Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 242 Blake, breaking into the boys dormitory at night

Ron stood up shakily, opened the curtain, pointed to the footprints on the quilt and said: "Look, the footprints, I don't have such big shoes. And look at the curtain, the wooden pillars have been cut off, and my feet are stained." Where’s Banban?”

Ron lifted the quilt, lay down under the bed, opened the drawer, and rummaged through a large drawer, but still couldn't find his mouse.

"Scabbers is scared away and Crookshanks will eat him."

"Ron, don't forget, you have already wronged Crookshanks once." Luo Bin reminded.

Bang ~

Percy, who was wearing plaid pajamas, walked in sleepily, "Yelling like crazy in the middle of the night and not letting anyone sleep? If you make more noise, each person will be deducted 5 points from the academy."

"Percy, Sirius Black, comes in with a knife and wants to kill someone."

After hearing this, Percy's head suddenly sobered up, and then he saw the collapsed curtains in the corner and the chopped wooden pillars.

"Robin, you call people to gather downstairs, I'll go find Professor McGonagall."


Five minutes later, the lounge was full of people, and everyone was chattering about whether Ron was sleepwalking and cut down the curtains, or whether Black had really sneaked into the dormitory.

After a while, Professor McGonagall walked into the lounge and said, "Weasley, are you too tired to sleepwalk? There is no way Black can pass through the portrait hole."

Ron shook his head, "Professor, I'm not sleepwalking."

"I was sleeping at the time, and I felt the bed shaking in my daze. Then, I was woken up by the sound of wooden posts breaking and curtains falling. I opened my eyes and saw Blake."

"He was as thin as a mummy, but his eyes were gloomy and fierce. He was holding a big long knife."

"I yelled, and he ran away. My Banban was also missing, and the rest room was not found."

Professor McGonagall looked at Ron suspiciously, turned around, pushed away the portrait, and walked to the corridor on the eighth floor.

"Sir Cadogan, did you just let a tall, lanky man into the common room?"

Cadogan resisted the long sword and said loudly: "Yes, madam!"

There was an uproar in the lounge, and Mag also gasped in shock, "Did you really do this?"

"Of course, ma'am!"

"But what about the password?"


Cadogan put down his sword and said proudly: "Madam, he has passwords. He held a small notebook and read out all the passwords that will be used this week."

"I see!"

Professor McGonagall sighed deeply and went back to the lounge. She stared intently and asked, "Who is it? What kind of idiot is it that writes down entry orders for a week in a notebook and then throws it away?"

The lounge was extremely silent. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and no one dared to say a word.

At the end, a slight sob came from the crowd.

Then, Neville, who was shaking non-stop, slowly raised his hand.

McGonagall took a deep breath and seemed not surprised that Neville had leaked the password. "Percy, organize the students to go down to the auditorium on the first floor. I'll go find Sir and Flitwick."

That night, all the students in the school once again laid the floor in the auditorium.

The professors searched the castle overnight, and the prefects and ghosts were responsible for guarding the auditorium.

The four of them were lying in sleeping bags in the corner, and Ron kept begging Hermione to put Crookshanks in a cage before retrieving Scabbers.

Hermione refused, and Ron kept mumbling. Finally, Robin waved his wand and cast a silencing charm on him.

At dawn, several doors of the auditorium creaked open, and Professor McGonagall told everyone: Sirius had escaped again.

After that, Hogwarts was under martial law.

Cadogan, who had neglected his duties, was sent back to his old place. Professor McGonagall visited the thatched cottage and invited the Fat Lady back. At her request, five mountain trolls were placed in the corridor on the eighth floor to ensure the safety of the portrait.

Every time Luo Bin covered his nose (the troll was very smelly) and passed by the corridor on the eighth floor, he could feel the floor tiles under his feet, vibrating as the troll walked, and he couldn't help but wonder if the floor would collapse over time.

However, this idea did not stay in his mind for too long.

After all, magic castle cannot be speculated based on common sense.

Guards were also arranged at every entrance and exit of the castle.

When Robin and the others went to school for extracurricular classes, they often saw Professor Flitwick holding up a large photo of Sirius, teaching the guards how to identify the 'madman'.

Filch often carried a bucket of quick-drying stone mortar and a basket of stone bricks, running up and down the corridors of the castle, blocking every gap he could see, even the mouse holes in the corners.

Ron complained quite a bit about this behavior. He thought that Scabbers was probably hiding in a cave.

So, he didn't dare to confront Filch head-on, so he would quietly open the mouse hole and sprinkle some bread crumbs, whole grains, etc. into it.

Neville, who lost his password, was severely punished.

He was fined 50 house points, ordered to clean the boys' bathhouse for a week, his rights to visit Hogsmeade were forfeited, and no one was allowed to tell him the password to enter the Gryffindor common room.

Poor Neville would stick to the portrait of the Fat Lady every day, enduring the ridicule of the trolls, looking longingly at the stairs in the distance, hoping that a classmate would come up and take him in.

Regarding 'Black breaking into the dormitory at night', Hermione had a big doubt in her heart.

After Blake broke into the dormitory, why did he jump on Ron's bed with a long knife?

"Wrong bed?" Ron replied.

"If I make a mistake, why don't I kill you and go find Harry?"

"What happened twelve years ago has proven that Sirius doesn't care about the life or death of innocent people. Killing a boy without a wand is not a difficult task for him!"

Ron was angry, "You're still not satisfied with Banban being lost, and you still want me to die?"

The topic ended here. Two days later, while several people were having breakfast, a huge barn owl flew into the auditorium and threw a big red envelope to Neville.

Neville threw away his knife and fork, grabbed the envelope, and rushed out of the auditorium like an arrow.


In the foyer, there was a heavy falling sound.

Then, Grandma Neville's roar, amplified dozens of times, floated into the auditorium, causing everyone to burst into laughter.


A big hair ball crashed into Luo Bin's arms. The hair ball pupated a few times and stretched out a paw, with a roll of envelopes tied to its ankle.

"Letter from Hagrid!"

Luo Bin tore open the envelope and took out the letter inside. The three of them came over to read the contents of the letter together.

Dear Harry, Robin, Hermione and Ron:

At six o'clock this afternoon, can you have a cup of tea with me and talk?

You wait for me in the foyer and I will pick you up. According to the new regulations, students cannot leave the castle without permission at night.

"He might be curious about what exactly happened on Saturday night!" Ron speculated.


Luo Bin looked up and saw the big fat man pushing off the bun on the burger with his beak and pecking at the charcoal-grilled chicken steak in the burger.

"If you get fatter, I'll crush your wife to death."

Luo Bin patted its tail feathers and said.

The big fat head rotated 270 degrees, rolled his eyes downwards, and flew away with wings before getting beaten.

Breakfast was ruined and they couldn't eat it, so they packed up their things and hurried to class.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Hagrid led them through the grounds and into the cabin.

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