Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 237 Patron Saint, practicing like crazy

"What is a Patronus?" Hermione asked curiously.

"The Patronus is a force, full of hope, joy, and desire to survive. It is the embodiment of those things that Dementors rely on for survival."

"However, the Patron Saint has no negative emotions and cannot feel pain, sadness, and despair like a real person. Dementors cannot do anything about it."

"It will act like a shield, protecting wizards from the influence of dementors and also driving away dementors."

Harry recalled the last time he played against Hufflepuff, and the little white dog he saw guessed: "Professor, everyone's patron saint looks different, right?"

"Yes, that's right!"

“Some people’s patron saint is a deer, some a dog, some a wild boar.”

"The external manifestation of the patron saint has a lot to do with the wizard's personality and personal experience."

"Moreover, the image of the patron saint is not static. It can become larger or smaller, or it can change from a 'wild boar' to a 'guinea pig'."

"Professor, what does your patron saint look like?"

Luo Bin asked.

Lupine smiled a friendly smile, waved his wand, and read clearly: "Calling God to Guard!"

Suddenly, a large beam of silver-white light shot out from the top of Lupine's wand.

Then, a huge, strong, silver-white wolf jumped out of the light.

The white wolf flew around several people. When Robin reached out to grab the wolf's tail, the scene of a werewolf, a black dog, a stag, and a mouse running at night on the grass of the Hogwarts hunting ground flashed in his mind.

After the white wolf disappeared, Lupine said: "Come, let's rehearse first."

"Concentrate on recalling a certain memory that makes you feel particularly happy. Draw a circle with your wrist counterclockwise and say 'Calling God to Guard'. Remember, the voice should be loud and the words should be pronounced clearly."

"Here, try it without a wand!"

"Holy guard!" The four waved and shouted.

"Very good. Make your voice stronger, Ron, and make the circle smaller. Come on, try again."

"Calling God to Guard!"

The loud shouts resounded throughout the classroom.

"Excellent! Come on, raise your wand and give it a try!"

The four waved their wands and obeyed.

From Luo Bin's magic wand, a puppy as big as a shoe appeared with a silver-white halo.

Harry and Hermione, a cloud of silvery white gas came out of the tip of their wands.

Ron's wand, but there was no reaction at all.

The puppy flew onto Luo Bin's shoulder, exhaling white air.

Harry and Hermione, excitedly chasing the white light.

Ron stared at the wand in dismay.

Lupine put his hand on Ron's shoulder, "Don't be discouraged. A temporary failure is nothing. You need to change to a more powerful memory."

"Harry, are you ready to face the Boggart? Only you among us can turn it into a 'dementor'."

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Ready!"

Lu Ping walked onto the podium, waved his magic wand, and the tables and chairs under the stage automatically flew to the wall and were stacked.

Harry slowly moved to the podium, his green eyes staring closely at the large cargo box through the lenses.

"Wand ready!"


Lupine unlocked the box.


After Lupine finished speaking, he lifted the lid of the box, and a dementor wearing a pocket slowly emerged from the box.

Then, a pair of coldly glowing, scabies-covered hands grasped the edge of the box frame.


The lights in the classroom suddenly went out.

Through the faint moonlight, Luo Bin saw the Dementor getting out of the cargo box, its black cloth-like cloak fluttering in the wind.

There was still a grunting sound coming from the hood, and it leaned forward and flew towards Harry.

Harry's face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Before he could shout out the spell, he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Calling God to Guard!"

Three incantations sounded in the classroom.

Ron's wand still didn't respond.

Hermione's wand shot out a silver-white air ball as big as a basketball. The air ball flew three meters and disappeared into white mist.

From Luo Bin's wand, a silver-white puppy sprang out. It flew towards the 'Dementor' but did not cause any harm to it.

Lupine rushed off the podium, and with a crisp sound, the 'dementor' turned into a 'full moon'.


The 'full moon' turned into a rapidly deflating balloon, flew around the classroom, and jumped back into the cargo box.


Lupine closed the lid of the box, then took out a plate of chocolates and handed it to Harry, who was sitting on the ground and breathing heavily.

"Eat some, it will make you feel better."

Harry chewed half of the chocolate before his dizziness, fatigue, and heart palpitations gradually subsided.

"I'm sorry I let you down."

"Harry, there are not many people who can successfully cast a spell in one go. You are already doing very well if you do this."

"Emm, just out of curiosity, which memory did you choose when you cast the spell just now?"

"It was my first time to take flying lessons and fly in the sky on a broomstick."

Harry said after he stood up unsteadily.

"One bright afternoon, I was sitting in the attic studying, and an owl flew in and threw me my Hogwarts acceptance letter."

"When I came back from Egypt, my mother bought me a new wand in Diagon Alley."

Lu Ping shook his head, "This is not enough, it's still far from enough. What about you, Luo Bin, which paragraph did you choose?"

"A sumptuous dinner." Luo Bin replied calmly.


Lupine smiled thoughtfully, deciding that the other person was not telling the truth.

This is an injustice. Luo Bin didn't lie.

He chose the memory of New Year's Eve, the year before the old dean died, a crowd of people crowded in the cafeteria, making dumplings that were cooked and eaten.


Lupine clapped his hands, turning everyone's attention to him.

"Remember, to successfully summon the Patronus, you need a happy and powerful memory!"

"Come, close your eyes, concentrate, recall the past, search and search, find the memory that makes you happiest, let yourself be immersed in it, and then say the incantation: Call the God Guard!"

Luo Bin searched his mind, and one picture after another flashed through his mind.

For example, First Encounter with Little Scratch, Happy New Year's Eve, Secret of the Totem, Holding the Genie, Soaring in the Sky, etc.

In the end, the picture settled on the most unforgettable moment for him, and he thought that 'happiness' should be defined by himself.

"Have you chosen?"

"The choice is made!"

The four of them answered at the same time.

"Very good! Harry, come on, walk over to the cargo box."

Harry raised his wand and strode to the podium.


As soon as Lu Ping opened the lid of the box, the room temperature dropped by 10°C.

The next second, a larger and more ferocious Dementor jumped out of the box. It hissed and whirred as it rushed towards Harry.

"Calling God to Guard!" Four chants of mantras sounded in the classroom.

Ron's wand emitted a ball of silver-white gas as big as a ping pong ball.

Harry's wand shoots a 'trumpet' shaped light, and Hermione does the same, but the beam she shoots is a little smaller than Harry's.

Luo Bin's magic wand sprang out a puppy glowing with white light. If he looked carefully, he found that the white dog was a little bigger than before.

Lupine propped his elbows on the desk and laughed happily.

After the white gas, beams, and puppies disappeared, Harry faced the dementors and shouted: "Funny!"

With a crisp sound, the 'Dementor' turned into 'Cousin Dudley'.

A four-layer cake was blown towards his face, causing him to stumble back several steps.

Amidst bursts of laughter, Dudley got into the cargo box with his fat body trembling.

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