Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 239: Poor Peter, framed a cat

"Dementor's Kiss!"

“It is rumored that when the Dementor uses this move, he will take off his hood, press his chin on the victim’s mouth, and then violently suck away his soul, turning the person into a shell without consciousness, memory, and hope. "

"This is the fate that awaits Sirius Black."

"The Ministry of Magic has issued an order to immediately carry out the 'Dementor's Kiss' once he is found. This is what he deserves."

The more Lu Ping talked, the angrier he became, and finally, he punched the stone steps hard.

Robin: ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭, no, Sirius is good, he should suck away Peter’s soul and let him live as a mouse forever.

"Okay, that's it for today, go back!"

Lupine stood up, locked the cargo box, and the four of them put away their wands and left the classroom.

When the four of them walked to the turning platform on the fifth floor, they met Professor McGonagall coming downstairs.

She wears a hairband on her head, an indigo dress and pajamas, and holds a Firebolt in her right hand?

"Teach Professor"

"Potter, you have a very good and wealthy friend somewhere."

"Flitwick and Hooch, tried everything they could think of to make sure there's nothing wrong with it. I just went to the lounge to find you, and Seamus said you were out."

"Here, here."

Harry took the Firebolt and stroked the ash handle excitedly.

Luo Bin took a closer look. It was smooth and shiny, with smooth arcs and tightly bundled twigs. It was as beautiful as two months ago.

"Potter, you don't have much time left. Take it to the court tomorrow and get a good feel for it. On Saturday, you two have a good competition and you must not lose to Ravenclaw."

Yes, Saturday's game is important.

If you lose, you will miss the Quidditch trophy.

If you win, your ranking will be promoted to second place.

"Professor, I will!" Harry said.

After that, the four of them continued to climb up to the eighth floor. When they turned into the corridor leading to the portrait, they saw Neville begging Sir Cadogan.

"I wrote down the password, but I can't find it," Neville said with tears in his eyes.

"Little liar, you made it up quite a bit!"

After Cadogan roared, his expression became excited when he saw the four people walking towards him.

"You're here just in time. Excellent cavalry, catch this little liar quickly, put him in shackles, put him in solitary confinement, and punish him with no food for ten days."

"On Monday morning, I asked him for all the passwords I was going to use this week because they kept changing and I wasn't smart enough to remember them."

"But, I can't find my password book."

Ron smiled slyly and said in a teasing tone: "Just use a waterproof pen and write the password on your arm. There's no way you'll lose your arm."


Tears slipped out of the round corners of his eyes and fell to the ground.

Luo Bin walked to the portrait, "Strange body and strange skin."


Reluctantly, Cadogan moved forward, revealing a spacious hole. When Neville followed a few people and climbed in, he even cursed 'little liar'.

In the lounge, Seamus was sitting facing the entrance of the cave. When he saw the shining Firebolt in Harry's hand, he gasped in shock and blew the note off his face.

"Fire Bolt!"

A stone stirs up thousands of waves.

Everyone put down their toys, books, pens, etc., leaned out of the back of the sofa, and turned their faces to the portrait hole.

Surprise, envy, admiration, disbelief, etc., all shone in their eyes.

Then, led by Lee Jordan, everyone surrounded Luo Bin and the others, praising the Firebolt.

"Beautiful, as beautiful as the pictures on the wall."

"It's so expensive. I heard it's worth several houses."

"The branches are well-proportioned, so delicate."

"Comet 206 is not on the same level as Firebolt. In the match the day after tomorrow, Gryffindor will definitely win."

"Can I touch it?"

"Okay, but be careful."

After that, you stroked the registration number, I stroked the broom, he stroked the broom stick, and the firebolts were passed around in the crowd.

Fifteen minutes later, the Firebolt was sent back. Harry checked it carefully and found that it was not damaged at all, but it was dirty.

"I need to"

"I'll get it, I know where your broom care box is!"

Ron excitedly rushed through the door of the boys' dormitory.


The crowd screamed, Crookshanks, stepping on people's heads, rushed to the portrait hole.

Hermione raised her hands towards it, but it flew past its owner and smashed into Robin's arms.

"Oh, I care about what it eats and what it drinks, but it gets closer to you!"

Hermione pretended to be sad.

Fortunately, everyone was very excited to see the Firebolt. Otherwise, Crookshanks' hind legs would have definitely attracted a lot of looks.


Crookshanks scratched his neck and retched.

Hermione's eyes were worried, and Robin gently stroked its back. After a while, Crookshanks stopped retching and lay wilted in Robin's arms.

The usually 'ferocious' persimmon face now looked aggrieved and sad.

"You have to take it to see Madam Pomfrey quickly!" Hermione said anxiously.

"But she's not a veterinarian!"

"She can see, isn't she the one who cured Mrs. Norris's hirsutism?"

"Okay, I'll go down with you."


Before the two of them turned around, a harsh and choking scream suddenly came from the door of the boys' dormitory.

The noisy lounge suddenly became quiet.

Ta da~

The sound was urgent and getting louder. Someone was walking downstairs quickly from the door.

Bang ~

The door was pushed open forcefully.

Ron dragged a bed sheet, angrily pushed through the crowd, and walked up to Robin and Hermione.

He shook off the sheets, pointed at a drop of wet blood on it, and roared: "Scabbers, look at the blood. Hermione, Scabbers is dead. What do you think I found under the bed?"

"No I don't want to guess!"

Hermione covered Crookshanks' face with her hands and said in a trembling voice.

Ron reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handful of ginger cat hair. "Hermione, your cat ate my Scabbers. You never took it seriously. Crookshanks treated Scabbers as prey." What's wrong is that I didn't keep a close eye on it to prevent it from running around."

The crowd murmured among themselves, secretly accusing Hermione.

Hermione raised her chin and retorted: "Dumbledore said that as long as you are not proven guilty, you are innocent."

"Perhaps, that tuft of hair was left over from Christmas Day. Admit it, ever since Crookshanks stepped on your head in the Magical Beasts Shop, you have been prejudiced against it."


Crookshanks flexed his neck several times and spat out a slimy ball of gray fur on the ground.

Hermione's face suddenly turned ugly, as if she was about to cry.

Crookshanks licked his lips and rested his chin on Robin's forearm again, his expression seemed to be less uncomfortable than before.

"Banban, my Banban only has a ball of hair left."

Ron said with tears in his eyes, Harry stood next to him, whispering comfort.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), Little Peter Star is so shameless. More than ten years ago, he framed Sirius, and now, he framed a cat! ! !

"Ron, me"

Robin raised his hand and cut off Hermione's words, "I believe Crookshanks didn't eat Scabbers."

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