Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 262 Magic Darts, Rescue the Hippogriff


Inside the wooden house, a familiar groan came.

Luo Bin: (ー_ー)!! If you hit yourself, there will be no one else.

"Robin, parchment, you didn't throw in the introduction to the magic bracelet."

Harry looked at the parchment on the ground and exclaimed.

Robin picked up the parchment and stuffed it back into the cloth bag, "I would have put it on Peter's wrist even if I hadn't seen the introduction, right?"


Harry nodded as he recalled what had happened in the Shrieking Shack.

Dong Dong~


"Come right away!" Hagrid said perfunctorily.

Hermione poked her head out and saw Hagrid, Fudge, Dumbledore and others talking at the front door, and saw the back door being pushed open.

"'We' are out. Let's go. To be on the safe side, go hide in the woods."


The three of them slowly retreated into the woods. Through the binoculars, they saw the lawn at the back door of the cabin. Without anyone around them, they made shoe prints one after another, and the shoe prints went up the slope.

It shows that the invisible 'four people' are gradually walking away.

The three people in the forest walked lightly and walked back to the pumpkin patch. They raised their ears and eavesdropped on what was going on in the house.

"Where is that beast?"

A thick and powerful voice asked.

“In the backyard pumpkin patch.”

A hoarse voice replied.

Ta da~

The sound of footsteps came from far away, and the person who asked the question walked to the window.

"Okay! I saw it. It's thinner than I thought. I can chop off its head with an axe. Don't worry, it won't feel pain."

"McNeil, come here, it's time to read out the verdict. Once it's done, we sign it and your ax can drink blood."

He talks like a stuck machine and is weak. He must be an old antique from that committee.

Ta da~

McNeil moved away from the window, and then the sound of the lengthy verdict being read floated through the room.

"Now, we have to move faster." Harry said in a low voice.

"I come!"

While listening to the verdict, Robin turned over the big pumpkin and trickled into the pumpkin patch. When Buckbeak saw him, his eyes instantly changed from "a pool of stagnant water" to "bright and bright". He opened his beak and seemed to want to


"Be quiet and don't scare the people in the room!"

Buckbeak closed his beak, his shining eyes still staring at his friend.

Luo Bin stepped forward and stroked its feathers, "It cooperates well. After tonight, you will be free."

After saying that, he took out the magic dart and thrust it into the magic collar.

Streams of blue liquid poured into the bulb along the middle tube of the dart, causing the bulb to emit a faint purple light.

All that's left is to wait for the magic power in the collar to be sucked away.

After a long time, the committee member shut his mouth, and the people in the room began to sign the judgment order, while the light bulb was still on.


The front door of the wooden house was pushed open from the inside, and Luo Bin hurriedly bent down and squatted down.

"Minister, look at me, look over there, over there at the rock!"

The voice is old and powerful, it's Dumbledore.

"What's over there?"

Luo Bin raised his head slightly and saw Fudge and his party, with their backs to the pumpkin patch, looking at the scenery on the hillside.

"Dippet planted heather when he was the principal!"


"And those strawberries you love so much."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"What about that! Behind that big heather!"

"Oh my gosh! There's so much and it's all red, it must taste amazing."

"Of course, Hagrid has always been very talented in planting. When you leave school, you can take a few baskets with you and give them to your colleagues at the Ministry of Magic."

"That would be great!"


The light bulb went out, Robin pulled out the dart, took out the scissors and cut off the magic collar. When he turned to untie the chain, he found that Hermione had already grasped the other end of the chain.

"Buckbeak, come on, step softly."

Buckbeak was very spiritual and did exactly what Robin said. After a while, the three of them and the beast went into the woods and hid.

"Where is it? Was that beast here just now?"

Angry roars passed through bushes and bushes and floated into the ears of the three people.

"It's amazing. A few minutes ago, Piccolo was in the pumpkin patch." Hagrid chuckled.

"Look, the magic collar was cut off and thrown on the pumpkin leaf. Obviously, some thieves let the beast go." Fudge speculated.

"What happened to me was definitely not my fault!"

Hagrid puffed up his chest, not afraid of McNeil's suspicious gaze.

"Hagrid, no one will say that this has anything to do with you. How could it be you? You have been with us all this time, and the magic collar explodes as soon as it is cut. You have no ability to remove the magic on it, right, Fudge?"

Dumbledore shouted.

"Yeah, that's right, it was done by other thieves. McNeil, send someone to search the entire place, including"

"Minister, if you really want to search, let's search the sky. It has big wings, doesn't it? Hagrid, now I want to drink a cup of good tea, or a large glass of brandy."

"Okay, I'll make it!"

As soon as Dumbledore stepped onto the threshold with his left foot, he turned to McNeil and said: "Executioner, your service is not needed here. Thank you, Fudge. Come in and have a drink too!"

Fudge sighed and followed Dumbledore into the cabin. McNeil walked into the pumpkin patch, raised his ax and angrily chopped a large pumpkin in half.


Hagrid let out a wail. He rushed into the pumpkin patch and pushed McNeil away. "Pumpkin, I managed to raise it so big. I plan to use it to dress up as a jack-o-lantern for Halloween this year, or cut it into pieces and make soup for the students." of."

"Is a broken pumpkin worth all the fuss about?"

"What do you know"

After some debate, McNeil left angrily, with the old man from the committee stumbling behind him, while Hagrid went inside to make tea.


The wooden door was closed, and everything became silent again.

"What should we do now?"

Harry asked quietly, looking at the darkening sky.

"Go into the woods and hide Buckbeak." Robin suggested.


The three of them led Buckbeak into the depths of the forest. For a long time, until it was dark, they tied Buckbeak to a big tree on the edge of a clearing.

"What now?" Harry asked, patting the bird's beak.

"Go save Sirius!" Hermione mused.

"How to save?"

"have no idea!"

After Hermione finished speaking, she ran up the slope. Robin and Harry looked at each other and followed closely.

The three of them climbed up the slope and looked through the trees in the direction of the Whomping Willow.

He saw Lupine picking up a stone and hitting the Whomping Willow's knot. After a while, he saw Snape waving his wand and casting a hold on the Whomping Willow.

"I left my invisibility cloak with the Whomping Willow. Do you think I should rush over and pick up the invisibility cloak?"

"Harry, did you forget what I said? You can't be seen. It's too far away from the Whomping Willow. If you run into other people when you rush past, you'll be in trouble."

"All right!"

"Sit down, it will be a long time before 'we' emerge from the Whomping Willow Tunnel!"

Luo Bin took out three cloth cushions, and the three of them sat down and enjoyed a moment of tranquility.

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