Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 236 Firebolt, only heated for a second

After eating, Hermione held the edge of the table with her palms and leaned forward to look towards the staff seat, "Strange! Where is Professor McGonagall? She was still here just now!"

"I went upstairs with Professor Flitwick, I guess I have something to talk about!" Robin said while drinking apple juice.

"You guys go first, I'm going to have a word with Professor McGonagall." Hermione stood up and left the auditorium.

"Robin, why did you lie to her? McGonagall followed Hagrid!" Harry asked confused.

Luo Bin: ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍, because I want to avoid a certain plot!

In the original book, Hermione suspected that the Firebolt was a gift from Sirius, and worried that it contained dark magic, so she reported it to Professor McGonagall, causing the Firebolt to be temporarily withdrawn.

Now, Ron and Harry were both angry with Hermione.

The heavy academic load, the cold war between her friends, Buckbeak's court hearing, etc., all these things made Hermione shed tears.

Luo Bin looked confused, "Really? Then maybe I saw it wrong."

"Otherwise, we"

"Harry, she can't find Professor McGonagall and will go back to the lounge. Let's go back to the dormitory, and then, hey, take the Firebolt and go for a spin on the field."

Harry nodded and agreed to Ron's proposal.

Afterwards, the three of them went straight back to the dormitory, grabbed the Firebolt, carried the broom care box, and rushed to the stadium.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the castle gate, he ran into Professor McGonagall.

"Firebolt? The hand-engraved registration number, the shiny and tough ash wood handle, the streamlined birch branches, it's really a Firebolt!"

"Great. With it, Gryffindor's probability of winning the Quidditch Cup will be greatly improved."

Professor McGonagall is an avid Quidditch enthusiast. When she saw the Firebolt, she changed from her usual seriousness, her eyes were amazed, and her tone of voice was also very excited.

"I heard that the balance, accuracy, and acceleration of the Firebolt are more than ten times that of other broomsticks. We are planning to go to the stadium to give it a try." Harry said equally excitedly.

"Go and be safe!"

Before the three of them had finished descending the steps, Professor McGonagall's voice came from behind again.

"Potter, the Firebolt was your Christmas present, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Professor!"

"Who sent it?"

Professor McGonagall returned to her usual seriousness, and her brows were furrowed.

"I don't know!" Harry replied.

"Not sure?" Mag's voice rose one degree.

"There is no sender information on the box, and there is no card in the box."

McGonagall took a breath of air, "Potter, I'm afraid I have to take away the Firebolt, and then ask Hooch and Professor Flitwick to take it apart and check whether there is any curse attached to it. If there is no problem, I will It’s back to you.”

"Professor, if you dismantle it and reassemble it, its performance will change. It's a Firebolt. There's nothing wrong with it."

"Whether there is any problem with it, you can't see with the naked eye."

"Hooch and Flitwick will be careful not to damage it. Potter, you can't fly into the sky on it until you are 100% sure that it is safe." McGonagall explained kindly.


"Give it to me, Potter!"

In the end, Professor McGonagall took away the Firebolt.

Harry clutched the nursing box tightly and said sadly: "Professor McGonagall, why?"

Luo Bin sighed, "I probably suspect that the Firebolt was given by Sirius. After all, he is your godfather."

The relationship between godfather and godson is closer than that between godfather and godson because they have an extra layer of religious guidance.

In other words, when Harry was born, Sirius personally baptized him to witness the birth of a new faith.

"He has been imprisoned for twelve years. Where can he get the gold to buy firebolts?"

"Maybe, before he was caught, he hid the gold in a secret place." Ron imagined.


Harry knew that McGonagall was doing it for his own good, but he still couldn't help but feel sad.

"Hopefully, after a few hours, the Firebolt will return to me without detecting the curse. However, after being disassembled and reassembled, who knows if there will be any problems with the parts inside?"

Luo Bin: ╭╮, how many hours? Don’t think about getting it back before the end of February!

"Come on, stop standing in the wind and go back to the lounge to warm yourself by the fire."

The three walked back to the castle and climbed to the eighth floor, where they saw Hermione reciting commands to the portrait.

"Despicable stinky wizard!"

"Same to you, ma'am!"

Cadogan grabbed the gray horse's ears and controlled the portrait to move forward. Luo Bin and the other three entered the lounge with the command.

"Harry, there's something wrong with your broom, I think"

"Hermione, when the three of us went downstairs just now, we bumped into Professor McGonagall. She suspected that the person who anonymously sent the Firebolt had bad intentions, so she temporarily confiscated the Firebolt. If Flitwick and Hooch didn't detect the dark magic on it, , and will send it back.”

Robin cut off Hermione's words like he was spitting out words.

"Harry, don't be too sad. Professor McGonagall is also thinking about your safety."

"I understand!"

After Harry finished speaking, he walked wilfully into the boys' dormitory. Ron followed closely. Robin waited for Hermione to settle down in Crookshanks before going to the library with her. All the books he borrowed last time were all lost yesterday. Returned.

Harry stayed in the dormitory for a whole day, but no one from McGonagall came over, so he realized that the Firebolt would not be back for a while, and then he was sad.

Ron took out wizard chess, building blocks, big turntables, magic cards and other toys to divert Harry's attention.

By this time, nearly ten days had passed.

During the holidays, Robin would go out early and come back late every day, and he and Hermione would sit on the sofa by the fireplace, looking for useful cases.

The day before school started, Express Train 5972 stopped at Hogsmeade Village Station again. The auditorium, corridors, and common rooms became crowded and noisy again.

After Wood heard about the Firebolt, he patted his chest and promised that he would get it back.

Harry believed that Wood could do it, so his mood improved a lot and he ate more dinner than usual.

After eating, before the four of them left their chairs, Lupine strode over.

"I said before that if I feel better next semester, I will teach you the Patronus Charm. Do you think I look good?"

"Good, very good, rosy and shiny, better than the rest of us put together." Ron lied without changing his face.

"Thursday, eight o'clock in the evening, it will be in the History of Magic classroom. It's big enough. You can all come."

Lupine patted Harry on the shoulder and turned back to the staff seat.

Hermione clenched her fists and looked eager to try. Harry happily drank another bowl of onion soup.

Several people spent four long days with excitement.

Thursday, 8pm, History of Magic Classroom!

The classroom was dark, and the pleated curtains swayed in the wind, infiltrating people like a strange phantom.

Luo Bin took out his wand and lit the lamp. The four of them waited for a few minutes before the wooden door creaked and Lu Ping walked in carrying a large cargo box.


The large cargo box was placed heavily on the podium.

"What's in the box?" Harry asked.

"An ideal substitute for a Dementor - a Boggart! I searched for several days before I found a Boggart in Argus Filch's filing cabinet."

"Why don't you use the one in the tulip closet?" Luo Bin asked confused.

"That's right. I think this matter should not be known to outsiders. There is a monster in the lounge that loves to scare people. It can be easily discovered by others."

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