Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 269 Cloud Watchers, Secrets of the Cloud World


The child fell down in shock, and when he emerged again, his eyes were filled with tears.

"Sanna Bad is a big bad guy. He is with those bastards. They want to kill Leah!"

"Who is Leah?" Robin asked curiously.

The child turned his head, pointed to a row of low sheds in the distance, and choked out: "The horse with the '△'-shaped notch at the tip of the stable, is Leah."

Luo Bin took out his night vision binoculars, looked into the distance through the lenses.

He saw a row of stables, with a horse in each stall.

Of all the horses, the one in the cubicle by the firewood pile was the prettiest.

It has satin-like smooth and shiny hair, and the hair on its neck hangs down like a waterfall. It has a calm temperament, and its whole body exudes a holy aura comparable to that of a unicorn.

There is a '△'-shaped gap on the tip of its right ear, and there is a bronze plate fixed on the wooden door of the compartment, which reads: Liya

"Big brother, if you eradicate the bad guys and rescue the animals in and outside the village, I will give you the village's treasures as a thank you gift."

"What treasure?"

"If you can fulfill my request, you will know."

After the child finished speaking, he turned around and ran away quickly.


Smashing movies is all about chasing treasures. Luo Bin was in a good mood and planned to lie back in the hammock and take a nap.

However, as soon as he turned around, he found that his shadow was lengthening rapidly, and then became shorter, wider, lighter and thicker.

A few rays of golden sunlight slanted through the window and shone on his calves, indicating that the night had turned into day.

Dong Dong~


"Intruder, it's dawn and I'm going to the top of the mountain to do business. Are you up?"

"get up!"

After Luo Bin finished cleaning up, he opened the wooden door and found that the old man had not left after calling him, but had been waiting at the door.

The old man looked over Luo Bin's shoulder, looked at the wide open window, and asked, "Did nothing happen last night?"

"No, I had a good night's sleep without any dreams."

"That's good! Let's go, I'll take you to see the law enforcer."

Law enforcer? what is that.

Luo Bin, doubtful, followed the old man out of the villa, walked around to the back of the house, and then walked a short distance to the stables.

When the horses saw the old man, they all screamed in fright and pulled the reins back. Their necks and faces were red, but they still pulled hard on the reins.

"Alas, Leah, the chosen one is Leah!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the horses stopped struggling with the reins. Leah's legs trembled, and her big black eyes shed tears.

"I don't mean any harm, and I don't want to see you die, but I have responsibilities on my shoulders. Leah, don't struggle, it will be less painful. Alas, when will these days end?"

"What kind of day?" Luo Bin asked.

The old man ignored Luo Bin. He looked up at the sky and murmured: "Here we come, the law enforcers are here."

Luo Bin looked up at the sky and saw clouds and mist rolling in, converging into three large tombstones.

Then, the tombstone clicked, and a pencil-shaped head sprouted, slender limbs, and a long beard hanging down to the edge of the robe.

The three law enforcers, all with kind-looking faces, smiled and greeted people after falling from the clouds to the ground, and the old man responded enthusiastically.

However, Luo Bin felt that the old man's "enthusiastic response" was very fake, as if he was wearing a human skin mask, smiling but not smiling.

The law enforcers opened the compartment next to the firewood pile and took off the reins of the white horse. Leah did not resist and was led forward by them with tears in her eyes.

The group of people passed through one earthen house after another and came to the tribal fence gate. The old man turned around and waved to the crowd of farewells.

In an instant, the three little carrot heads were pushed to the old man by their parents.

The first one was a little girl with red hair and blue eyes. She grabbed her skirt and stared at the old man timidly.

The second one was a little boy with brown hair and green eyes. He stood on tiptoes and looked at the law enforcer curiously.

The third one is a little kid with white hair and white eyes. His trouser pockets are bulging, as if he is holding something.

"Everyone is here, let's go!"

After the old man finished speaking, he pushed open the fence door and led everyone into the apple.

, the squirrels in the forest saw the old man coming, and fled in all directions, squawking.

About one-third of the squirrels either glanced at the horse with sad eyes or glared at the old man angrily before fleeing.

The old man's head was always lowered. The further he walked, the lower he lowered his head. I don't know if it was because of shame or something else.

After a while, everyone came to a clearing in the forest. The old man walked to the center of the clearing and stamped the ground three times.

In an instant, a tall tombstone appeared out of thin air in the open space. The old man tapped the stone three times with the tip of his pen, and circles of water ripples immediately appeared on the surface of the tombstone.

The old man raised his feet and penetrated into the tombstone. Then came the law enforcer and Leah, and then the red-haired girl and the brown-haired boy.

"Brother, don't forget our deal. You eradicate the bad guys, and I'll give you treasures."

After the little boy finished speaking, he also walked into the stone tablet. Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and stepped into the ripples.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the top of the pillar-shaped stone mountain and behind the strange stone chair.

At this moment, the old man was sitting upright on the stone chair. Three little carrot heads were standing side by side on the right side of the stone chair. Leah was standing on the edge of the hanging platform. Behind him stood three law enforcers holding leather whips.

"Intruders, stand on the left side of the stone chair!" the old man reminded.


As soon as Luo Bin stood up, the law enforcer began to swing the whip. Lea walked forward with tears in her eyes. When she was still half a meter away from the edge of the hanging platform, she said nothing and refused to move.

The three law enforcers put away their whips and pushed them forward.

The horse's hooves scraped against the stone platform, kicking up bursts of dust. In the end, Leah failed to escape the law enforcer. She fell to the suspended platform with a neighing sound, and was swallowed up by the bottomless black sea with a plop.

Then, the enforcer turned into a cloud and soared back to the sea of ​​clouds.

The old man stood up and walked to Luo Bin, "Intruder, it's time for you to know who my enemy is."

He raised the pen dipped in ink and tapped the tip of the pen between Luo Bin's eyebrows.

In an instant, memories that did not belong to Luo Bin were played in his mind at double speed.

After Luo Bin read it, he knew what grudges the old man had.

In this world, the old man is a cloud watcher.

Every morning, he would sit on a stone chair on the top of the mountain and watch the clouds. When he saw the clouds separated from the sea of ​​clouds and gathered them into patterns, he would draw them on his drawing board.

The next day, three law enforcers will fall in the sea of ​​clouds. They will seize the objects corresponding to the drawing board patterns and roughly push the objects off the hanging platform.

Sacrifice and reward are equal.

Every afternoon, gifts would appear out of thin air in the old man's house.

Plant seeds, farming equipment, life-saving herbs, infrastructure books, delicious meat, etc. The old man never kept anything private, and he would distribute the gifts equally to the villagers.

That's why his status in the tribe is so high.

The old man originally thought that this method of exchanging things for things was worthy of being passed down forever.

Until one morning, after the 'real thing' was pushed off the hanging platform, the old man sat on a stone chair and observed the sea of ​​clouds as usual.

Unexpectedly, the clouds split from the sea of ​​​​clouds actually converged into the appearance of the old man's wife.

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