Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 257 Wormtail, Peter reveals his true form

"Crookshanks told me about the 'blood stains on the sheets'. I know Peter. He wants to repeat his old tricks. Twelve years ago, he faked his own death to frame me. Now, he wants to fake his own death to frame a cat."

"Later, Crookshanks sneaked into the boys' dormitory and stole a password book. I heard that the boy was severely punished and lived in fear every day. I said sorry for him."

"Crookshanks, you are such a busy cat!" Hermione said helplessly.

Crookshanks slid the wand under the bed and gnawed his claws contentedly.

"How do you prove that Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew?" Harry asked.

"You can cast a spell to force him to reveal his true form."

Sirius moved forward, and Ron covered the squirming Scabbers with both hands, "What are you going to do? It's not Peter, it's Scabbers, and it's my pet mouse. Don't touch it."

Robin pulled Hermione and took two steps back to the right. Seeing this, Harry took a few steps back to the left.

In this way, the dilapidated sofa chair, the panicked Ron, and the screaming Scabbers were completely exposed to Sirius's field of vision.

"Give it to him, Ron!" Harry urged.

"No, I won't give it to Banban. Give me Banban."

Even though Sirius was as thin as a skinny skeleton, he was incredibly powerful.

A few seconds later, he effortlessly snatched Scabbers away from Ron.

"Madman, let go of Banban, what do you want to do to it?"

Ron roared.

"Remus, get it for me!"

Lupine stepped forward to take Scabbers and walked to the center of the room.

Sirius raised his wand and said: "One, two, three!"

Bang ~

A blue light shot out from the top of the wand, hitting Banban's head.

Lupine let go of his hand, and Banban twisted his body wildly while falling down at an extremely fast speed.

"Banban, wuwu, my Banban"

Ron wanted to get up and rush forward, but Robin and Harry pushed him back to the sofa with great force.

In the painful wail of the 'master', Banban fell to the ground. The next second, it was like a fast-forward shot of a small tree growing. A fat head sprouted from the short rat body, and then limbs sprouted. , big belly, fat butt.

After a while, Banban completely disappeared, replaced by a timid middle-aged man picking his fingers.

The man was short and fat, with sparse and dirty hair, and a large patch of baldness on the top of his head. His front teeth protruded outward, and he was dirty all over, as if he hadn't showered in a long time.

He hunched his back and glanced straight towards the door with watery mung bean eyes.

"No, this is not true, it is an illusion, it must be an illusion, yue~"

Peter opened his arms, with a smile on his face as he met his friends again, "Remus, Sirius, my old friends, me"

Peter turned sharply and bolted for the door, but Sirius grabbed him by the back of his collar and pulled him back.

Peter looked around in panic, and his eyes fell on Harry, "Harry, you look so much like your dad, James, my best friend."

Sirius took a big step forward and stood between Harry and Peter, "You dare to talk to Harry? And you have the nerve to mention James?"

Peter turned to run away, but Lupine took a side step, opened his arms, and stopped him, "You are the secret keeper. You told Voldemort where James and Lily were hiding, right?"

"I didn't mean it. Do you know what weapons the Dark Lord has? If I don't say anything, he will kill me. Sirius, if it were you, what would you do?"

"I would rather be killed than betray a friend."

"Back then, I learned that Voldemort knew about the existence of the Secret Keeper and ran to your house to remind you, but you were not at home and there were no signs of a fight in the house."

"I realized I had wrongly blamed Lupin and rushed to Godric's Hollow. I was late."

"You bug, you have defected to Voldemort a long time ago. What a bullshit threat."

"No, I swear, I don't want James and Lily to die!"

Peter pushed Lupin away and strode towards the door. Robin and Harry blocked the door with a few quick steps.

Peter hugged Harry and whispered in his ear: "Harry, your father is so kind. He will forgive me. He doesn't want me to be killed."

Robin grabbed Peter's arm and put a livid bracelet on him while he was dazed.

Instantly, the bracelet glowed with a golden halo, and the densely packed lower teeth on the inside grew longer and sharper, piercing into Peter's flesh.

As the liquid in the outer grooves surged, the bracelet gradually became smaller. Finally, the entire bracelet retracted into Peter's flesh and disappeared.

Peter touched his intact wrist and said with fierce eyes: "What did you do to me?"

Luo Bin shrugged, "Sorry, I don't know. But I think that bracelet should be a good thing."


Peter was fierce for three seconds before Sirius threw him over his shoulder and fell to the ground. His expression once again became timid, nervous, and panicked.

"Peter, you escaped back then, but you won't escape today."

Peter was trembling on his knees, and he looked at Ron pleadingly, "Ron, I am your pet! Kind master, you won't just watch them kill me, right?"

"Go away, don't face me, I look disgusting."

The disgust in Ron's eyes almost overflowed.

Peter looked at Hermione again, "My child, you are so cute and smart, you will definitely help me, right?"

"No, you harmed Sirius and want to harm Crookshanks, I won't plead for you!"

Peter looked at Luo Bin, his mouth opened a small opening, and then he closed it timidly.

"Sirius, I'm not brave enough. But, all of this was forced. If I didn't tell the truth, the Dark Lord would kill me."

"Oh, you're still talking nonsense!"

"Peter, you are strong at heart. When you were in school, you followed James and me. After graduation, you followed Voldemort."

"Voldemort fell. You were afraid of being hunted, so you faked your death and disappeared. Voldemort seemed to be making a comeback, so you took refuge again."

"Peter, you have lived for twelve more years. It's time to say goodbye to the world. Farewell, Peter!"

Sirius raised his wand and aimed it at Peter's heart.

"No, don't kill him!" Harry stepped forward to stop him.

"Harry, he is a villain, he killed your parents." Lupine said confused.

"I know! Let's take him to the castle!"

Harry said with piercing eyes.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Peter grabbed Harry's trousers and said gratefully.

"leave me alone!"

Harry took a big step back, as if he was afraid of getting stuck on something dirty!

"I do this not because I forgive you, but because I know that my father doesn't want to see Sirius really become a murderer."

"Besides, if you die, there will be no evidence to prove the truth. If I take you back to the castle, the Ministry of Magic will ask you all about your background."

"You will be trapped in the dark Azkaban for the rest of your life. Maybe Fudge will order a certain dementor to give you a kiss."

"No, no, I don't want to go to Azkaban."

Peter lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

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