Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 243 Noble’s embarrassing photo, appeasing the half-giant

The lobster + snail + octopus combination monster has been sent away by Hagrid. In the cleared place, there is an old wardrobe. On the door, an oversized brown coat and a yellow-orange striped tie hang.

"Hagrid, are you leaving? Are you familiar with the defense points I listed for you?" Luo Bin asked.

A hint of guilt flashed through Hagrid's eyes, "I know it by heart. These days, apart from attending classes and taking care of animals in the hunting grounds, I have been memorizing it the rest of the time. I finally got it down."

"The court will be held next Friday, and I booked two Knight Bus tickets to London. I'm so panicked. What will happen if I lose the case!"

"If you lose, you can still appeal. If you lose again, break the chain holding Buckbeak and let him leave." Luo Bin comforted.

"Where can it go?"

Hagrid grabbed a corner of the tablecloth and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Go to the small island in Cornwall, where my uncle's research base is, and they should be happy to adopt a hippogriff."

"Oh, by the way, a few days ago, the base sent some photos of Noble, No, here they are."

Last summer, before setting off for the Big Peak, Noble became obsessed with taking pictures. On the way to Hogsmeade and the Co River Valley, Robin pressed the shutter button frequently.

Hagrid wiped his hands clean before taking the photo album, and carefully opened the cover with his thick fingers.

At dusk, the little black dragon stood on the edge of the cliff, spitting fire into the sky, and the sparks reflected its eyes, shining brightly.

Hagrid sniffed and slowly turned back the page.

In the second picture, the little black dragon is running on the grass with its legs spread wide, holding a gray hare in its paws, and its orange eyes are shining with excitement.

In the third picture, the little black dragon is standing against the stone wall, with its head drooped and tears in its eyes. It is extremely wronged, but its tongue is licking the chocolate bar at the corner of its mouth. Obviously, it has not admitted its mistake in its heart.

In the fourth picture, the little black dragon sticks his butt with his back to a big pine tree, with a cunning expression and a wicked smile in his eyes. He is definitely up to no good.

The fifth picture, little black dragon

Hagrid's eyes became red and swollen after reading a photo album, but he was so happy that his lips almost reached behind his ears.

"Norbert has grown taller and his tail is longer. The flames he spurts out are taller than the hut. The research base in Cornwall has raised him well. I'm so happy."

"Luo Bin, can you keep this photo album with me for a while? I'll make a copy and return it to you."

Robin shook his head, and Hagrid was disappointed.

Hagrid reluctantly handed over the photo album, but Luo Bin did not reach out to take it.


"No need to pay it back. This was originally a gift for you. I want you to understand that Buckbeak has no escape route. At worst, cut off the chain and hide it in the village. When the news is over, I will send him to the Cornwall base. .”

Hagrid turned from sadness to joy and hugged Luo Bin excitedly, "Thank you, I don't feel nervous at all."

In the remaining time, Hagrid memorized the defense materials, from Malfoy's injury, to emergency measures, to the International Code of Protection of Magical Creatures

The pressure suddenly decreased, and Hagrid no longer stuttered when reciting his defense. Around nine o'clock, Hagrid put on his moleskin coat and sent several people back to the castle.

When the four of them got into the portrait hole, they found a new notice posted on the bulletin board next to the hole.

Next weekend, students can take a carriage ride to Hogsmeade Village.

"Harry, Robin, are you two planning to go?" Ron asked softly.

"I have observed before that the hunchback witch's passage on the fourth floor was not sealed with stone mud by Filch." Harry replied softly.

"What's crazy? Just after Black broke into the dormitory at night, you still want to sneak into the village?" Hermione exclaimed.

"Harry puts on the invisibility cloak so that Black can't find him. Harry, Robin, why don't we go together next weekend? I'll wait for you at Honeydukes."

Robin caught a glimpse of Pepper's eyes filled with anger, so he shook his head at Ron. Harry hesitated and said he wanted to think about it.

Unexpectedly, Harry thought about it for a week and still didn't give a clear answer.

On Friday night, Harry sat on the bed, holding the Marauder's Map, thinking about whether he should go to the village through the secret passage tomorrow morning.

Suddenly, he saw a small dot marked Peter Pettigrew moving against the stone wall in the corridor on the third floor of the map.

He recalled the message he overheard at the Three Broomsticks the day before the Christmas break and jumped out of bed.

In the dormitory, Ron's snoring was louder than a motorcycle, and Harry gave up on waking him up.

"Robin, are you asleep?"

"Not yet!" Luo Bin replied, closing "Thousands of Minerals".

Harry opened the curtain and shook the map in his hand, "Do you think the dead people will be shown on it?"


Harry unfolded the map and pointed at a small moving dot, "Look, here, the Peter Pettigrew who was killed by Sirius actually appears on the map."

Luo Bin stared at the map, then looked at his pocket watch, "There's still a while before the curfew, let's go down and take a look."


Afterwards, the two left the dormitory, got out of the portrait hole, and went down to the corridor on the third floor.

The corridor was extremely dark and he couldn't see anything clearly. As soon as Luo Bin took out a big night pearl, he was criticized by the portrait on the wall.

"Turn out the lights, we're taking a break, it's too bright!"

Well, I finally figured out why the corridor was dark outside of curfew hours.

Luo Bin put away the night pearl and took out another one as big as a walnut. The two of them walked deeper into the corridor with the fluorescent light on.

When they turned a corner, Harry tugged on Robin's sleeve and motioned him to look at the map.

On the map, the two of them and Peter Pettigrew were in a long corridor, and they were both moving towards each other. In the middle of the long corridor, there was a corridor that turned right.

Suddenly, Peter sped up, and after the two looked at each other, they hurried forward.

Then, a bizarre scene appeared. On the map, three dots met at the 'T' intersection. In fact, the two did not see half of Peter's hair.

On the map, the small dot representing Peter turned into the corridor on the right. When Robin wanted to turn right to catch up, Harry grabbed his arm.

"What's wrong?" Luo Bin asked confused.


Luo Bin turned his head and saw a dark shadow in the distance, striding towards this side. The edge of his robe was fluttering wildly. There was no doubt that it was Old Bat.

"The prank is over!"

The ink lines quickly disappeared in response to the spell, and Harry rolled up the map and stuffed it into his pocket.

Ta da~

Snape walked up to the two of them and asked with a cold face: "Potter, Lestrange, why are you wandering in the corridor so late?"

"Sleepwalking!" Harry said nervously.

"Professor, it's not curfew time yet." Luo Bin said.

Snape glared at Robin, and then returned his gaze to Harry, "Potter, you are so much like your father. He is also disobedient to discipline. He is also arrogant, despicable, and reckless. With his little talent on the court, He thinks he is one step ahead of others, leading his gangsters and strutting around in the castle arrogantly, day and night."

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), you are a friend of a fox and a dog, who are you making fun of?

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