Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 263: Upgrade one level, take advantage first


As the bats swarm across the clearing, Buckbeak hops on his front hooves and enjoys the buffet with excitement.

"It's quite happy!"

Hermione turned her head and looked at Buckbeak catching the bat and said.

"Yes!" Harry agreed.

"There's one thing I've never been able to figure out. Why did the Dementors let Sirius go?"

"I remember that hundreds of dementors came around at that time. Professor Lupine said that the Ministry of Magic issued an order that as soon as the dementors encountered Sirius, they would immediately execute the dementor's kiss."

Hermione said confused.

Harry recalled the scene at that time and said eloquently: "The Dementors had no intention of letting Sirius go. At that time, they had taken off their hoods, exposing their eye sockets without eyeballs, but their faces were covered with a layer of scabbed thin skin. Opening its irregular hole-like mouth, gurgle, gurgle, sucked out Sirius's soul."

"In an extremely critical moment, three big silver-white guys rushed over from the other side of the lake and drove away the dementors."

"Patronus! Who summoned it? Could it be the professor?" Hermione guessed.

Harry shook his head, "Not Professor! I saw them. Maybe it was my hallucination. I was very dizzy at the time and glanced at the other side, then I lost consciousness."

"Harry, stop being so pretentious, what did you see?"

"I I saw my dad James Potter!"

"Where are the other two? There are three patron saints, aren't there?" Luo Bin asked deliberately.

Luo Bin: ╮(‵▽′)╭, my seniority level has been raised one level, so I’ll take advantage first.

"The other two, one tall and one low, can't be seen clearly. Maybe they are friends of my father."

Hermione glanced at Harry strangely, "I have a guess, forget it, it's something that has no basis in fact and no one will believe it. Do you two have your wands?"

"Take it!" Robin and Harry responded at the same time.

The topic of Dementors and Patronuses ended here. During the remaining waiting time, Hermione silently memorized the exam exercises, Harry stared closely at the Whomping Willow, and Robin chased away the mosquitoes around him.

The mosquitoes in the Forbidden Forest are really poisonous and big. One bite will instantly turn up a big red and itchy bump.

"Look, 'we' are out!" Harry exclaimed.

The three of them stood up and saw a group of people exiting the Whomping Willow Tunnel and walking towards the castle.

"Sirius said he wanted to give me a home, so that I wouldn't have to live at the Dursleys' house. Maybe, he and I would live in the countryside and see the vast sky every day. After being locked up for so many years, he must be very eager. Freedom, eager to bask in the sun.”


A scream came from the Whomping Willow, breaking Harry's fantasy.

The dark clouds moved away and the full moon illuminated the venue.

When Lupine transformed into a werewolf and wanted to attack "a few people", Sirius transformed into a black dog, stopped and fought with them.

After a while, the black dog was defeated and was thrown several meters away.

When the werewolf continued to approach the "several people", Snape rushed forward, and then, Snape protected the "several people" and retreated back.

When the werewolf was about to swing its claws, the black dog rushed up, bit the werewolf's calf, and jumped left and right to lure the werewolf away.

"let's go!"

Harry pushed aside the bushes and ran in a direction where he could mainly see werewolves and black dogs, with Robin and Hermione following closely behind him.

After a while, the three of them ran to a large oak tree.

I saw the black dog in the distance, rolling and falling to the ground. I saw the werewolf lifting the black dog and slamming it onto the sharp stone. I saw the 'three people' rushing to the boulder. I saw the werewolf lying on all fours on the ground, slowly Approaching the 'three people'.

"Oops, Lupine wants to kill 'us'." Hermione frowned.


A loud wolf howl sounded from beside Hermione.

"Robin, what are you doing?" Harry asked in shock.

"Save 'our' lives."


Robin put his hands in a trumpet shape to his lips, howled, and imitated the howl of a wolf. Hermione and Harry imitated the howl of a wolf.


(Sound of swaying shrub branches)

The three people's plan was successful. The werewolf no longer entangled the black dog and the "three people", and rushed towards the bushes with great force, running towards the three people.

"Robin, is Professor Lu Ping's coming to us part of your plan?"

Harry said in disbelief.

"No! If you don't let me use the wand, then I have no choice but to run away, run away quickly!"

Robin grabbed Hermione, turned around and ran away, with Harry following closely behind.


'Xiao Xiao' changed to 'Hua Hua', indicating that the distance between the three of them and the werewolf was shortening.


A root protruded from the ground and Harry tripped.

After Robin helped him up, he pulled him and Hermione and hid behind a big tree.


The werewolf stopped and stretched his neck to sniff around.

Hermione held Robin's hand, pressed against the trunk of the tree, and walked backwards little by little.

The sniffles disappeared, and there was silence all around, except for the slight gasps from the three of them.


The crisp sound of broken dead branches was like a big drum being beaten, which made the three of them panic.

Luo Bin turned his head and saw the hairy werewolf staring fiercely at his neck.


After a high-pitched howl, the werewolf straightened up, raised his arms, and swung his claws straight at Hermione's back.

Robin pulled Hermione behind him and pulled out the ebony wand. The freezing spell, the fire spell, the holding spell and other spells flashed through his mind one by one like a fast slide show.

Suddenly, a huge shadow enveloped the three of them, and then the werewolf groaned in pain.

Hermione raised her head, glanced over Robin's shoulder, and saw Buckbeak fluttering his wings, standing upright, opening his beak, and roaring at the werewolf.

In the animal kingdom, strength is determined by body size and ferocity.

So, the werewolf was driven away by the hippogriff.

Buckbeak turned to look at the three of them, with a hint of 'begging for praise' in his eyes.

"How scary!" Hermione said in fear after shrinking into Robin's arms.

"Well, Professor Lupin is so pitiful tonight." Harry said helplessly.


The cold wind blew the hair of the three people flying, the moonlight disappeared, and darkness once again enveloped the Forbidden Forest.

Luo Bin raised his head and saw hundreds of dementors floating towards the lake.

"Sirius, come on, come on!"

Then, the three of them ran to the lake as fast as they could.

There was no one on the shore. On the other side, the dementors were gathering downwards. The hemispherical, silver-white light isolated them from the shield.

“From this angle, it’s even scarier!”

Hermione grabbed Robin's arm and said in panic.

"Don't worry, my dad and his friends will be here. They will cast the Patronus Charm to drive away those dementors."

"Well, I fainted, Harry, you fainted too, okay? You didn't faint, you just fell. Look, the Dementor is taking off his hat."

"Come on, come on, he's right there, you'll see him!"

Harry pointed at a flat boulder and said excitedly.

A ray of blue fluorescence slowly floated out from Sirius's mouth.

"Harry, listen to me, no one is coming!"

Hermione shook her head.

"Don't worry, he will come, he will definitely come!"

Harry said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

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