Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 271 Watermelon Bug, with a special accent

After a while, they closed their mouths and gave up persuading. Instead, they spread their palms and fanned them from top to bottom.

This time, the clouds moved, slowly drifting down for about one meter, then rising up to two meters.

The law enforcers were anxious. They waved their hands randomly and dispersed the clouds into white mist. However, in less than ten seconds, the white mist condensed into clouds again.

The old man seemed tired of watching the boring performance. He no longer stared at the sky, but stared at the pocket watch in his hand.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock!

Time passed minute by minute. When the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock and the minute and second hands pointed to twelve o'clock, the old man closed his pocket watch and raised his head to look at the law enforcers.

After the law enforcer glared at the old man, he floated into the sea of ​​clouds and disappeared!

"It's over, it's all over!"

The old man wiped the tears from his eyes, stood up and walked to Luo Bin, stuffing the quill, drawing board, and pocket watch into his arms.

"Intruders, pens and drawing boards, once they leave here, they will no longer have anything to do with the law enforcers and the rules of the cloud world. They will become ordinary magic painting sets where the user can draw whatever they see on the board with the pen. .”

"This pocket watch contains the magic power to accelerate time, but it can only be used in a specific world."

"The law enforcers have been punished as they deserve. My resentment has disappeared. They will never be able to catch the clouds. This means that even if I leave you, there will be no new patterns emerging under the sea of ​​clouds, let alone any The new 'object' was pushed into the black sea."

"In the same way, the cloud world no longer needs cloud watchers. I am free and I can go and accompany her."

"I was late for so long, she will definitely blame me, right? She is so kind and believes that everything is arranged by fate. She will not blame anyone."

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), the more I hear this, the more wrong it becomes.

When Luo Bin was confused, the old man suddenly rushed forward. He ran to the edge of the hanging platform in one breath and jumped off without hesitation.

When Luo Bin arrived, he saw dozens of black hands stretching out from the sea, pulling the old man into the sea with a smile on his face and mouthing "Revenge is successful".

Luo Bin then figured out that the old man's enemy, in addition to the law enforcers, was himself.

It was the old man who drew his wife on the drawing board. When the law enforcement officers arrested him, as a husband, he failed to stop the law enforcement officers and watched his wife fall off the hanging platform.

Only when the old man is punished will the hatred in his heart disappear completely.

Luo Bin turned back to the stone chair and found three little carrot heads. They saw the old man jumping into the sea. They did not show any fear or panic and were still looking ahead calmly.

That's right, in children's minds, the boundary between animals and humans is not very clear. Besides, they are already used to seeing death.

"Go back and tell the villagers what happened just now!"

After the little boy finished speaking, he raised his head towards the quill in Luo Bin's hand.

Luo Bin understood what he meant, strode around behind the stone chair, and tapped the back of the chair three times with the tip of his pen. In an instant, circles of water ripples appeared on the surface of the back of the chair.

The little boy with brown hair and the little girl with red hair walked into the ripples hand in hand.

The little kid put his hand into his trouser pocket and said, "Brother, Arjun is a man of his word. If you eliminate the big bad guy, I will hand over the tribal treasure to you. Spread your hands and spread them out together."

Luo Bin put his pen, drawing board, and pocket watch into the consciousness sea space, then spread his hands and stared curiously at the little furry boy's trouser pockets.


A small ball fell into Luo Bin's palm. The next second, the little boy turned around and rushed into the ripples, disappearing.

Luo Bin: Tsk, you run so fast!

After he finished complaining, he stared and carefully observed the small ball in his palm.

The ball is about the size of a one-yuan coin, and its surface is covered with rings of armor plates. It looks like a small ball made of a miniature pangolin.

Luo Bin reached out and poked the ball. Unexpectedly, the ball moved.


The ball unfolded its body, revealing its true appearance.

It has a shell like a shrimp, four hairy legs like a ferret, a face like a raccoon, and two willow leaf-like tentacles on its forehead.

It didn't seem to be conscious yet, and it looked around at the surroundings in a daze. Finally, it collapsed on all fours in Luo Bin's palm, its tongue stretched out and retracted, looking cute.

"Little guy, dried termites or chicken floss, pick one!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Bin felt that the totem under his left collarbone was heating and aching. He quickly recited the mantra 'contain everything' silently and put the little guy into the Rubik's Cube.

At the same time, his consciousness also dived into the consciousness sea space.

He glanced at the giant Rubik's Cube for a while, and on the yellow side, on a grassland full of wild flowers and flying butterflies, he found a little guy chasing butterflies silly.

He moved his fingers and followed his heart, and the yellow square slowly floated over. He reached out and poked the totem under the square, and then looked up at the light curtain in the sky.

Name: None

Species: Magic Watermelon Bug

Level: S level

Personality: Cute, playful, curious, and loves chasing moving objects.

Physical status: healthy


Devouring and Absorbing: Devouring magical creatures can absorb 1% of the opponent's magic power for one's own use. At the same time, it can selectively inherit one of the opponent's magical talents.

Cave exploration and burrowing: Lying on the ground, you can sense whether there is a cave 500 meters underground. Its burrowing ability is not inferior to that of the pangolin.

Identifying poisons: The nasal olfactory glands are well developed and can determine whether items contain poisons by smelling the smell.

Magic value: 10000

Combat power: 4000

Uh, swallowing takes away 1% of the magic power?

The little guy is only as big as a one-yuan coin. Even if his stomach is burst, he can't absorb much magic power!

After Luo Bin named the little guy Little Watermelon, he moved his fingers and let the square slowly float back to its original position. At the same time, his consciousness also withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness space.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a white wooden door in front of him, with an envelope tied to the door handle.

Luo Bin tore open the seal, took out the letter inside, unfolded it, and read the contents carefully.

Explorer, congratulations on successfully passing the first level.

Go through this door and you will enter the second level. As a reminder, the key to passing the next level is to find the water source and bring the magic watermelon worm with you. It can help you.

Luo Bin put away the envelope, recited the spell silently, and released the little watermelon. It spun around in circles for several times, and finally grabbed the sleeve of the robe and climbed onto the owner's shoulder.

"Pig cutting~"

The voice is soft and waxy, with a vibrato to it, but the accent is a bit strange.

"Start" is said to be "pig-cutting", and no one can do it.

"Little Watermelon, hold on tight."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he turned the door handle, pushed the door open and walked in.

Hot, extremely hot, like being thrown into an oven.

The dazzling sunlight made people's skin burn and ache.

Luo Bin put his palms against his brows and stared at his surroundings.

This is a Gobi desert. The soil you step on is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. If you walk a few steps, the hems of your trousers and robes will be stained with a layer of loose soil.

In the distance, there is an endless white birch forest. On the edge of the forest, tumbleweeds, sea buckthorn, cacti and other vegetation are sparsely growing.

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