Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 260 Old Bat, the King of Self-Persuasion

On the single hospital bed by the window, Luo Bin sighed and opened his eyes.

Tsk, the old bat's self-brainwashing ability is really amazing.

Robin turned over to lie on his back, glanced to the right, and saw Madam Pomfrey with her back to him, leaning over to feed Ron the medicine.

After Ron finished drinking and burped, the back of his head hit the pillow hard and he snored and fell asleep.

Robin glanced sideways to the left and saw Hermione looking at the ceiling with her eyes open.


Hermione put her index finger on Cherry's lips, and then pointed at the door of the ward.

The door was not closed tightly, and the sound of Fudge and Snape's conversation floated into the room through the crack in the door.

"Ah, you're awake!"

Pomfrey took out a brick-like piece of chocolate from the shelf, used a small hammer to break it into countless coin-sized pieces, then put it into trays and placed them at the bedside of the three of them.

When Robin sat up, he realized that Harry, who was next to Hermione, was also awake.

The chocolates from the school hospital seemed to have been specially processed, and the bitterness was removed. They were smooth and dense in the mouth. After eating two or three pieces, the dizziness was reduced by more than half.

"Don't worry, Black has been caught and the dementors will give him a kiss any minute."

Madam Pomfrey comforted her softly while mixing the energy-reviving potion.


Harry was too shocked and rolled out of bed, "Headmaster, I want to see the headmaster. They have arrested the wrong person."

Ta da~

In the corridor, there were rapid footsteps.


The ward door was pushed wide open from the outside.

Fudge, who looked proud, and Snape, who was smiling but not smiling, walked into the public ward side by side.

"Minister, Sirius is innocent. Peter is the secret keeper and the betrayer. He pretended to be dead back then. Tonight, we saw him in the Shrieking Shack."

Harry said like he was spitting out beads.

Fudge took off his hat and played with it enthusiastically, "Are you still confused? Alas, Black's confusion spell is really powerful, you are all confused by it. Don't worry, just cultivate for a few days, Black's soul will be sucked away by the dementors, You will wake up."

Hermione jumped out of bed and looked at Fudge pleadingly, "Minister, the Ministry of Magic really arrested the wrong person. Peter is the murderer. I also saw him tonight. He is Ron's mouse and an anima." Gus, short and fat, with protruding teeth."

"You see, I'm right, they are all under the Confusion Curse." Snape sneered.

"No, we are all sober!" Luo Bin put on his shoes and socks and said.

Pomfrey put down the beaker and said with an unhappy expression: "Sorry, this is a ward. My patients need to rest. Please leave here."

Ta da~

Dumbledore strode into the ward. As soon as Harry and Hermione opened their mouths, Dumbledore motioned them not to speak with his eyes.

"Oh my God! This is not a street store, this is a hospital, and I have to be responsible for my patients."

"Sorry, Poppy, I just met Black. Now, I need to talk to Lestrange, Potter, and Granger alone. Cornelius, Severus, you two go ahead, Bobby. Bi, go into the office in the back room!"

"Sir, the patient needs rest."

"Bobby, my matter is very urgent and we won't be able to discuss it for long. After the discussion, I will lock the door of the ward so that no one can disturb the patient's rest."

"All right!"

After Pomfrey finished speaking, he pushed the trolley and turned into the office at the back of the large ward.

Fudge glanced at the clock on the wall and put his hat back on his head, "McNeil should have brought the dementors back. I will greet them and then carry out the cruelest punishment on Black."

Fudge walked to the door, stopped, and looked at Snape who was frozen in confusion.

"Sir, Blake should have told you that everything was Peter's fault, right? Will you believe him?"

"Severus, I need to speak with Robin, Harry, and Hermione alone."

Dumbledore said in a tone that left no room for criticism.

Snape left angrily, and Fudge closed the door and followed him.

"Principal, you have to stop them, they have arrested the wrong person!"

Hermione rushed to Dumbledore and said excitedly.

"Yes, Sirius is innocent!" Harry agreed.

"Spies, betrayals, and murders were all done by Scabbers. Ron's pet rat was an illegal Animagus." Hermione continued.

"The point is"

Dumbledore raised his hand and cut off their words, "Listen, the words of an underage wizard can't convince anyone."

"The Ministry of Magic has a thick stack of Muggle testimonies proving that Sirius was responsible for the bombing that year. I also testified to the Ministry of Magic that Sirius Black was the Potters' secret keeper."

"Lupin can do it" Luo Bin mused.


"He is running wildly deep in the Forbidden Forest. He can only howl and cannot speak human language."

"By the time he wakes up, the dementor's kiss has already been carried out. Moreover, werewolves are not trustworthy in the eyes of most wizards. What's more, he has a very close relationship with Black."

"Professor, what we say is true, please believe us." Harry said urgently.

"I believe it, but others may not. I have no ability to let others see the truth, nor can I influence Fudge's decision."

Harry lowered his eyes, frustrated.

At this time, Dumbledore turned to look at the clock on the wall, his blue eyes shining with wisdom.

"Time is really mysterious. It has infinite power and is very dangerous if it is interfered with at will."

"Sirius is locked up in the west tower, the thirteenth window from the right, which is Professor Flitwick's office."

"You know the rules, Miss Granger. You cannot be seen. I believe you can complete the task satisfactorily. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

"If you succeed, you can save more than one innocent life. I think three turns will be enough."

Dumbledore walked out of the ward, "Oh, by the way! When I can't make up my mind, I usually go back to the old path. I wish you good luck."


The wooden door is closed!


Dumbledore was fiddling with the chains.

"What does it mean to turn three times?" Harry asked confused.

Hermione glanced at the clock on the wall. It was still five minutes before half past ten.

She put her hand into her collar and said, "Come closer."

Robin came closer in response and saw Hermione taking out a very thin chain from her collar, with a ring tied at the bottom. Both sides of the ring were covered with a layer of transparent glass, and in the hollow area between the glass, there was a small funnel. .

"What's this?"

"Harry, don't ask so many questions."

Hermione hung the chains around the necks of Robin and Harry, and then turned the hourglass three times with her gaze.

Luo Bin's eardrums suddenly swelled with pain, and his eyes were filled with stars, as if he was riding a roller coaster. The surrounding scenes and colors were flashing away quickly, leaving only afterimages.

After about thirty seconds, the surrounding scene became clearer, and the dizziness gradually disappeared.

The golden sunshine slanted into the three people through the glass window.

The ward was empty, and there was no snoring Ron on the single bed by the window.

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