Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 274 Shrinking potion, the little lizard is very angry

The monitor lizard's tongue was not covered with scales, so all six iron needles pierced the target.

The monitor lizard was in pain and rolled its tongue, turning it over and over. The 'mouth' worked, and it tied the long and thin tongue into a tight knot.

The monitor lizard retracted its tongue angrily. It closed its mouth and its cheeks bulged and shrank. Finally, its pupils became a thin line, it opened its mouth and stuck out its flaming tongue.

Luo Bin was so shocked that he stepped back three meters. He reached into his satchel, grabbed a few medicine bottles at random, and threw them at the giant lizard.


The fire on his tongue went out, and the tip of his tongue curled up the medicine bottle and retracted it into his mouth.


(The bottle was bitten into pieces)


(Bottle fragments and liquid medicine were swallowed together)

Looking into the big eyes of the monitor lizard Kazilan, Luo Bin knew that the other party was a complete foodie.

He reached into his satchel and took out all the medicine bottles. Most of the medicine in the bottles was green.

Robin recalled that it was Leif who helped Neville. After getting rid of Snape's evil, the classmates expressed their gratitude by stuffing the potions they brewed in that Potions class into his arms.

Tsk, the green one is the shrinking potion. If the giant lizard drinks it, will it turn into an egg?

When the tip of his tongue was about to reach Luo Bin, he threw a dozen bottles of green medicine forward, rolled up the tip of his tongue, rolled up all the bottles, and retracted it into his mouth.

Come on! Come on!

(All the medicine bottles were bitten into pieces)

Gudu! Gudu!

(The mixture of debris and liquid medicine flows into the monitor lizard’s stomach)

Luo Bin held his breath and counted down silently in his mind.

Ten, nine, eight, seven three two

With a crisp popping sound, the monitor lizard shrunk to the size of an orange. It opened its mouth wide in panic and spewed out a ball of fire as big as a mung bean. The fire ball went out after reaching 3cm.

The giant lizard turned around and swung its tail from side to side, trying to escape. Luo Bin quickly swam to it, reached out to catch it, and flicked it on the head.

The little lizard had stars in its eyes and its head was still shaking. Little Watermelon swam to the side and opened its mouth to bite the little lizard's neck, but Luo Bin pushed it away.

"Hungry, please eat!"

Luo Bin pointed at the water surface. Little Watermelon raised his head and saw the green lizards floating on the water surface as if they had pressed the pause button. Moreover, their bodies had returned to their original size.

"Have more food to eat!"

Little Watermelon swam up excitedly, while Luo Bin silently recited "accommodate everything" and put the little lizard into the Rubik's Cube.

Yes, the moment the giant lizard was hit with a 'brain bang', Luo Bin felt that the magic power in his body was flowing again, and the totem under his left collarbone continued to feel hot and painful.

After the heart of the fist became empty, Luo Bin's consciousness dived into the space of the sea of ​​consciousness.

He stood in front of the giant Rubik's Cube for a while, and then on the orange side, in a clear and translucent river, he found a little red lizard with an upturned belly and eyes full of hopelessness.

Tsk, you’re quite angry!

Luo Bin moved his fingers and followed his heart, and the orange square slowly floated over. He poked the small monitor lizard totem at the bottom of the square, and then looked up at the light curtain in the air.

Name: None

Species: Fire red monitor lizard

Level: S level

Personality: Greedy, irritable, lazy, loves to eat

Physical condition: Medium shrinkage potion (treatment period: one week)


Devouring Disaster: After being hit by a magic attack, you can use the energy in the magic for your own use.

Lizard Flame: Can shoot orange flames underwater. The size and range of the fire ball are determined by the user's mana reserve.

Long Tongue Coil: The tongue can extend up to fifteen meters in length, wrap around the target object, and roll it into the mouth.

Magic value: 8000

Combat power: 5000

The tongue extends fifteen meters?

Hey, that picture is so beautiful, so beautiful that people can’t even imagine it.

I remember that in the original book, Harry's cousin Dudley had the misfortune of having an elongated tongue.

During the summer vacation of the third grade, Mr. Arthur got some first-level tickets for the Quidditch World Cup and invited Harry to go with him.

When the Dursleys learned that Harry had a 'murderous' godfather, they did not dare to abuse him anymore, and naturally they agreed to let Harry go to the World Cup.

In late August, Arthur operated behind the scenes to temporarily connect the Dursleys' fireplace to the Floo network. Then, he led several children to No. 4 Privet Drive through the Floo network.

However, the Dursleys, who pursue quality of life, have long used electric fireplaces, and the old fireplaces were sealed with bricks.

Arthur only learned of this situation when he shuttled over. He had no choice but to cast a small explosion spell to blow open the fireplace and blow up a wall of the Dursley's house.

After taking Harry away, Arthur cast a repair spell to restore the walls and fireplace to their original appearance.

Dudley, who was ordered to go on a diet by his mother, picked up the toffee that Fred and George had 'accidentally' left behind, and his tongue quickly grew longer.

In the end, it was Arthur who solved the matter.

When bidding farewell at the Hogsmeade station, Ron also mentioned the World Cup. To be honest, he really wanted to get a ticket to see it. He hoped to find the treasure and return to the secret passage of the Whomping Willow before it was too late.

After all, time flows at different speeds in treasure hunting places and in the real world.

After Luo Bin changed the name of the giant lizard to the blue lizard, he waved his hand and let the yellow square slowly float back to its original position. Then, his consciousness was withdrawn from the sea of ​​consciousness.

He opened his eyes and found that the river had narrowed to only seven meters wide. A few rays of sunlight shined on his side through the clear river water.

While swinging his flippers, he slowly rose up. After emerging from the water, he found that there was no sign of the green lizard in the river or on the bank.

While he was wondering, a large shadow cast behind him, blocking the sunlight shining on him.

Luo Bin turned around and saw a big ball as big as a carriage, with carapace on top of it. Click, click, little watermelon opened the ball, its colors became more brilliant, and its eyes were shining with excitement.

Well, those green lizards were all eaten by it.

Little Watermelon shook his head and nuzzled his master with the tip of his nose. Luo Bin immediately rushed backward and upward. Little Watermelon swam forward anxiously for three or four meters, and then, with a loud bang, Luo Bin hit the carapace hard.


The small watermelon formed into a shell ball and rolled forward. Luo Bin quickly picked at the edge of a piece of carapace.

Then, one person and one insect rolled in the water like a high-speed waterwheel.

Hair, bags, and witch robes all flew back, and the water flowed one after another, slapping people on their bodies, and even getting into their ears and noses, making them extremely uncomfortable.

After a long time, when Luo Bin's head felt dizzy, the little watermelon turned around and flattened its shell. As its skirt danced, it slowly swam back with its owner.

Luo Bin breathed a long sigh of relief. He lay on the carapace, enjoying the rare tranquility. Suddenly, the carapace changed from "flat" to "curved", and his body slid down uncontrollably.


Obviously, the 'water wheel movement' was about to start again. He pinched the edge of the shell tightly and thought about the big shell ball, rolling together in the water.

Twenty minutes later, Luo Bin was lying on the grass.

His chest was heaving and he was vomiting acidic water.

After vomiting and vomiting, the fish's gills disappeared, and soon after, the webbing on its hands and feet also disappeared.

Luo Bin raised his head and saw Little Watermelon chasing a butterfly excitedly.

After a while, the butterfly bit on a wild flower, and the little watermelon leaned forward with a smile. However, the hot breath exhaled from the tip of its nose blew the butterfly out more than one meter away.

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