Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 268 Time speeds up, white monkey boy Arqiong

"I don't mean any harm, I'm a good person and I want to help and help him untie the vines."

The old man slowly stretched out his big hand full of vicissitudes of life, and the female squirrel showed her fangs, pretending to bite someone.

Luo Bin strode forward and pushed the old man's hand away, "I'll do it!"

Luo Bin turned his head and looked at the female squirrel without blinking, expressing as much kindness as possible.

Half a minute later, the mother squirrel's eyes were no longer fierce. She nudged the cub with her nose and pulled at the vines with her paws.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Luo Bin stretched out his hands and ripped off the vines wrapped around the cub.

The cub trembled and climbed onto the back of the mother squirrel. The mother squirrel nodded gratefully to Luo Bin, then humped the cub and jumped into the orchard and disappeared.

"Oh! I don't mean any harm, I just want to help, why don't they believe me?"

Luo Bin looked at the direction in which the squirrel mother and son were leaving, and fell into deep thought.

The old man has a kind face and kind eyes, and exudes a friendly and friendly atmosphere. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a bad person.

However, animals' intuition is much more sensitive than that of ordinary people. There must be other reasons why squirrels fear and hate the elderly.

"Intruder, let's go and sit in my house."


The two of them followed the path in the forest, passed through the orchard, and came to a 'primitive tribe'.

The houses in the tribe are made of adobe bricks and dry thatch. The lower half is cylindrical and the upper half is conical. This structure is warm in winter, cool in summer, and waterproof.

The old man seemed to have a high status. As soon as he passed through the large gate of the tribe, people kept coming out of the earthen house and saying hello to the old man.

"Mr. Sana, thank you for your hard work!"

"Mr. Sana, do you want to take one of the newly brewed canned apples to try?"

"Mr. Sana, Liya's fever has gone away after drinking the medicine you prepared, but her voice is still a little hoarse and she still needs to rest for a few days."

The old man doesn't pick on Joe either. He will respond kindly to anyone who greets him.

From the conversation between the old man and the villagers, we learned that the old man’s name was Sana. He knew medicine, planting, infrastructure, carpentry, and exorcism. To the villagers, the old man was a prophet and a belief-like existence.

However, there was also a small group of people who did not show respect to the old man, such as the little carrot heads who were only as tall as an adult's thigh.

After a long time, until the old man's voice became hoarse, the enthusiastic villagers stopped coming to say hello.

Then, the old man led Luo Bin to a two-story building.

The living room on the first floor of the villa is spacious and bright. There are white tables and chairs in the center of the room, and a one-meter-high stone platform is built against the wall near the window.

The stage was filled with flowers and plants planted in clay pots. The blooming flowers attracted many butterflies.

The strange thing is that as soon as the old man walked into the hall, the pollen-sucking butterflies flew away in a panic as if they had seen their natural enemies. A few of them even ran into the stone wall in a panic.

When Luo Bin came in, Butterfly was not like this.

He turned his gaze to the lower right and saw two pairs of woolen slippers on the shoe cabinet, one pair was as big as a boat and the other was as small as a pair. The ends of the shoes were embroidered with red apples with hanging leaves.

"There is still a mistress at home, isn't there?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and his gray eyes were covered with a layer of mist. "Yes! She went on a long trip, to a very far place. It's getting dark, intruder, you must be hungry, right?" , I’m going to prepare dinner.”

After finishing speaking, the old man walked around the tables and chairs and walked into a small room. Ten minutes later, he walked out with two trays filled with food.

On the tray, there were bread as hard as a stone, charred pork chops, cold vegetable soup, and vegetable salad with old leaves not removed.

Luo Bin couldn't swallow such a 'hard' dinner. He raised his head and saw the old man eating bread dipped in soup and eating with gusto.

"If you don't eat enough, you won't be energetic tomorrow. How can you help me get revenge?"

In line with the concept of eating early and being relieved early, Luo Bin soaked the bread in the cold soup and finished the food on the tray as quickly as possible.

The old man finished his dinner slowly and turned to look at the big clock on the wall. Luo Bin also looked up at the clock.

The hour hand, minute hand, and second hand overlap and point to twelve o'clock.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), it’s noon now, it’s early before the sun sets. Why does the old man call this meal dinner?

Suddenly, the three magnetic needles in the clock began to rotate abnormally.

The second hand rotates so fast that even the afterimage is difficult to capture.

The minute hand is also rotating, and its speed is equal to the speed of the wheels of the moving carriage.

The hour hand also rotates clockwise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the angle, brightness and darkness of the sunlight that shines obliquely through the window also change with the rotation of the magnetic needle.

After a while, the sun disappeared, the moonlight shone in, and the magnetic needle continued to rotate for a while.

Finally, there was a click, and the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand overlapped again and pointed to twelve o'clock.

"It's midnight. It's time to go to bed. We have to get up early tomorrow to get down to business."

"Intruder, no matter what happens at night, don't leave the bedroom, otherwise, here, take it, this is the key to the guest bedroom, you go along this corridor to the end, the room on the right is your bedroom!"

The boss took the tray on the table back to the kitchen, and then walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Luo Bin followed the old man's instructions and walked to the far end of the corridor on the first floor and opened the guest bedroom door with the key.

In the guest bedroom, there is no imagined white floor and comfortable single bed.

The wall is a blue-gray stone wall, with climbing vines growing between the cracks in the stone.

The ground is made of compacted sand, which is soft yet tough when you step on it.

The bed was a hammock made of linen rope. Lying on it made my butt hurt.

However, after lying down for three seconds, Luo Bin felt a strong sense of sleepiness in his mind. He struggled for a moment and then fell asleep.

late at night!

Dong Dong~

There was a sound of knocking on the window with glass on the inside and iron bars on the outside.


The glass was pushed open, and with a bang, a stone hit Luo Bin between the eyebrows.

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), you have been bullied to this extent, if you don’t open your eyes, it will be unjustifiable.

He opened his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows, and looked toward the window. There, lying there was a guy who looked like a child.

The little guy looked like an albino golden monkey. His whole body was covered with white hair and his eyes were surprisingly bright. He grabbed the window edge, pressed his face against the iron fence, and looked inside.

Luo Bin stood up and walked to the window, "Child, is it important to come here in the middle of the night and disturb people's dreams?"

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

The little guy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Can you eat people?"

The child shook his head, "No."

"Can you do magic?"

"What is magic?"

"Are you going to harm anyone?"

"No, Arjun is a good baby."

"Then why should I be afraid of you?"

The child named Arqiong plucked the white hair on his face and said with a smile: "Yes! Big brother, what did that bad guy draw on the drawing board yesterday?"

"bad guy?"

"That's Sana. He's bad. What did he draw?"

Luo Bin thought for a moment and decided to tell what he saw, "A horse!"

"What kind of horse?" The child took a breath of air, and then asked hurriedly.

"A horse with a strong physique, well-proportioned muscles, and a '△'-shaped notch on the right ear."

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