightly, which was exactly what he meant.

"I don't think anyone can touch this sweep at the moment. Farewell, Crookshanks, come back quickly."

Crookshanks jumped on Robin's chest, turned around quickly, and plucked his pocket. Spot in the pocket squeaked in fright.

"Come here, get out of here!"

Ron sat down with his hands in his pockets and raised his legs to kick Crookshanks, who was standing at the end of the bed and fuming.


Crookshanks jumped out of bed, and Ron's foot hit the wooden box at the end of Harry's bed (for the holidays, he was moving boxes and planning to find new clothes to wear). His big toe immediately became red and swollen, and he screamed in pain. Yelling.

The box tipped over and the clothes inside slid to the ground.

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing whistle came from the pile of clothes.


The pocket speculum unscrewed the old sock and squeaked, spinning on the floor.

Crookshanks glanced at the shiny gadget and continued to hiss and spit at Ron.

Harry grabbed the speculum and stuffed it back into his old sock, tying the string around the top of the sock.

The annoying noise finally disappeared.

"Bad thing. Hermione, if you don't care about your cat, don't blame me for killing it."

Ron rubbed his big toe and yelled angrily.

Hermione was also angry, "Ha! Your Scabbers is the bad guy. The shop owner said that Crookshanks has the blood of a catnive and can distinguish between good and bad."

After saying that, she gave Robin a jar of heart-shaped fruity hard candies, picked up Crookshanks and left.

"What a madman! Harry, why are you staring at Scabbers?"

Ron thought Harry's eyes looked strange, but he couldn't put his finger on why.

"No, it's nothing!"

Harry knelt down and packed up the clothes at the end of the bed. Robin put away the sugar bowl and turned to wash up. Ron rummaged through the cabinets in search of anti-swelling ointment.

This year, due to the small number of people staying on campus, the festive atmosphere was very light.

However, the auditorium was still beautifully decorated, with Christmas trees, garlands, colorful fireworks, sumptuous meals, etc., everything was missing.

The faculty and staff were all dressed up.

Even Filch, who was stooped, took off his worn brown robe and put on a slim-fitting black tuxedo, although it looked very old and still exuded a musty smell mixed with cheap perfume.

During the dinner, Hermione only wanted to talk to Robin, without even glancing at Ron and Harry.

This attitude confused Harry. After all, he didn't kick Crookshanks, let alone kill him!

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