Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 259 Take off the hood and reveal the true face of the Dementor

Well, old bat, if you had appeared half a minute later, the werewolves would have been running naked in the Forbidden Forest.

The werewolf raised his left arm high, and his long claws shone coldly in the moonlight. He roared and swung his claws towards Snape's neck.

Suddenly, a big black dog rushed from the side and knocked down the werewolf.

A dog and a wolf rolled around and bit each other a few times, then separated and bared their teeth and roared to confront each other in a circle.

After about ten seconds, a dog and a wolf jumped forward at the same time, with sharp claws, fangs, and hind legs kicking into battle.

Werewolves don't have the memory of being human in their brains, but black dogs do. Sirius, who couldn't bear to kill him, was quickly defeated and was thrown several meters away.

After defeating the black dog, the werewolf got on all fours and approached the five people. Then, his bloody sharp claws aimed at Snape's neck again.


The black dog rushed up and bit the werewolf's left calf. The werewolf was so angry that he bent over and grabbed the black dog's neck.

The black dog took three steps back to avoid it, jumped left and right, bared its teeth and barked, provoking the werewolf.

The black dog succeeded, and the werewolf turned towards him, with the desire to hunt in his eyes. The black dog looked at Harry reluctantly, then turned and ran to the left, the werewolf howling and following behind the black dog.


Harry pushed Snape's arm away and strode to the left, with Robin and Hermione following closely behind him.

After running for a hundred or two hundred meters and bypassing a boulder, the three of them saw the werewolf holding the black dog high and slamming the dog onto a sharp boulder.

The black dog slipped to the ground, leaving blood stains and skid marks on the stone. The werewolf raised his arms again, staring directly at the black dog's neck with sharp eyes.


(sound of fireworks)

The werewolf turned his head and roared at Luo Bin who was setting off fireworks. Then he straightened up and slowly approached the four of them.

Robin raised his wand, and Harry stopped him: "Don't hurt Professor Lupin."

Suddenly, several wolves howled in the distant forest.

The werewolf stopped, with a hesitant look in his eyes. Finally, in response to the call of the wolves, he turned around and ran towards the woods and disappeared.


On the other side, Sirius returned to his human form and staggered down the slope. After the three of them looked at each other, they chased him through the bushes.

A few minutes later, the three of them followed the blood trail to the lake and saw Sirius lying face down on the shore.

His back was bleeding and there was not a single piece of good skin. Luo Bin turned him over. His lips were chapped, his face was extremely pale, and his consciousness was in a blur.

"Sirius, wake up, wake up quickly!"

Harry shook Sirius' shoulders and said sadly.


It was June, but the lake suddenly froze over.

The cold wind blew towards them from all directions. The wind seemed to be able to penetrate the skin and blow into the bone marrow, making people's teeth tremble.

Then, white mist appeared on the lake, and gurgling sounds could be heard from above.

Luo Bin looked up at the night sky. Oh my god, there were hundreds of dementors floating above the white mist.


As the black cloth strips danced, the dementors gathered here, and soon they surrounded the four people.

"Hermione, Harry, think of something happy!"

Sirius' legs twitched and his neck stiffened, and he fainted without moving.

The three of them looked up again. The black wall built by the dementors was only 3 meters away from them.


(Sounds of dementors breathing in)

The surrounding air swirled and poured into the Dementor's hood. Sirius's chest protruded forward and his mouth opened wide, as if something in his body was being sucked away.

"Quick, cast the Patronus Charm."

The three of them stood up, raised their wands, drew counterclockwise circles, and concentrated on shouting: "Calling God to Guard!"

In an instant, a scrawled dog, a blurry white shadow, and a beam of silvery white light formed a shield to block the black wall-like dementors, but only temporarily.

The mana, telekinesis, and guardian spirit of the three were not on the same level, resulting in a gap in the shield.

Three minutes later, in the area Hermione was responsible for, the shield shattered, and a dozen slimy, mange-covered hands reached out.

Hermione screamed and fell to the ground in a faint.

Then, with a plop, Harry couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground. A dementor pounced on him and sucked him wildly.


Harry roared in pain, and the scrawling dog slid through an arc and drove away the dementor.

"Robin, please take Sirius out of here and leave me alone!" Harry gasped.

"It's useless! They are just coming for Sirius. Oops, they are going to take off their hats."

Harry raised his head in shock and saw the dementors holding the brim of their hats with rotten hands.


The hood slid down to the back, and the Dementor's face was completely exposed to the two men's vision.

The face is gray-white, without hair or pores. The eye sockets as big as ping-pong balls have no eyeballs and are covered with a thin layer of gray scab.

Its mouth, without teeth, is a large irregular hole that makes gurgling gurgling sounds when it sucks the surrounding air.

The densely packed faces faced the two of them, making their scalp numb and their bodies stiff.


The Dementors opened their mouths and activated them together. The scrawled dog instantly turned into white mist and disappeared. A pair of pale hands grabbed Sirius's neck, raised his face, aimed at his mouth, and activated the most poisonous weapons.


A few more dementors came over and activated the most poisonous weapons.

A ray of blue fluorescence floated out of Sirius's mouth. Robin and Harry immediately guessed that it was his soul power.

Harry wanted to rush forward and push away the dementors, but he fell to the shore with a thud.

Luo Bin raised his wand high and was just about to recite the spell when a dazzling white light suddenly flashed across the lake. Through the white mist, he could vaguely see three big guys half waist high running towards this side.

The dementors, birds and beasts fled in all directions, the coldness quickly subsided, the ice on the lake melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, the fog became lighter, and the green-blue fluorescence slowly floated back to Sirius' mouth.

The three big guys completed their mission and happily rushed back to the other side. On the other side, there seemed to be a few figures, but there seemed to be none.

Harry's eyelids trembled a few times, but finally closed. Robin suddenly felt dizzy, swaying, and fell next to Hermione.

"Rescuing the students and catching the murderer are worthy of being awarded the Order of Merlin Level 2. Severus, are the injuries on your body caused by Sirius Black?"

"Minister, it was Potter who did it!"

"No way!"

"Minister, you heard what Weasley said."

"They fell under Black's confusion spell and they killed me."

"They believe that Black is innocent and believe that Weasley's pet rat Scabbers is the Animagus form of Peter who died tragically twelve years ago."

"I think Peter is the secret keeper, the betrayer, and the culprit who killed a dozen Muggles in the street."

"If a certain archmage hadn't passed by the Forbidden Forest and cast a patronus spell to drive away the group of dementors, they would all have turned into soulless zombies."

"It took a lot of effort to tie up Blake and conjure up several stretchers to take them back to the hospital in the castle."

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