Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 258 On a full moon night, transform into a werewolf

Sirius and Lupine looked at each other and lowered their wands, "Harry, you are James and Lily's child. You are the only person here who has the right to make decisions, but"

He took a deep breath, raised the wand again, and with a flick of his wrist, Peter's arms were immediately tied behind his back with a hemp rope, and his mouth was gagged with a torn sock.

He waved his wand again, and a piece of wood suddenly appeared next to Ron's right calf. A white bandage appeared out of thin air, going around and around, tying the wood strip to his calf.

"Sorry, I don't have much talent in healing arts and potions. I'll make do with it for now, and then I'll go find Madam Pomfrey when I get back to the castle!"

Then, except for Snape, everyone in the house went down to the first floor and got into the underground secret passage.

Crookshanks swung his tail and walked at the front of the group.

Hermione tugged on the hemp rope that tied Peter, and Lupine's wand pointed between Peter's eyebrows to prevent him from turning into a mouse and escaping.

Robin and Harry, one holding Ron on the other, Sirius walked in front of the three of them, reminding the three of them from time to time to bend down to avoid certain lumps of earth that were protruding downwards.

"Sorry, Weasley boy, I had no choice but to bite you. Does it hurt a little?"

"A bit? How dare you say 'a bit'? You almost bit my leg off!" Ron said angrily.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), by the way, if I was bitten by the black dog form of the Animagus, do I need a rabies vaccine?

"Sorry, I was going for Peter, but you hugged him too tightly."

"Generally speaking, when I turned into a dog, I was very gentle. James even advised me not to turn back into a human at all, and just live in the form of a dog forever."

"A long black tail is nothing to me, but fleas are really terrible!"

"Harry, do you know that when you were born, James and Lily made me your godfather."

Sirius asked tentatively.

"I know."

Sirius looked at Harry with an embarrassed but hopeful look.

"It's like this. Your parents have designated me as your guardian in case anything happens to them. Of course, I can understand if you still want to live with your aunt and uncle, but if you want a different home, you can "

Harry didn't want to live in the Dursleys at all. He asked excitedly: "What do you want to live with you?"

"Oh, it's just an idea. If you don't come, I understand."

"Of course I do! Do you have a house? In which county? Is it in the country? When can I move there?"

"You really want to?"

"Yes! I do!"

A true smile broke out on Sirius's haggard face, like a white lotus blooming in a black mud swamp, holy and full of brilliance.

Forty minutes later, the group of people walked to the slope. Crookshanks was the first to get out of the hole. When Luo Bin and the others came out, they found that it was holding the knot with its claws.

The night was very dark, with only a little light coming from the windows of the castle in the distance.

The group of people walked towards the direction of the shimmering light. Peter whimpered and refused to move forward. Lupin pointed his wand between his eyebrows and kept scolding him in a low voice.

Suddenly, a dark cloud moved away.

Seven blurry shadows suddenly appeared on the grass, bathed in the bright moonlight.

Luo Bin stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked.

"Snape said he found the Marauder's Map when he was delivering medicine to Lupine, so"

Luo Bin raised his head and saw a full moon hanging high in the starry sky.

"Oops, it's a full moon night." Harry panicked.

Luo Bin stared at Lu Ping and found that he was frozen in place, his irises turned green, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, his teeth were bared and his neck was tilted, his veins were bulging out, he looked like a zombie in a horror movie.

"Hermione, run!"

Robin let go and ran forward, Harry did the same, and Ron fell to the ground with an ouch.

"Remus, you idiot, didn't you take your medicine tonight?"

Sirius rushed forward, hugged Lupine and asked.

Lupine raised his neck and let out a roar. His roar was strange, both human and wolfish.

"Remus, wake up and don't be controlled by it. You know who you are. The soft heart in your chest is the real you. Don't be seduced by the rough body."

Sirius's shouts had no effect, Lupine continued to howl in pain and threw away his wand.


The hemp rope broke. Peter held the blade in his left hand and raised the wand in his right hand, staring at Sirius and Lupin with malicious expressions on his face.

he thinks


Robin hurriedly knocked the wand out of Peter's hand before he could kill him.

Peter turned his head and glared at Robin. Then, he waved his hand with a sly and proud smile on his face. Then, his big head shrank rapidly like a deflating balloon, and his ears became pointed and gray hair grew.

The next second, a pile of tattered robes fell to the grass with a pop.

The owner of the robe turned into a gray mouse, jumped into the grass and disappeared.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), ran away? What's the use of that bracelet that hits someone on the back of the head?


Harry wanted to chase Peter, but was stopped by Robin and Hermione. This was not the time to be alone!

"Remus, calm down, Remus, Remus."

Sirius hugged his friend and kept shouting loudly.


Lupine's clothes were torn, his shoulders were arched high, his head and limbs were elongated vertically, wolf hair grew from his pores, his knuckles were bent into sharp claws, and the ends of the claws were sharp. sharp nails.


The clothes were torn into countless pieces, and with a long howl, Sirius was thrown away.

"Run, run!"

After Sirius landed, he pressed his elbows on the ground and urged.

Luo Bin drew out his ebony wand and aimed at the werewolf huddled next to the boulder.

"Don't, don't hurt him, he is so pitiful!"

At Sirius's request, Robin put away his wand.

Hermione released her grip on Robin's arm and hand, and looked at the werewolf without blinking like she had done to 'tame' Buckbeak. She moved forward slowly and shouted tentatively:

"Professor, Professor Lupin, teach"


The werewolf let out a high-pitched cry into the night sky. He got down on all fours and approached Hermione with fierce eyes.

Hermione retreated into Robin's arms in fear, and Harry and Ron also held onto Robin's arms tightly.

Luo Bin silently activated the unicorn's 'Holy Glory' skill. The ferocity in the werewolf's eyes disappeared instantly. He turned his face towards the Forbidden Forest, as if he was planning to run in.

Suddenly, a dark shadow jumped up to the four of them.

"Tsk, sneak out of the castle in the middle of the night, hang out with murderers, and attack professors. The principal can't protect you this time."

Snape said with a malicious look on his face.


After the long roar, there was a sound of breathing heavily.

Snape turned around and saw Lupine in the werewolf form, his lips trembled with fear.

But he didn't run away, but opened his arms to protect the four people behind him.

Robin's gaze passed over Snape's shoulder and looked at the crazed werewolf. His green eyes flashed with the desire to tear, bite, and kill.

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