Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 246 Black Hoof prophecy, Hermione goes berserk

Robin knew that Hermione had used the time turner to go to other classes. She should open the door and come in after a while.

However, when the Charms class ended and the bell rang, she did not show up, and she was not seen during lunch.

Robin finished his meal hastily, got up and left the auditorium to look for someone. Finally, he was in the lounge on the eighth floor, at an oak table by the window, and got worried about Hermione.

She was lying on the table, sleeping soundly with a thick book on her head. The warm golden sunshine slanted down on her body, making her fair skin and delicate face stand out.

Luo Bin took a feather and gently brushed the tip of her nose. She hummed like a lazy cat and buried her face in the cover.


The feathers are pointed and sweep around the ear holes.

Hermione muttered a few times, raised her head, and stared at Robin in confusion, "What time is it? Which class should I take?"

"The bell will ring for divination class in 30 minutes. Here, I brought it for you!"

Hermione took the burger and the bottle of milk, eating while clearing the books and parchment on the table.

At this time, the portrait hole creaked, and Harry and Ron got in.

"Hermione, why didn't you go to Charms class?" Harry asked confused.


Hermione was so shocked that she choked. Robin patted her back and helped her unscrew the cap of the milk bottle.

After taking a few sips, he swallowed the food that choked his throat and said, "Charms class, oh no, I forgot to take Charms class."

"How could you forget the entrance to the Charms classroom where we ran from the woods together?" Harry said in shock.

"Hermione, you are very strange. You are hiding something from us."

"The Arithmancy student who took the same course as you told me that you never missed a class."

"However, the class times for arithmetic and divination overlap, and you haven't missed a divination class either. How did you do it?"

"Stop asking, I'm going to find Professor Flitwick to apologize to the top of the North Tower!"

Hermione's eyes flickered, and after putting the books and papers into her bag, she hurriedly got out of the portrait hole.

Thirty minutes later, Hermione met Robin and others on the hanging platform below the silver staircase in the north tower. She frowned and looked very frustrated.

"I can't believe I missed the Happy Charm. Professor Flitwick's expression tells me that this will be tested in the final exam. The difference between tutoring and formal teaching is not the smallest."

"Hermione, you are so smart, you won't lose points." Luo Bin comforted.

"Sybill Trelawney!"

After Simo finished reading, the living plank immediately bounced open, and the silver ladder slowly extended to the hanging platform. Everyone climbed up to the top of the building one by one and entered the divination classroom.

The curtains were drawn tightly around, making the classroom dark and stuffy. On each small round table covered with red cloth, there was a crystal ball with a faint light, filled with milky white powder mist.

“I thought I would only be exposed to the crystal ball during the summer semester!”

Harry muttered quietly after finding a seat and sitting down.

"Well, 'palmistry' has finally come to an end. She will no longer hold my hand and sigh, saying that my lifeline is extremely short."

Hermione opened "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future" and complained.

"Hello everyone, we are in groups of two, choose a table and sit down."

Trelawney flashed out of the large rack wrapped in red cloth, making Parvati and Lavender tremble with excitement.

During the first divination class of the school year, Trelawney predicted that on October 16th, Lavender's worst fears would come true.

On October 16 last year, Lavender received a letter from home stating that her pet rabbit had been bitten to death by a fox. Since then, Lavender has regarded Trelawney as her idol.

Trelawney walked to the fireplace and sat down, "Last night, I observed the stars and predicted that the exam in June this year would involve a crystal ball, so I had to change the teaching plan."

"Oh, come on, she's the one who can come up with the divination exam questions. What kind of prophecy is this?"

Trelawney ignored Hermione's sarcasm and shouted loudly: "Expand your mind and look to the future. The key to reading the crystal ball is your inner eyes. They must be extremely clear so that you can see the omens. Come on, let's try it."

Everyone obeyed. Luo Bin touched the crystal ball and took a closer look.

At first, there was white mist inside the ball and nothing changed.

In the middle period, the white mist surged like waves.

Later, the white mist turned into gray mist, and four hooves were vaguely exposed at the bottom.

"What do you see?"

The strange, high-pitched, trance-like whisper startled Luo Bin.

"Hooves, I see four hooves, Professor."

"My dear, the white hooves are running happily, which means that something happy will happen to you in the near future."

Trelawney muttered.

"Professor, what if the hooves are black?"

"Run, run! If you smell danger, you must run!"

Trelawney staggered back three or four steps in fear, and his lower back bumped into the small round table where Harry and Ron were sitting.

"Potter, what did you see?" Trelawney asked, adjusting his crooked glasses.

"A cloud!" Harry said shamefully.

"I think I saw something."

Trelawny put his face in front of the crystal ball and whispered: "Oh, my God! There is really something inside the ball. Its figure is clearer than before. It is coming towards you fiercely, Potter. , it is getting closer and closer to you, it is a ghost dog, a harbinger of death.”


Hermione slammed the round table and roared: "That's enough, stop spreading panic. I don't believe in ridiculous ominous omens, I only believe in myself."

The classroom was in an uproar. Parvati and Lavender glared at Hermione who challenged the majesty of her idol. Trelawney turned around and looked at the arrogant little girl up and down.

Finally, she stepped forward, grabbed Hermione's wrist, rubbed her palm, and muttered: "Dear, when you first came to my class, I found that maybe you are not suitable for learning this noble course of divination. .”

"Look, your lifeline is so short. You are young, but your heart has long been old. Your soul is as dry as the books you regard as treasures."

Hermione shook off Trelawney's hand, closed "Parting Through the Fog to See the Future", stood up and stuffed her into her schoolbag, "Okay, I won't study anymore, I'll give up, I'll leave, isn't that enough?"

She crossed the passage, kicked open the trap door, and clattered down the silver staircase.

"Did I say something wrong?" Trelawney asked confused.


Lavender screamed, startling everyone.

"Professor, you predicted that Hermione would leave. During the first lesson of the semester, you said that one of us would leave us forever around Easter."

Trelawny smiled in realization, "Yes, I predicted it. Alas, the Third Eye can sometimes be a burden. It allows me to see too many future scenes, so that my memory is not very good."

Robin got up and chased him to the bottom of the silver staircase. He saw that Hermione had reached the top of the stairs. Before she could call anyone to stop her, Hermione disappeared with a cry.

Oh, I will definitely use the time turner and go to another class.

Luo Bin returned to the classroom and studied the crystal ball again. Unfortunately, his eyes were sore from staring at it, and he could only see the billowing clouds and mist, but no trace of the horse's hooves could be found.

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