Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 261 Time Hourglass, Back to Three Hours Ago

"What's going on? Where's Ron?" Harry asked in shock.

Hermione glanced at the clock on the wall again, "Seven-thirty, seven-thirty, where are we?"

"We are rushing to Hagrid's cabin!" Luo Bin recalled.

"Go quickly, don't be seen." Hermione grabbed Robin's arm and ran towards the door, Harry following closely.

The three of them ran to the foyer in one breath and happened to see Professor Caredi Bubbaji going out.

"How to get out? The Invisibility Cloak isn't here!" Harry gasped.

"I'll come! Later, when you hear the cat meowing, just open the door and come out."

Luo Bin held the invisible bead in his mouth, walked out of the corner, turned sideways, slipped through the crack in the door, and slipped out of the castle.

He waited for half a minute, and after confirming that Bubaji and the 'invisible four' were gone, he sprayed confusion into the guard's face.

Seeing their eyes wandering and falling to the ground, they quickly imitated Crookshanks' meow.


The door is opened from the inside!

Hermione poked her head out and saw the guard lying on the ground, and her mouth opened wide in shock!

"Robin, what did you do to the guard?"

Harry asked in shock as he walked out the door.

"It's just a little bit of confusion medicine. You'll wake up in a few hours." Luo Bin spit out the invisible bead and said casually.

"Go, go quickly, don't be seen."

The three of them passed through the greenhouse, passed through the open-air corridor, and came to the boulder forest. Further down, there was Hagrid's cabin.

"Hermione, what is that hourglass?" Harry asked.

"It's a time-turner."

"Professor McGonagall gave it to me on the day I was admitted to school last year. She wrote many letters to the Ministry of Magic, proving that I was a model student and would not use it for anything other than studying, so she helped me apply for one."

"If you turn around, time can go back an hour. Therefore, this year, I have been able to attend several classes at the same time. Dumbledore asked us to return to this moment, hoping that we can change something."


A chubby owl head poked out from the top of the boulder, looking at the three of them curiously.

Then, it retracted its head, grabbed a package with its claws, and flew towards its owner.


The package landed in Luo Bin's arms. The fat man who had completed the task flew away happily with the reward (freeze-dried mice) in his mouth.

Luo Bin opened the cloth bag and found two objects inside.

The first one is a dart with a phoenix feather stuck at the end. In the middle of the feather, there is a light bulb the size of a marble. The dart's pole is hollow, and there is a roll of parchment tied at the tip.

Robin pulled out the darts, unfolded the parchment, and read the contents with Hermione and Harry.

After a lot of hard work, I finally finished it, I hope it's not too late.

Instructions for use: Insert the magic dart into the magic collar. When the magic dart is absorbed by the middle tube, the bulb will glow purple. If the light goes out, it means that the magic power in the collar has been absorbed.

At this point, just one click with the scissors can take away the hippogriff.

The second one was the bracelet that hit the person on the back of the head. It also came with a roll of parchment. After unfolding it, the three of them read the contents on the paper carefully.

Magical binding bracelet, developed to target the evil Animagus.

After the bracelet is worn, it will automatically blend into the wearer's bone marrow.

When the wearer is in human form, the bracelet has no effect on the wearer.

When the wearer is in animal form, as long as his soul has evil thoughts, he will not be able to return to human form. In other words, he will become an animal with intelligent thoughts but no intelligent body.

Hermione rubbed the parchment with her fingertips, then put her fingers to the tip of her nose and smelled, "The ink is dry and the smell of ink has dissipated, which means that the fat man has already received the package. The reason why it was not delivered before was because we were invisible. It can't see us."

"Being trapped in animal form forever is no better than being imprisoned in Azkaban." Harry said with a smile.

"With the magic darts, we can save Buckbeak. Let's go!"

Luo Bin led the two of them through the boulders to the slope.

Standing on the slope, you can see the cabin, the pumpkin patch, and the blurry figure of Buckbeak nestled in the pumpkin bush.

"I understand, what Dumbledore said, if it succeeds, more than one innocent life can be saved. The other one refers to Buckbeak." Hermione said excitedly.

"Look! Hagrid opened and closed the door. 'We' are in the house. Let's go to the pumpkin patch."

Luo Bin looked down the slope.


The three of them went down to the bottom of the slope as quickly as possible, stuck to the woods, and went around to the back of the pumpkin patch.

In addition to the magic collar, there was an iron chain around Buckbeak's neck, and the other end of the iron chain was tied to a thick wooden stake.

Harry poked his head out from behind the big pumpkin, and through the window saw 'himself' talking to Hagrid. When he turned his head, he saw Fudge and his party wandering down the slope.

"People from the Ministry of Magic are here. We have to rescue Buckbeak quickly."

"No, we have to let them see Buckbeak tied up first, and then we take him away. Otherwise, they will suspect that Hagrid did it, even though it is protected by the magic collar." Robin persuaded.

At this time, a squeaking mouse came from the hut, as well as Ron's surprised voice. The three of them popped up and saw Ron hugging a gray mouse tightly.

"It's Peter Pettigrew! You said, I will rush in and grab Scabbers now, bring it to Fudge, and force it to show its human form, Sirius, don't you?"

"Harry!" Hermione cut off Harry's words sternly, "Harry, you are in the cabin right now. If you rush in, he will mistakenly think that you are crazy, or think that you are using blackmail. Conjured by magic, interfering with time is a very dangerous thing."

"Dumbledore said that we cannot be seen. Professor McGonagall once told me about the terrible things that happened after some people did not follow the rules of magic and tampered with time. They accidentally killed their past or future selves."

The consequences of tampering with time were beyond Harry's expectation. He lowered his eyes and no longer mentioned rushing into the cabin to catch Scabbers.

"Fudge, do you remember this place?"

Dumbledore's old and thick voice, brushing against the pumpkin leaves, floated into the ears of the three of them, indicating that Fudge and the others were almost reaching the front yard of the wooden house.

"Fudge is here, why don't 'us' in the house leave?"

Harry counted dozens, but still couldn't hear the door opening, so he said in confusion.

"Yeah, why didn't you leave? emm. Why didn't you leave then?"

When Hermione was confused, she caught a glimpse of a stone snail shell on the top of the pumpkin. The pattern on the shell was exactly the same as the stone snail shell that had been pulled out of the clay pot before.

Reminiscent of what Dumbledore said, 'When I can't make up my mind, I usually go back to the old path again', and I immediately figured out what to do.

She grabbed the stone snail shell, stuck her head out, aimed at the clay pot, smashed it hard, and then quickly retracted behind the big pumpkin.


The clay pot shattered, and Hagrid's curses floated through the room.

"Hermione, are you crazy?" Harry asked in shock.

"Are we leaving?" Hermione asked.

"No!" Harry replied.

"Strange, why haven't you left yet?"

"There's still one step left!"

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he took out the bracelet from the cloth bag and threw it hard against the window of the wooden house.

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