Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 273 Homemade raft sinks to the bottom of the river


A dozen ice needles as thick as chopsticks were inserted diagonally into the wet soil.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, sure enough, the transparent cover can not only rebound magic, but also increase damage. No wonder, when I landed on the ground, my back and chest hurt so much.

Luo Bin walked to the shore, reached out to touch the transparent cover, and found that his hand could pass through it easily.

He turned his palms upward, trying to condense some flames, but the magic flow was sent to the forearm, where the transparent cover was stuck, and could no longer be sent forward.

Hey, you know that the second level is more than just walking through the birch forest.

If magic doesn't work, then the only option is

Luo Bin retreated to the edge of the forest, summoned a magic saw, and became a woodcutter.

He cut down five large trees of similar thickness, cut off their main trunks, and placed them side by side.

Cut two more branches and place them at the top and bottom of the main row.

Several thumb-thick holes were drilled at both ends of the trunk and branches, and spider ropes were passed through the holes to securely tie the trunk and branches.

Tie five thick trunks into a row.

In this way, a simple birch wood raft is ready.

He chose a long straight branch and tore off the bark to serve as a support pole.

Then, he took out the bulging cloth bag from the consciousness sea space, placed the pole on the wooden raft, and pushed the wooden raft through the transparent cover.


After the raft entered the river, it floated smoothly on the water. Luo Bin rolled up his trousers and jumped on the raft. He picked up the pole and slowly inserted it into the river.

When he felt the pole hit the bottom of the lake, he pushed the pole back hard, and the raft immediately made ripples and moved forward 20cm.

After that, with Luo Bin's efforts, the raft swayed toward the other bank. When it reached the middle position, there was a sudden sound of falling water behind it.

Luo Bin turned his head and saw the lizard on the shore. It slid into the water like a dumpling, swung its tail and swam toward the raft.

At this time, Little Watermelon poked his head out of his robe pocket again, staring at the green lizards with excitement.


A strong swimmer who rushed to the front of the group of lizards jumped out of the water, landed on the edge of the raft, opened his mouth toward Luo Bin, and stuck out his long tongue.

The little watermelon got out of the pocket of the robe, rolled into a small ball, and rolled down to the lizard. Then, its front teeth dug into the lizard's neck, and as its throat slid up and down, the lizard slowly shrank into a piece of empty skin.

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, let me go, little watermelon, does it have the ability to 'suck' flesh and blood?


As soon as the front teeth of the little watermelon were pulled out, the empty skin sizzled, white smoke emitted and disappeared.

It licked the corner of its mouth with unsatisfied intention, formed into a small ball, and rolled to the next swimmer who jumped on the raft.

Suddenly, as if a pair of invisible hands were pulling the two sides of the river outward, the width of the river suddenly changed from 7 meters to 50 meters.

Moreover, the lizard in the water has also transformed to 3 meters long, with a thick tail, a strong body, powerful claws, sharp teeth, and fierce eyes. This is not a lizard at all, it is clearly a crocodile!

Luo Bin swung the pole and knocked down a 'crocodile' trying to climb onto the raft. At the same time, he felt a hard guy bumping his ankle.

He looked down and saw that what hit him was a small watermelon as big as a grapefruit. It opened its small ball, grabbed the edge of the robe and climbed up.

Luo Bin: →_→, this heavy falling feeling, ah, if it were bigger, it would probably push someone down.

Suddenly, a big guy nearly 4 meters long bit a corner of the raft. Then, the big guy rolled in the water, and the raft naturally followed.

Luo Bin and Little Watermelon fell into the river together.

Through the sunlight that slanted into the water, Luo Bin saw a red lizard over 7 meters long lying on the bottom of the river.

In a group, the person with the largest physique and special appearance is often the king of the group.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, and take care of the red lizard. Everything else is easy to talk about.

Luo Bin took out a small medicine bottle from his bag, bit off the cork with his mouth, and drank up the liquid in the bottle.

It was itchy, extremely itchy, the kind of itch that felt like the tip of a feather scratching the pit of his heart. It was so itchy that he wanted to take out a dagger and cut off the flesh on the lower right side of his ear.

Ten seconds later, pain replaced the itch.

Pain, excruciating pain, hundreds of blades cutting flesh and bones, the pain made him dizzy and almost fainted.

After a moment, the pain disappeared. He raised his hand and touched behind his ear, feeling three cracks.

It's gills!

He opened his mouth and sucked in a large mouthful of water. The water flowed out from his gills, and the itchy air flowed along the branchial glands and was supplied to the whole body. At the same time, his field of vision became wider.

He saw a kelp-like skirt growing out of the shell of the small watermelon. As the skirt danced, it swam back and forth in the water like a small fish.

Oh, it turned out to be an amphibious one.

Luo Bin swung his flippers and swam to an area 5 meters away from the red lizard.

The monitor lizard's body is covered with pearl-like scales, its head, body, and tail are fiery red, its four claws are indigo, and the vertical row of saw teeth on its head glows with a faint red light.

Suddenly, a large shadow blocked the sun.

Luo Bin raised his head and found that the water surface was green and full of green lizards. However, not a single green lizard dived into the water to chase its prey.

Luo Bin lowered his head and looked down, and happened to make eye contact with the monitor lizard who had just opened its eyes.

The monitor lizard's eyes are orange, and the pupils are vertical like snakes.

When it sees an intruder in its territory, it opens its mouth wide and spits out a ball of orange fire.

Luo Bin dodged to the right, and the flames rushed 7 meters and then went out automatically.

He took out the Kents Austrian pocket archery from his bag, aimed at the monitor lizard and pressed the ejection button.

Six blue poisonous arrows broke through the water and rushed towards the monitor lizard. Finally, four were blocked by the scales and two shot into the monitor lizard's skin.

Then, a strange scene appeared. The poisonous arrow quickly changed from 'blue' to white, and then, with several crackles, it shattered into pieces, while the weak light on the giant lizard's sawtooth changed from 'purple light' to 'blue light'. It means that the poison in the poison arrow has been sucked by the monitor lizard for its own use.

Luo Bin put the archery back into his shoulder bag, took out the Kenzi handheld artillery, pulled the trigger, and shot a series of fireballs at the monitor lizard.

The monitor lizard opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the fireballs. At the end, it burped with white smoke.

When Luo Bin raised the cannon and wanted to continue firing, the giant lizard suddenly opened its mouth, stretched out its long and slender tongue, and swept away the cannon.


(chewing sound)


(throat sliding sound)

The monitor lizard sprayed out more than a dozen sparks from its nostrils, and its skin seemed to be redder than before.

The monitor lizard looked at Luo Bin, its eyes flashing with greed and appetite. It opened its mouth wide and stretched out its slender tongue again.

Luo Bin dodged to the right, and after extending his tongue for one meter, he turned the tip of his tongue to the right. At this time, Luo Bin noticed that the little watermelon looked at the giant lizard, full of appetite?

Tsk, an ant gnaws an elephant, its appetite is really big!

Just as the tip of his tongue was about to touch the edge of the robe, Luo Bin swam one meter downward, and the tip of his tongue also extended downward for one meter.

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), want to chase me? Then I'll play with you.

Then, Luo Bin swam to the left, and the tip of his tongue turned and extended to the left. Luo Bin swam upward, and the tip of his tongue also went up. Luo Bin drilled the "mouth"-shaped hole downward, and the tip of his tongue followed suit.

Luo Bin took out his pocket archery, stuffed six iron needles into it, then aimed at his tongue and pressed the launch button.

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