Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 275 Viewing paintings and arriving at Angel Village


The butterfly fell into the grass and died.

The little watermelon looked aggrieved. It came forward and sniffed the butterfly's body, and then swallowed the butterfly with a slurp.

Little Watermelon turned his head, saw that his master had calmed down, and rushed over excitedly.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), with this size, this strength, this speed, if he really rushes over, he has to knock people flying.

He hurriedly recited the spell silently and put the small watermelon into the Rubik's Cube. Then he stood up and walked quickly to the wooden door plated with a red halo.

This door looks pure white from a distance, but when you look closer, you find that there is a bit of gray in the white, and there are snowflake-like patterns carved on the door. When you touch it, it freezes your hands like ice cubes.

Luo Bin untied the envelope from the doorknob, tore open the seal and took out the letter inside.

Explorer, congratulations on successfully passing the second level. Open this door and you will enter the transition space from the second to the third level.

Just a reminder, make good use of your eyes and pay attention to the details. Otherwise, even if you pass all the levels and win the treasures, you will not be able to return to your original world.

It seems that the third level will be won with details and intelligence.

Luo Bin put away the envelope and put his hand on the door handle, but he couldn't turn it no matter how he turned it.

He bent down to look at the doorknob and found a tailless lizard engraved on it. The fractured surface of the lizard's tail vertebra was at the keyhole.

Without thinking too hard, you can guess that the tail of the monitor lizard is the key to the door lock.

Robin silently recited a spell, summoned the blue lizard, and pushed its long tail into the keyhole.

With a slight turn, he heard the snapping sound of the lock cylinder popping open. He pulled out the lizard's tail and recited the spell again to put it back into the Rubik's Cube.

He grasped the door handle tightly, turned it gently, pushed open the wooden door, and then walked into the door facing the warm red light.

This is a long, spacious and bright room.

The floor of the room was spotlessly clean, and there were dazzling crystal lamps hanging from the ceiling. That was what made the room bright.

There are no windows or doors on the four white walls, but there are hundreds of paintings with gold frames and glass embedded in them.

The people in the painting are lifelike and full of details.

The scenery in the painting is extremely lifelike, as lifelike as a photo taken with a Muggle camera.

Luo Bin stepped forward and looked at the paintings on the wall carefully.

In the first picture, the top is the surging sea of ​​clouds, the bottom is the black sea with waves, and the middle is the columnar stone mountain.

There is a tombstone-shaped stone chair on the top of the mountain. Sitting on the chair is a sad old man. He holds a drawing board in his left hand and a quill in his right hand. He tilts his neck and looks at the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

In the lower right corner of the painting, the words "Cloud Watcher" are written in emerald green ink.

In the second picture, the left half is the Gobi Desert and the birch forest, the right half is the grassland and the yaks, and the middle is a winding river.

The river bank near the birch forest is covered with small green lizards, and there is a blurry red shadow of a giant lizard on the bottom of the water in the middle of the river.

In the lower right corner of the painting, the words "Gobi monitor lizard" are written.

The third picture shows three gloomy-looking monks, holding their bowls and glaring at people. The background of the picture is also an eerie gray-purple color.

In the lower right corner of the painting, it says: Evil Monk

In the fourth picture, in a courtyard surrounded by flowers and lined with cake towers, a group of ladies dressed more beautifully than the flowers are eating cakes, sipping wine, and talking happily.

In the lower right corner of the painting, it says: Lady's Tea Party

The fifth picture shows countless hornless rhinos on the vast grassland, gnawing on the green grass with their heads down.

In the lower right corner of the painting, it reads: Rhino Ecology

The nth painting depicts a begonia flower that is unparalleled in beauty and extremely bright.

In the lower right corner of the painting, the words 'Angel Village' are written in ink as red as blood.

Luo Bin stopped in front of this painting. The content and names of the other paintings were all relevant, but for this one, he really couldn't understand the connection between Red Begonia and Angel Village!

Suddenly, a red figure was reflected on the glass of the picture frame. If he looked closely, he could only see the light spots of the crystal lamp reflected by the glass.

Is it an illusion or something else?

When Luo Bin turned around and wanted to look at the next painting, "Angel Village" fell to the ground with a clang, and the glass embedded in the frame shattered into pieces.

He bent down and wanted to pick up the painting, but a pale hand stretched out from the painting and pulled him into a red grid space.

The owner of the hand is a charming young man with a pair of affectionate eyes.

He was barefoot and wearing a red robe with a wide open collar. His skin was pale and bloodless, his expression was melancholy, and he had the air of a sick man.

"Who are you? Why did you drag me here?"

"I know you are a treasure hunter. I will send you to the third level. You do me a favor." The charming young man said calmly.

"What's the deal?"

"My name is Ah Shui. I have a twin brother who lives in Angel Village. His name is A-Gump. After you enter the third level, help me give him the begonia flowers and pass on some words to him."

"Just say: Ah Shui knows everything. Ah Shui regrets tearing up the brotherhood. Ah Shui should not scold brother. Ah Shui knows that he is wrong. Please forgive Ah Shui."

As the young man spoke, he shed tears of blood.

"Where are the crabapple flowers?"

"So you agreed?"

"I have no reason to refuse, do I?"

"Thank you. When you reach the third level, you will naturally find Begonia flowers!"

The young man waved his broad sleeves, and the cuffs suddenly emitted a dazzling red light. Luo Bin hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands.

After a few seconds, the red light faded. He lowered his arms and opened his eyes. He found that he was on an iceberg with a bright red begonia in his hand.

He looked around and found a tribe of huts at the foot of the mountain. He took out his telescope and observed the village through the lenses.

The roofs and paths of the village were covered with snow. No one was walking outside the village. The words "Angel Village" were written on the fence gate at the head of the village.

Angel Village?

Could it be that there are angels with wings living inside?

Luo Bin put away his telescope, put on his woolen cloak, and strode down the mountain.

Forty minutes later, he went down to the foot of the mountain and came to the fence gate. There was a wooden sign at the door with the village rules of Angel Village written on it.

The villagers of Angel Village should take good care of the village chief and put the village chief's health first in everything. They need to cook a portion of soup every day and provide it to the village chief to replenish his health.

At the bottom of the wooden sign, there is a painting of a group of women in a square formation, wearing veils, with excellent figures, their hair pulled into a high bun and hairpins.

Next to the fence, there was a copper bell with a gold thread hanging down. Luo Bin rang the bell tentatively, and the fence door immediately creaked open automatically.

Luo Bin walked lightly and approached Angel Village.

The buildings in the village are almost the same as those in the first level.

In the lower half, stones are built into a column, and in the upper half, thatch is bundled into a cone.

However, every household here has a small courtyard with low stone walls, and some cold-resistant plants are planted in the courtyard.

Although there was a thick layer of snow on the roofs and paths, the small courtyard was swept clean, indicating that there were still people living in those huts.

Luo Bin turned his head and looked back at the way down the mountain, and was shocked to find that the tops of the mountains in the distance were shrouded in gray-purple storms, and from time to time, several purple lightning flashes would appear.

Alas, there is no way to retreat, we can only go forward.

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