Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 245 Hagrid loses the lawsuit and beats up Malfoy

Fatty Hagerto sent a letter. The paper was moist, and some of the words were stained by tears, making it very difficult to read.

Dear Robin, Harry, Hermione and Ron:

Sorry, I lost the case. Buckbeak was sentenced to death. The execution date is to be determined. I was allowed to take him back to Hogwarts for temporary custody.

"I tore through all the available books in the library, but I still couldn't save Buckbeak. It's because I'm incompetent and I don't want him to die."

Hermione hugged Robin's neck, buried her face in his chest and cried bitterly.

"You won't die! We'll appeal. If we lose again, we'll do what we said before."

"I understand, but I just feel uncomfortable."

Robin gently stroked Hermione's head for a long time before her mood gradually calmed down.

"Listen, we have to go to Hagrid and find out what went wrong so that we can prepare more convincing defense materials." Harry frowned.

"No need to ask, it must be Malfoy's father." Ron said angrily.

"If you want to ask, you must ask clearly what part of the preparation was not sufficient before." Hermione wiped away her tears and said.

After Sirius broke into the dormitory at night, the school stipulated that students were not allowed to leave the castle without permission, except for extracurricular classes.

There are guards stationed at every entrance and exit of the castle. Putting on the invisibility cloak and holding the invisibility bead in your mouth only makes your body invisible, not disappearing. The thick and towering oak door cannot be blown open by the wind.

Therefore, they could only talk to Hagrid during the Care of Magical Creatures class.

Monday, afternoon, Forbidden Forest Edge Paddock.

Hagrid was absent-minded, and after stumbling over his words about the care of Philob caterpillar cocoon silk, he asked the students to practice in groups, and called away Luo Bin and others in the name of moving firewood.


Hagrid sat on a big rock and said melancholy: "I behaved very well when I went to court. I listed the cases prepared by Hermione, memorized the regulations of the Magical Creatures Protection Act that Robin found, and also said a series of pleasantries. The daily interactions with Buckbeak convinced the committee members that he was not in danger."

"Originally, those old guys were all relenting and planning to find Buckbeak innocent, but"

"But what?" Hermione asked.

"But Lucius stood up and threw out a stack of examination reports, saying that Draco's arm was permanently damaged. A slight bump in the back could cause bone fractures."

"He believed that Buckbeak was very dangerous and that those old guys who were greedy for money and power should be executed. He immediately changed his mind and agreed to Lucius's proposal."

Hagrid covered his face and sobbed softly.

"Don't be discouraged. You can still appeal. If you win, everyone will be happy. If you lose, send Buckbeak to the island research base."

Hagrid cried louder, "It won't work. The committee put a magic collar on Buckbeak. Once Buckbeak leaves Hogwarts, the collar will self-destruct and blow him into pieces. There is an appeal." It’s impossible to win with Lucius here.”

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

After Luo Bin thought for a while, he said: "Hagrid, I have come up with two ways."

"What method?" Hagrid asked hopefully.

"The first one is to create public opinion, and write a letter to the Daily Prophet. The content should be exaggerated. Then, you should not worry about the people who stir up trouble, make the matter bigger, and use the power of public opinion to force the committee to have a fair trial."

Hagrid shook his head, "Lucius is a shareholder of the Daily Prophet. They can't offend the major shareholder for Buckbeak and me. If they don't publish it, other small newspapers will naturally not dare to publish it." , Moreover, once the inciting remarks are discovered, the sentence will be more serious."

"The second one is to remove the magic collar and proceed according to the original plan. I know a magic weapon master. He is the owner of the Skunk and Cattail magic weapon shop at the end of the left turn of the Pig Head Bar. As long as he has enough money, he can do any job. catch."

"But I have no money!"

"I'll pay! You go to Kenzio at the place I told you and tell him that it's time to pay back the favor he owes Robin. Here, next, there's a thousand galleons in the box."

Hagrid took the heavy wooden box. He was already used to the sight of Luo Bin transforming things out of thin air.

"Kentzio, I've heard of him. He's a wizard with an eccentric temper and a good weapon-making ability. OK, I'll do as you say. Okay, get out of class will end in a few minutes, let's go back!"

Hagrid looked at his watch and regained his confidence.


The four of them picked up a few pieces of firewood and walked toward the paddock together. Halfway there, they met a three-person team of villains with evil smiles on their faces.

"Hey, you big idiot, your eyes are swollen like turkey legs. Did you just cry?"

"Scarhead, my father said that the hippogriff's head belongs to me. After I make it a taxidermy, I will donate it to the Gryffindor common room so that you can kiss it every day."

"What a great gift, please bow down and thank me!"

Malfoy said with a grin.

"You disgusting cockroach monster!"

Hermione threw away the firewood, raised her wand, and stormed towards the three of them.

Malfoy was so frightened that he backed away. Crabbe and Goyle stood there at a loss.

Robin stepped forward and held Hermione's wrist, pressing it down with force, causing her to put down her wand.

Seeing that the crisis was over, Malfoy burst out laughing.


A hard punch hit Malfoy's nose, causing him to stagger to the right several times.

"I'm bleeding."

Malfoy covered his nose in pain and felt his palms were wet and sticky. When he lifted them up, he saw that they were covered with bright red blood.


When Malfoy saw the other person put his hand into his pocket, he was so frightened that he swallowed his harsh words. He led Goyle and Crabbe and quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Oh! I want to cast a leg-locking spell on him, or slap him."

Hermione lamented.

"Aren't you afraid of Lucius's revenge?" Ron said in shock.

Ron's father works in the Ministry of Magic. The Malfoy family has had countless unknown relationships with the Ministry of Magic for generations. However, Robin does not have such shackles!

"Report it, will I be afraid?" Luo Bin said nonchalantly.

"Harry, Robin, you two must beat Slytherin in the Quidditch final, otherwise I won't be able to bear it." Hermione said with anger in her eyes.

"I think the same as you." Harry said seriously.

Hagrid looked at his watch and urged: "You brat, I've delayed you for too long. get out of class is over. Do you have class next period?"

Are there any classes?

Of course there is!

The four people hurriedly ran out of the forest. When passing by the paddock, they found that no one was there. They grabbed their schoolbags, quickly climbed up the hill across the grass, entered the castle, and climbed to the door of the Charms classroom in one breath.


Luo Bin opened the wooden door and said, "Sorry, we are late."

"Never again, please quickly find a seat and sit down. I am explaining the key points of the 'Happy Curse'." Flitwick said displeased.

Several people sneaked to the last row and sat down, and quickly took out their textbooks and quills. Robin noticed that Hermione did not follow them in.

"Where's Hermione? Isn't she following us?" Harry asked confused.

"Maybe going to the bathroom." Ron guessed.

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