Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 270 Use rules skillfully to help with revenge

After struggling for a while, the old man drew the appearance of his wife on the drawing board with tears in his eyes.

After painting, he regretted it and tried to erase the pattern on the drawing board with his hands. Unfortunately, it was a magic drawing board. He only had the right to draw, but not the right to erase.

When the 'real object' corresponding to the drawing board pattern is pushed down from the hanging platform, the drawing board will become blank again.

The next day, law enforcement officers broke into the villa, took away the old man's wife by force, and worked together to push her off the hanging platform.

The Black Sea is like a man-eating devil. If you fall into it, there is no chance of survival. Even the body cannot be knocked out.

The departure of his wife made the old man sad and angry, and made him understand why the animals in and outside the village did not like him so much.

However, the word "Cloud Watcher" was like an obsession engraved in his bones, making it difficult for him to get rid of it.

Observing clouds - painting - sharing gifts - looking at real objects. He was pushed down, and his life went on like this day by day, but in the heart of the old man, hatred had taken root and sprouted, growing into a big tree in the sky.


Luo Bin felt a drop of ice-cold liquid dripping onto the tip of his nose. He slowly opened his eyes and found the old man looking at the sky expectantly.

"Intruder, you have a chance to decide the shape of the clouds to gather and help me get revenge."

"Succeed, you will leave here and enter the next treasure hunt level. If you fail, you will be pushed off the hanging platform along with the 'real object' on the drawing board. Your soul will be integrated into the Black Sea, and you will never be able to gain it." To liberation."

"Let me remind you, there are three rules in the world of sea of ​​clouds."

"The first one is that as a cloud observer, when I see the clouds split from the sea of ​​clouds and the patterns they gather together, I must draw them on the drawing board."

"Article 2: If the law enforcers see something on the drawing board, the next day they will seize the corresponding object and push it off the suspended platform."

"Article 3: Once the 'real object' is pushed down, the drawing board will return to blank, so that I can observe the clouds and draw, and the law enforcers can catch the objects according to the drawing. Intruder, you only have five minutes to think about it."

After the old man finished speaking, he returned to the stone chair and sat down. Luo Bin looked at the surging sea of ​​clouds and fell into deep thought.

If you want to get the treasures of the primitive tribe, you must fulfill the little boy's wish. The evil person in Arqiong's mouth is Sana, who is a cloud watcher.

Let the clouds gather to look like an old man?

Pass, the treasure is obtained, but the soul is trapped in the black sea forever. Isn't this a blessing but no life?

If you want to leave here and enter the next level, you must avenge the old man. Judging from the memory fragments that come to mind, the old man's enemy is undoubtedly the law enforcer.

Let the clouds gather to look like law enforcers?

Pass, the law enforcer fell off the suspended platform and melted into the black sea. Can the hatred in the old man's heart be eliminated?

No, death is by no means the best punishment. It is to make people fall into despair, sadness and mourning forever.

Moreover, the previous intruder must have thought of this method.


The crisp sound of the collision between the drawing board and the stone handrail interrupted Luo Bin's contemplation.

"Intruder, the time has come, have you thought about it?"

The old man's eyes were sad, as if he believed that the person in front of him could not help him.

Luo Bin opened his eyes and happened to see the sea of ​​clouds splitting the clouds downwards. Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed through his mind, and he successfully caught the tail of the spiritual light.

"Think about it!"

Luo Bin replied in a very calm tone.

The old man took out a metal pocket watch from his robe pocket. The hour hand pointed to eight o'clock, the minute hand pointed to twelve o'clock, and the second hand pointed very well, also to twelve o'clock.

The old man put away his pocket watch, holding the drawing board in his left hand and the quill in his right hand. Then he looked up at the sky.

"Where is it? Where is the pattern?"

The old man stared and searched the sky, but could not find the 'Cloud Atlas'.

"Over there!" Luo Bin pointed to the sky.

The old man turned his head and narrowed his eyes, "Where? There's nothing!"

Luo Bin: →_→, old man, after your great revenge is avenged, I suggest you get a pair of glasses.

"There, right there, do you see it?"

The old man shook his head, "No, I didn't see anything except clouds!"

"You have already told the answer!"

The old man turned his head suddenly and stared at Luo Bin in shock, "Yun, you made the clouds gather into clouds?"

"Yes, that's right!"

When the old man heard the affirmative reply, his expression suddenly changed from astonishment to confusion, surprise, and excitement.

"As law enforcers in this world, they have received a mission that they can never complete. They will be confined to endless torture and pain for the rest of their lives. It is a very good punishment."

"Moreover, the operating method of 'exchanging gifts in kind' has also ended today, which means that the shackles of the 'Cloud Watcher' that has trapped me for decades can finally be removed."

"I feel particularly comfortable now. Intruder, you succeeded. You successfully relieved the hatred in my heart."

After the old man finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief. Then, holding the quill, he drew three white clouds on the drawing board.

Then, the old man stood up, took out the metal pocket watch, and used his fingertips to move the magnetic needle to rotate rapidly.

Time is speeding up again!

The sea of ​​clouds surged rapidly, and the waves on the Black Sea became higher and higher. The shadow shrank suddenly, and the surrounding area became brighter. Then, the shadow lengthened, the surrounding area darkened, the afterglow faded, and the cold-toned moonlight shone on the top of the mountain.

Then, an 'egg yolk' appeared on the sea in the distance, the sun rose, and the golden-orange sunlight once again shone on the heads of several people.


The old man closed the cover of his watch, looked at the sea of ​​clouds that had returned to its normal rolling speed, and murmured: "It's seven o'clock, they should appear."

Luo Bin looked up at the sky and saw dozens of clouds splitting from the sea of ​​clouds, and the clouds gathered into three large tombstones. Then, the tombstones clucked, and a pencil-shaped head, slender limbs, and pendant tombstones appeared. The long beard on the edge of the robe.

After the law enforcer landed on the top of the mountain, he greeted the old man with a smile. However, when he saw the content on the drawing board, his kind eyes turned into a ferocious one. His eyes made him want to skin the old man alive and eat him alive.

"Guys, don't look at me like that."

"I, the intruder, and the spectators (the three carrot heads) have not violated the 'Three Rules of the Cloud World'."

"As a reminder, before eight o'clock, you must grab the clouds and push them into the Black Sea, otherwise the drawing board will not be cleared and I will not be able to draw on it, let alone fulfill my duties as a cloud observer."

"How dare you?"

"Are you kidding us? You're taking advantage of a loophole in the rules!"

"Sana, you will pay the price for today's stupidity!"

The old man sat on the stone chair, staring at the law enforcer fearlessly. He had been restricted by the "three rules" for most of his life, and he knew how to use the rules to protect himself.

After staring angrily for several minutes, the law enforcer reluctantly ascended a little below the sea of ​​clouds.

They reached out to grab the target, but their hands passed through the clouds and caught nothing except the thin, almost invisible mist on their palms.

They surrounded the clouds, opening and closing their lips, seeming to persuade the clouds to be obedient. However, would the unconscious and unintelligent clouds listen to them?

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