Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 244 Wormtail and Moony Face guessed the fake death

"My dad is not arrogant, and neither am I." Harry clenched his fists and suppressed his anger.

"You are wrong. Your father has never paid much attention to regulations. He believes that regulations are for villains. He is the Quidditch champion. He has privileges and his head is so swollen."

"Shut up!"

Harry was angry, even more angry than at the Privet Drive dinner when Aunt Marge mocked James for being useless and Lily being a bitch.

"Don't talk about my father like that! Dumbledore told me that my father saved your life. Is this how you repay the kindness of saving your life?"

Snape's face suddenly turned pale, and then his upper lip curled up, and his eyes flashed with malice, "Potter, sir, did you tell you under what circumstances your father saved me?" Life?"

"I guess he didn't. He didn't want to destroy the great image of his father in his son's mind."

"However, I don't have such concerns. That incident was not some fearless heroic feat, but a weakness at the last moment."

"Back then, your father and his friends played a joke on me."

"If the joke had succeeded, I would have died there, and he and his friends would have been expelled from school. At the last moment, your father got cold feet and stopped the joke."

"Potter, this is the complete truth."

Harry was flustered. On the one hand, he thought his father would not do such a thing. On the other hand, he thought this was why Snape hated him.

"Take out the things in your pockets!" Snape said coldly.

Harry stood still.

"Take it out quickly, or I'll take you two to see sir."

Harry reluctantly took out the Marauder's Map.

"What's this?"

"Blank parchment!" Robin replied.

Snape took away the parchment and after unfolding it, he found that it was indeed blank, "Ha! You two probably don't need this piece of old scrap paper, right? Then it should be fine if I tear it off, right?"

"don't want!"

Harry immediately shouted loudly, and Robin immediately took action and snatched the map back.

"You're trapped!" Snape sneered, took out his wand, put the tip of the wand against the map, and said coldly: "Show your secret!"

The map didn't respond at all, so he tapped it hard again and said: "Reveal your true form!"

The paper was still blank. Snape narrowed his eyes and said angrily: "Severus Snape, the Head of Slytherin House, orders you to reveal your hidden secrets."

In an instant, a large puddle of ink appeared where the wand was lit. The ink print split into countless thin ink lines, squirming on the paper and turning into a large paragraph of text.

"Read it!" Snape sneered.

"Professor, are you sure you want me to read it?"

“Don’t haggle, hurry up!”

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), you asked me to read it, don’t regret it after listening to it!


Luo Bin cleared his throat and read the contents on the parchment aloud. The portraits on the wall also pricked their ears as they didn't think anyone was disturbing their rest.

"Moony Face greets Severus and begs him not to extend his abnormally large hooked nose into other people's territory and meddle in others' business."

"Prongs agrees with Moony's sentiments, and adds sincerely: Severus is a bastard, a loser, and an ugly creature."

"Padfoot was so shocked that the fleas on his body fell off. Such an idiot actually became the Head of House. How could Slytherin have fallen to such a level?"

"Wormtail said hello to Severus and suggested he buy a bottle of Potter's Hair Smoothing Shampoo, Big Ball of Mud."

"How dare you?"

Snape's lips were trembling with anger, and Harry was suppressing laughter until his cheeks turned red.

Luo Bin smiled slyly, "Professor, you forced me to read!"

"You shameless"

Snape pointed his wand at Robin's chest, and suddenly, as if trying to do so, a shout rang out from the shadows of the corridor.


Snape turned around and saw Lupine walking towards him.

"Lupin, take a walk in the moonlight, won't you?" Snape sneered.

Lupine glanced past Snape and landed on Harry and Robin, "Are you two okay?"

"Not sure yet!" Snape turned around and snatched away the map.

"I confiscated something very interesting from them. This parchment is obviously full of dark magic. You are a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, so you should be very proficient in this. Take a look!"

Lupine took the parchment with a strange look on his face, "Severus, I don't think it looks like black magic. It should be a prank paper that will scold anyone who wants to see it. It is probably Zuko's handiwork." "


Snape reached out to retrieve the parchment, but Lupine sidestepped away.

"But I'd better take it back and study it further! You're right, I'm more proficient in this. Harry, Robin, you two, come with me!"

The two of them followed Lu Ping and walked into his office.

"I don't know how you two got this map, but you two didn't even think of handing it over. Have you ever thought that if this map fell into the hands of Sirius Black, he could Enter the castle and start killing."

Lupine said with an unhappy expression.

Harry lowered his head, ashamed, but Robin still looked directly into Lupine's eyes. He knew what was on the parchment, and Sirius could draw it with his eyes closed.

Lupine slowly approached Harry, "Your father doesn't like to follow the rules either, but your parents sacrificed their lives to save you."

"Currently, there is a murderer wandering around the school, and you, and Robin, are wandering around the castle late at night. Harry, is this how you repay your parents for their sacrifice? I will not help you with your lies in the future. Yes, did you hear that?"

"heard it!"

Harry looked up and saw Lupin's disappointed expression, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"Professor, you misunderstood. We didn't mean to wander around, but we saw a dead person moving on the map. That person was related to the incident twelve years ago. We wanted to pass it by Find him on the map and ask him what happened back then."

"Oh, that's right! Who is that person?"

Lu Ping said amusedly, he believed that the other party was looking for excuses.

"Peter, Peter Pettigrew!"


The map slipped out of Lupine's hand and fell to the ground.

He shook his head repeatedly, looking stunned.

"No, it's impossible!"

"It's true! We went down to the third floor to find Peter Pettigrew. It's strange. The map shows that we met Peter, but in fact, we didn't see half a person."

After hearing this, Lu Ping's expression changed from shock to guilt and resentment. He put his palms on the table with tears in his eyes, "Harry, Robin, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you two. Go back to sleep." Don’t wander around the castle, and don’t forget, I’m on the map and can see it.”

I went out for a trip and didn't find Peter Pettigrew. Instead, I was confiscated of the Marauder's Map, which was very sad.

However, the next day, when several people were having dinner in the auditorium, they received another piece of bad news.

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