Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 272 Gobi Desert, Entering the Birch Forest

Luo Bin approached several sea buckthorn plants and found that the orange fruits on the thorn branches showed signs of being pecked. The floating soil under the trees was covered with dry or wet bird droppings.

Grass, forests, and birds form a small ecological circle, indicating that there is water nearby.

Suddenly, the little watermelon formed into a small ball, bounced on the floating soil, and quickly climbed to the small mound three meters away from Luo Bin's heels. He showed his claw hook, opened his bow left and right, and scraped the soil frantically.

After a while, the termites crawled out of the cave one by one as if they were running for their lives.

The little watermelon stuck out its tongue and licked the termites flexibly. Twenty minutes later, the little guy with a round belly stood upright on his hind legs and spread his front paws to ask for a hug from his owner.

Luo Bin bent down and grabbed it in the palm of his hand. After the little watermelon rubbed his fingertips to express his gratitude, he yawned and rolled it into a small ball.

"It seems that I underestimated the skill of 'swallowing and absorbing'."

Luo Bin weighed the small watermelon and murmured to himself.

After eating a nest of ants, his body size changed from a "coin" to a "ping pong ball", his weight tripled, and success seemed no longer out of reach.

Luo Bin put the 'little ball' in his pocket, turned around and walked towards the birch forest.

The trees in the forest range from thick to thin. The thick trees cannot be hugged by three people holding hands, and the thin trees are as thin as a little finger.

The branches are bare and covered with black knots, and the ground is covered with dry fallen leaves that make a crunching sound when stepped on.

Luo Bin walked in the forest. For some reason, he always felt like he was being watched by many pairs of eyes. However, he used long dead branches to sweep through a large area of ​​fallen leaves, but could not find a single living thing.

As he was walking, he suddenly stopped and looked around warily.

He thought of fallen leaves, which provided shade during the day, kept warm at night, and allowed him to take a few bites to satisfy his hunger when he was hungry. How could such a wonderful place not attract even an insect?

Unless there is a terrible creature living here that the insects dare not approach.

At this time, the little watermelon in the pocket woke up. It stuck its head out of the pocket and looked at the woods in confusion. When it saw the black knots on the tree, its eyes immediately widened.

It eagerly jumped out of the robe pocket, slid down to the ground along the robe, stepped on the fallen leaves to a small birch tree, climbed up one meter in a numb way, and then opened its mouth wide to bite the knot.

The next second, the knotted scar started to move. Only then did Luo Bin realize that it was not a knotted scar, but a moth that could disguise itself.

After about ten seconds, the moth stopped moving. After spitting out the moth's head, Little Watermelon continued to climb up to catch the next prey.

Luo Bin turned his head and looked around. The trunks, branches, and joints of the trees in the forest were all covered with black spots. It would be terrible if they were all moths.

A small moth is nothing to be afraid of, but if there are thousands of them, all going out together?

The top priority is to get out of here quickly.

Just now, when he looked around the woods, he found that the difference in the thickness of the joints of the trees in the west was smaller, which meant that the soil in the west was slightly richer in nutrients. Each joint received equal nutrients, so the water source was probably in the west.

"Little watermelon, don't eat it, come down quickly!"

Luo Bin walked to the small white birch tree and shouted in a low voice.


The little watermelon spit out a moth head and reluctantly crawled into his palm.

Just as Luo Bin turned around to leave, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the fallen leaves and birch trees also swayed together. The frightened moths evacuated the branches one after another and flew in the air.

Those moths have irregular wings with shiny scales attached to the surface of the wings. There are two slender tendrils on the top of the skull, and there are two large pincers on each side of the mouthparts.

They are in a very violent mood, and if they accidentally bump into one, they will definitely fight to the death. The defeated one will be torn into pieces, and then spontaneously ignite into ashes and fly to the ground.

Pu Ling Leng~

There was a strange noise behind him. Luo Bin turned around and saw hundreds of moths forming a square array and attacking him menacingly.

He turned his palm upward and condensed three blue flames. With a wave of his hand, the flames flew towards the moths.

However, the moths are not afraid of fire. They also inhale the flames into their bodies and use them for their own use. Their eyes turn red, the edges of their wings are irregular, and they burn into flames 2cm high.

Luo Bin moved his wrist and summoned a water dragon. The water dragon rolled into the moths, but the moths once again took the water for their own use. Their eyes became lighter, their tendrils straightened, and they sprayed water out.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), that’s weird! Is it possible that we need to rely on the iron stomach of the small watermelon to eliminate the moths? Well, we will have to eat them until the end of the year of the monkey!

Luo Bin turned his fingers slightly and threw out a large ball of extremely low-temperature water. After the water ball surrounded the moths, it quickly froze, and then, with a thud, it fell to the ground.

Click! Click!

The ice mass shattered, and the moths scrambled to get out of the cracks. 3cm long ice spines sprouted from the edges of their wings.


Countless ice spikes were shot at Luo Bin. He activated the 'Snake Movement' skill and ran for several hundred meters before consuming all the ice spikes from the chasing moths.

However, his 'random running' behavior attracted more moths, and now, the phalanx of moths chasing him had quadrupled in size.

As the saying goes, there must be an antidote to all poisons in the world within five steps. Similarly, there must be something to restrain the moths in the birch forest.

Luo Bin stared around carefully and found that when he cast the spell just now, he broke several small birch trees.

The broken surface of the tree secreted milky white liquid. There was not a single moth in the two-meter radius of the liquid. You know, the density of moths in other areas is such that hundreds of them can be caught with a wave of the net.

Luo Bin took out the magic electric saw, cut off a small tree, and cut off the branches. Then, he applied the liquid secreted from the fracture surface to the witch robe.

In an instant, the moths within a two-meter radius flew away in panic, as if they sensed great danger.

The moths two meters away stared at him fiercely, but did not dare to rush forward.

Luo Bin raised the magic saw, followed the same pattern, and took out a glass jar. After the jar was filled with milky white liquid, he swaggered towards the west.

Thirty minutes later, he walked out of the birch forest and came to a small river.

The creek is about seven meters wide, winding around the entire birch forest, and the banks are covered with 15cm long lizards.

Those lizards are all emerald green, with only a touch of red on their upper eyelids. On the top of their skulls, there is a row of vertical serrations.

On the other bank of the river, on the grass ten meters away from the water, there is a wooden door with a red halo, and an envelope is tied to the door handle.

Apparently, crossing the river and opening that door leads to the next level.

Thinking of this, Luo Bin activated the 'Flying Dragon in the Sky' skill and summoned invisible wings. After he soared five meters high, he flapped his wings and flew towards the other side.


He hit a transparent cover, and then the huge rebound force caused him to rush backward and fall to the ground.


Luo Bin coughed for a while before he regained his composure. He stood up shakily, palms facing up, and threw three balls of flame forward.

When the flame encountered the cover, it was also bounced back, creating a large deep pit with black smoke and a bang.

Luo Bin pondered for a moment, turned his fingertips, and shot out a dozen more ice needles. When the ice needles encountered the transparent cover, they were also rebounded.

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