Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 241 Beauty misleads people, Gala Party

Here, Gryffindor scored frequently, opening up the score with Ravenclaw.

On the other side, Harry and Qiu Zhang were in a stalemate.

Cho Chang clung to Harry and frequently passed him, forcing him to change his flight path.

Suddenly, Harry accelerated and dived downwards.

Robin Bar's telescope tilted downwards and he saw the Golden Snitch, suspended next to the low fence beside the stadium.

With the hardware configuration of the Firebolt, Qiu Zhang's Comet 206, it was impossible to catch up with Harry. If nothing else happened, the competition would be fine, but an accident occurred.

A flying Bludger rushed towards Harry.

After Harry dodged, he found that the Golden Snitch was missing.

The Ravenclaw beater not far away showed a satisfied and proud smile.

In the stands, the Gryffindor audience booed, while the Ravenclaw audience applauded and cheered.

Bang ~

George knocked the Bludger away, and the black ball whizzed toward the batter, sending him somersaulting in the air.

This blow knocked out Ravenclaw's explosive power.

In the next twenty minutes, Ravenclaw scored four goals in a row, greatly narrowing the score gap between the two teams.

In such weather, with the blessing of Firebolt, it would be too embarrassing to lose to the opponent.

Wood flew next to Harry, opening and closing his mouth as if talking about combat strategies. After a while, he flew back to the ring.

Harry lowered his height, raised his head and looked around the court. Finally, his eyes fell on Wood.

Robin moved the telescope and saw the Golden Snitch, circling beside Gryffindor Circle.

Harry rushed towards the ring, but Cho Chang stopped him again.

The gentle smile made him lose his mind and lose sight of the snitch.

Tsk, beauty is misleading!

Qiu Zhang once again stuck to Harry. Harry went up, and she flew up. Harry rushed down, and she accelerated downward. Harry turned sharply, and 'down' became 'up'. Affected by inertia, she continued to rush downward.

Harry saw the Snitch again, gleaming three meters below Davis, and turned around, intending to speed toward his target.

"Ah! Dementors!"

Qiu Zhang shouted in surprise and pointed at the field with his finger.

There were three Dementors standing there, with rags flying around. They seemed to want to rush up to the sky and suck in the beautiful energy.

Harry pulled out his wand from the collar of his jersey and said, "Call the Guardians!"

A ball of silver-white stuff appeared from the tip of the wand and rushed towards the dementors.

Luo Bin looked through the telescope and saw the Dementor falling to the ground.

A thin, pale hand stretched out a rag-striped robe, with a mountain-like Crabbe pressed on top of the robe.

The cloak flapped and Flint rolled onto the grass. He curled up and clutched his crotch with his hands.

Make trouble on the court and wait to be criticized!


When the whistle sounded, Robin turned the telescope and saw Harry's hand holding the wand and holding a golden ball as big as a walnut.

The whole place was in an uproar, and cheers resounded throughout the stadium.

Cho Chang smiled brightly at Harry and flew back to Davis.

Harry, Wood and others flew around the field for several times before falling back to the ground.

"Harry, the Patronus you just summoned looks a lot like the same thing!"

Luo Bin stepped forward and expressed appreciation.

Harry's face was red and excited, "Well, I didn't feel anything when I saw the dementors this time. They didn't affect me at all."

Luo Bin raised his chin diagonally across the court, "Of course it won't affect it. Well, those three dementors are being trained."

Everyone turned their faces to the opposite side and saw Flint, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle sitting on their loose black robes.

Professor McGonagall stood aside, looking very angry, and shouted at the four people for daring to use despicable means to interfere with the game.

Snape, who was beside her, had a cold face and said nothing, as if he felt embarrassed.

"They really don't have any shame. Professor McGonagall will punish them severely. Let's go, change clothes, and then join the party. I have prepared a lot of food."

Wood grinned almost to the back of his ears, as if he had already won the Quidditch cup. Everyone walked into the locker room, changed clothes, and was urged by him to go back to the castle for a party.

That night, everyone enjoyed the show while eating.

Fred and George performed a double act, and Parvati dressed up in costume and performed a folk dance. Her trembling waist made Dean's cheeks turn red.

Lavender and Ron danced a waltz, and when they danced up, they even had a passionate kiss.

Seamus, Dean, and Lee Jordan crawled into witch robes and imitated Malfoy's embarrassment.

Crookshanks grabbed Hermione's robe and ordered a lot of braised chicken legs.

Amidst bursts of laughter, Hermione graciously forgave Ron, although Ron still insisted that he was not wrong.

The party lasted all afternoon and lasted until late at night. Everyone's eyes were bright and they were not sleepy at all.

At one o'clock in the morning, the portrait creaked several times and opened the entrance to the lounge.

Professor McGonagall, wearing a hairnet and pajamas, looked at the messy lounge with an unhappy expression. Peeves stuck out his tongue and floated around behind her.

"Everyone, go back to your dormitory and go to bed immediately."

Everyone rushed into the dormitory door like a swarm of swarms.

Luo Bin dragged his lead-heavy thighs to the single bed by the window, untied the curtains, and fell asleep.

Late at night, while drifting off to sleep, he felt his left arm was numb and tender, so he turned over and continued sleeping with his back to the window.


A cool breeze blew up the curtains and blew out the door!

Luo Bin's eyelashes trembled slightly, no longer feeling sleepy.

Ta da~

Someone walked into the house, and their footsteps stopped in front of another single bed by the window.


The curtain was lifted.

After a long time, the curtain was lowered and a sigh was heard.

Ta da~

This time, the footsteps stopped at Luo Bin's bedside.

Luo Bin closed his eyes, slowed down his breathing, and pretended to be sleeping soundly, but through the curtains, he could still feel the sound of footsteps. The owner's eyes were sharp.

Ta da~

The footsteps approached the corner and stopped at the head of Ron's bed. Robin opened his eyes a crack and looked to the opposite side through the gap in the curtain.

The intruder was so thin that his shoulder blades protruded outwards. His clothes were shabby and his curly hair was dirty and oily. You could still smell the sewer smell on him from three or four meters away.


The man opened the curtain and raised the dagger with a cold light.


Banban sensed the danger, got out of bed, and ran away quickly.


The man jumped on the bed and stabbed with a dagger.


The dagger pierced a wooden pillar and 1/4 of the curtain, and fell onto the bed with a crash. Ron, who was woken up, looked at the man for a century.


Ron let out a high-pitched scream.


Banban jumped out of bed and ran out of the dormitory door. The man, holding a dagger, chased him out of bed.

Bang ~

The door was closed.

Luo Bin: →_→, just close the door, you are quite polite.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked mumbled after being woken up.

Luo Bin opened the curtain, got out of bed and lit the lamp.


Ron rolled to the ground and said with a horrified expression: "Blake, he jumped on my bed and raised the knife to kill me."

"Are you having a nightmare?" Harry asked suspiciously.


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