Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 276 Little Village Chief, Young Forrest Gump

He walked through the snow and walked towards the village for five or six minutes. When he passed a fir tree covered with silver frost, he heard the faint sound of sobs.

Luo Bin looked for the sound, walked to a thatch, and snapped his fingers, deliberately alerting the guy in the grass.

"Who? Is it my brother?"

The voice was soft and waxy, with a hint of crying.

Luo Bin opened the straw mat covered with grass and found a little boy carved in pink and jade nested in the grass nest.

The boy's eyes were red, and there were a few tears on his chubby little face.

"Who are you?" the child asked confusedly.

"Passing traveler!"

"Big brother, can you take me to find my brother? He went to work at the end of the village early in the morning."

"Don't disturb him when you're at work. After get off work, he will naturally come back to you."

After hearing this, the child was so anxious that he burst into tears. "I have something urgent to see my brother. He is the village chief. The villagers respect him. No one will question him because he handles private matters during the day."

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), village chief! The village chief wants to find someone in the village. Isn’t it just a matter of minutes?

"Okay, do you know the way?"

The little boy patted his chest and said, "I know you. I know all the roads in the village."

"That'll be easy!"

Luo Bin took the child out of the grass and stomped on it, and found that he was wearing thick clothes, but his hands were as cold as ice. As he walked on the road, everything from his thighs down was soaked in the snow.

Luo Bin thought he was walking too slowly and wasted time, so he picked him up and stuffed him with a magic heating water bottle.

After a while, Luo Bin followed the direction of the child's finger and turned around until he reached the entrance of the small villa on the first and second floors.

"Well, it smells so good. They are making chicken soup for my brother."

The child rubbed his eyes and said greedily.

Luo Bin pushed open the courtyard door and found that there were many wooden racks in the courtyard, and the racks were filled with the carcasses of pheasants, hares, and ferrets.

In the center of the small courtyard, there was an earthen stove, and a soup pot with a hole was placed on the stove. The meaty aroma that attracted greedy insects wafted out from the small hole.

The yard was swept clean. Luo Bin put down the child and took him to the door. He found that the door was unlocked and was just ajar, so he pushed the door open and walked into the house.

The house is spacious and bright, and the fire in the fireplace is burning brightly, making the room as warm as spring.

"Brother, I want to see my brother!"

The child shook off Luo Bin's hand and quickly turned up the stairs. Luo Bin quickly followed. After more than ten seconds, the two turned up to the second floor and came to a wooden door with a bronze plaque of 'Village Chief's Office' nailed on it.

The child opened his mouth and raised his fist, wanting to knock on the door and call his brother, but Luo Bin grabbed his wrist and covered his mouth.

The tightly drawn curtains, the slight sound of gurgling water, and the faint smell of fish all indicate that

Children, it is better not to know these things.

Luo Bin picked up the child under his arm, walked lightly, and quietly went downstairs. On the grounds that "my brother is dealing with important matters", he asked the child to wait on the sofa with him.

An hour later, the sound of clattering footsteps was heard on the stairs, and then, four women wearing veils walked out of the stairs.

All of them have fair skin, proud figures, and autumn-like eyes. When they look at the children, they imply boundless appetite? ? ?

The child was a little frightened by the strange eyes. He hid behind Luo Bin and muttered something.

When the four of them saw Luo Bin, they looked surprised at first, then excited, and then their appetites almost overflowed.

The woman with her hair pulled into a high bun and a red hairpin walked up to Luo Bin in an enchanting manner.

Luo Bin hated the fishy smell that passed through his nose, so he took out his mask and covered his mouth and nose.

Seeing this scene, the woman frowned and looked very unhappy, "Intruder, I thought you were handsome and wanted to stay for a few more days, but I didn't expect that you turned out to be an ignorant person. Run faster tonight." , otherwise haha!”

The laughter was shrill and harsh, and you knew it had bad intentions.

"Tisna, since you don't like this guy, why not let me have a good time first and then punish him."

A petite woman with a greedy look suggested.

"Lucy, okay!"

"Really? That's great. I'll go home and boil water." Lucy said excitedly.

"But I'm afraid that if you think about it, you won't live to enjoy it!"

After Tisna finished speaking, he domineeringly pulled out the hairpin from his head and inserted it into Lucy's neck.

Lucy looked around pleadingly, hoping that someone could save her, but unfortunately no one was willing to save her.

After the red hairpin was pulled out, she was like a balloon with a hole in it, and her body quickly shrank into a piece of dry skin.

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), Angel Village print skin? Wait, Lucy is not dead yet, her eyes can still move.

"Eliza, roll up the paper and throw it into the stove. The soup you make in this way is the most nourishing to the body. If Forrest Gump drinks it, his performance tomorrow will definitely satisfy everyone."


The tall Eliza rolled up the paper with trembling hands, and Tisna snorted coldly and led the people out.

Another woman, who was not involved in the 'Paper Skin' incident and whose name was not revealed, actually gave Luo Bin a wink when she was leaving the hall.

Luo Bin didn't notice the scene at the door, he was lowering his eyes in deep thought.

Forrest Gump?

Isn't the brother in the red-robed boy's name exactly Forrest Gump?

"Kid, your brother's name is Forrest Gump?"

"Well! My name is Forrest Gump, and my name is Ashui. Big brother, let's go upstairs quickly. I have something important to discuss with my brother."

A water?

Isn't the young man in red robe calling himself Ah Shui?

Luo Bin stared at the child carefully and concluded that this Ah Shui was not the other Ah Shui.

Ah Shui in the red grid has blond hair and blue eyes, charming and gloomy temperament.

The Ah Shui in front of him had brown hair and purple eyes, with pure eyes and an ignorant temperament.

Just in case he guessed wrong, Luo Bin decided to test it. He took out the bright begonia flower from his robe pocket and asked, "Child, do you know this?"

When the child saw the red flowers, he immediately ran behind the sofa and said, "Stay far away, I'm allergic to crabapple flowers."

"That's it! You wait here, I'll go upstairs and call your brother down."


The child was afraid of getting a rash and no longer clamored to go upstairs.

After a while, Luo Bin walked along the stairs, turned to the second floor, and knocked on the door of the 'Village Chief's Office'.


The wooden door was opened wide, "I'm very tired, please hurry up."

The speaker was a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. His head was lowered and his long hair covered most of his face. But judging from his broad shoulders and thin waist, fair skin, and beautiful jawline, his The face is absolutely no different.

"Left or right?" the young man asked.


After hearing the sound, the young man raised his head suddenly. When he saw Luo Bin, he was startled and quickly put on his loose robe to cover the red marks on his body.

However, the robe had no collar, and his cold eyes looked at Luo Bin through the gaps in his hair.



"Tisna, do you want you to wait for her tonight, or do you want you to run faster?"

"Run faster."

The young man pushed Liu Hai's head back with his hand, a look of regret on his beautiful face, "Intruder, I'm afraid you won't survive tonight."

"I have the final say whether you live or not. Angel Village, is there any secret?"

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