Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 238 Mixed good and bad, the game is coming

Lupine put the box on the box and took out four pieces of chocolate. "Here, one piece for each person. Tell me which memory you chose?"

The four of them took the chocolate and shared which section they had chosen while chewing it.

"The year before last, after Quirrell died and Voldemort escaped, I was in the school hospital and received an apology from Hagrid - a collection of photos of my parents. In the photos, the corners of their mouths were all raised. I was very happy when I looked at them."

"On the day of my first-year report, I got on the 5972 train. Through the train window, I saw most of England and Scotland. I stepped into the castle, saw many fantastic magical phenomena, and was assigned to the coveted Gryffindor. Academy.”

"When I was 11 years old, I received a school gift - Banban. He laughed with me, played with me, and even bit Gao Er who bullied me. He was not only my pet, but also my good friend."

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), Sao Nian, how much I love you now, but how much I dislike you when you see Banban’s true face.

After all, no one can accept the reality of sleeping with a short, fat, bald, pointed-nosed, mung-eyed, dirty uncle every day!

"Robin, what about you, which paragraph did you choose?" Lu Ping asked curiously.

"I chose the day when my most beloved elder passed away."

"I'm sorry, but this isn't pleasant, is it?"

Lupine apologized.

"She lived for a long time without any serious illness, and her body didn't hurt. She passed away in her sleep without suffering any pain. In my hometown, this is called happy mourning."

"I'm sad that she's gone forever, but I'm also happy for her. I'm sure she will live well in another dimension."

Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, then gave a knowing smile, "No wonder, you cast the Patronus Charm successfully for the first time. You have a deeper and more sophisticated perspective on the problem than ordinary people."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked confused.

"For example, if you drink a glass of orange juice, usually people will praise how sweet, creamy and delicious the orange juice is."

"Robin reminds me of orange tree cultivation, fruit care, juice extraction experience, and the taste of juice."

"So, for the same memory of 'drinking orange juice', Luo Bin's will be more powerful and full of emotional value."

"Okay, it's annoying to compare people to each other. Last time I played a game, I summoned the patron saint, and the air I exhaled was not as much as the spout of a teapot filled with hot water."

Ron said wilfully.

"Young man, don't be discouraged. Compared with your peers, you are already very good."

"Back then, I practiced for a month before the wand emitted a little bit of white air. You are much better than me."

Harry wanted to know what his Patronus looked like. He chewed the rest of the chocolate and looked at Lupin expectantly.

"Professor, can you try again? I thought of a more powerful memory."

"I'm afraid not."

"I told you that casting the Patronus Charm takes a lot of energy, and I don't want to have Madam Pomfrey scratch my ears to settle the score."

"Okay, that's it for today. From now on, you will all come to the History of Magic classroom to wait for me every Thursday night. The premise is that without Quidditch training, I will be in better shape."

"All right!"

Several people left the classroom and walked towards the eighth floor.

On the way, Harry and Ron suggested that they could find an empty classroom to practice the Patronus Charm privately in the future, but they were sternly stopped by Robin and Hermione.

Reasons for stopping: Casting advanced spells takes a lot of energy. Don’t wait until the end. If you haven’t mastered the Patronus Charm, you will die first.

Under the attack of the two singing together, they gave up the idea of ​​​​private training, and secretly looked forward to the arrival of next Thursday.

On Saturday night, Wood knocked on the dormitory door to give the trio good news and bad news.

The good news is that Slytherin defeated Ravenclaw in the January match.

If Gryffindor also beats Ravenclaw in the February game, then Gryffindor's ranking will rise to second place.

In April, if they defeat Slytherin, they can win the Quidditch Cup.

The bad news is that Wood failed to return the Firebolt.

He also received a lecture from Professor McGonagall, saying that he cared more about the ownership of the trophy than the life and death of the team members.

Said he was only thinking about the Snitch and didn't care if the Seeker fell off his broom.

Finally, Professor McGonagall suggested that the team buy a Nimbus 2001.

"In the second year, Malfoy took Nimbus and his 2001 everywhere, and I would never buy what he thought was a good thing. I will wait for Professor McGonagall to return the Firebolt."

Harry clenched his fists and said.

Unfortunately, several people waited from January to February, but still did not wait for the Firebolt to return.

Even after every Transfiguration class, Harry would walk up to the podium and ask for it from Professor McGonagall.

The full Quidditch training schedule and heavy academic work could not stop a few people's enthusiasm for the Patronus Charm.

However, except for Luo Bin, the training of the other three people was not as smooth as expected.

After several training sessions, Ron's wand was able to emit a weak beam of light.

Harry and Hermione can summon vague, silvery figures.

However, the summoned patron saint was too weak, so weak that it was difficult to see what kind of animal it was, and so weak that it looked like a mist suspended in the air.

Luo Bin's little Scratch has changed from a 'little shoe' to a 'washbasin'. He can also flick his tail, press his head into people's palms, and interact with a few people.

After the fourth training session, several people sat beside the lecture steps to rest.

Robin was chewing a hamburger, Hermione was chewing toffee, Ron was playing with pictures, and Harry was burying his face in his knees, feeling sad and blaming himself.

"Harry, for a third-year student, summoning the vague Patronus is already an amazing achievement." Lupine said with relief.

"I thought I could summon the Guardian Spirit of Clarity like Luo Bin did."

"Harry, everyone's talents are different. You have to compare yourself with your previous self. I can see your progress in the past month."

"Fred's eyes are healed. Robin is a substitute and he won't play. What if the dementors come to cause trouble again in this Saturday's game?"

"Harry, the beams and blurry shadows you conjured already have shielding power. If the dementors really come, you have the ability to temporarily restrain them, and then fly to the faculty stand on your broom."

"Can't you drive away the Dementors and make them disappear?"

"Robin can do this, but only with 1-3 Dementors."

"Only a great wizard with powerful magic and a strong sense of faith can drive away a group of dementors. I think only Dumbledore can do it in this castle."

"I heard that this Saturday is Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. I wish you can catch the Golden Snitch and win the game."

Harry lowered his eyes. The Firebolt hadn't been returned yet, and the Nimbus 2000 that Wood had borrowed from someone wasn't getting along well with him.

"Professor, what does the dementor look like inside the hood?" Luo Bin asked curiously.

"I am not sure as well."

"Those who have seen the appearance of Dementors have become very poor and unable to tell others what they saw."

"The Dementor taking off his hood means that he will use his last and most vicious weapon."

"What weapon?" Hermione asked.

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