Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 277 Attacked late at night by the human-scorpion monster

"Angel has such an ironic name. Come in, and I'll tell you about the dirty things in Angel Village."

The smell of heather inside the door couldn't stop coming out. Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you change to a smaller room?"

"Of course. Come on, follow me to the study."

The young man closed the door and led Luo Bin through two corridors and entered a small, windowless house filled with books.

"When I'm not busy, I'll hide here and read. You can't find books outside. This is probably the only benefit of being a village chief!"

The young man made two cups of tea, handed one to Luo Bin, sat on an oak chair, and recounted the dirty things in Angel Village.

Angel Village is a female-dominated village. Women can reproduce asexually. As long as they drink the holy water on Fengming Peak, they can give birth to an adult woman in four months.

Every twenty years, the Fengming tree on Fengming Peak outside the village will bear a sacred fruit.

After picking the holy fruit and watering it with the blood from the fingertips of all the women in the village for a hundred days, the holy fruit will split and two boys will be born.

When the two brothers were in the holy fruit, they would unconsciously compete for nutrients, causing one to grow very quickly and the other very slowly after birth.

The faster one, after turning fifteen, will be appointed as the village chief and come to work at the end of the village every day.

The job content is to tear open the collars and provide hairpins for the women in the village.

The hairpin is actually a part of a woman's body. It is like a mouth or mouthparts. It penetrates into the skin and can suck the flesh and blood of the host, and convert the flesh and blood into some kind of energy body, which is transmitted to the owner.

Absorbing that energy can make people feel supreme happiness. Moreover, when the hairpin is inserted into the skin, the higher the host's body temperature, the hotter the blood, and the stronger the feedback feedback will be.

Therefore, every time a woman takes out the hairpin from her head, she will force the village chief to do several sets of intense warm-up exercises.

The 'village chief' is a yoke. Once he takes office, he cannot resign unless he is removed. The premise is that the next village chief has been groomed to adulthood.

After Luo Bin heard this, he touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment. It turned out that he had made a mistake and thought that the village chief had sacrificed his life for his job.

"Besides you, who else is named Forrest Gump in this village?"

"For the twins conceived by the Holy Fruit, the elder one will be named Forrest Gump and the younger one will be named A Shui. This is the village rule of Angel Village."

"Intruder, be careful. I heard that the women in the village will transform into a very scary monster at night."

"The previous intruders, the better ones, could survive for three or four days, but the worse ones didn't even see the sun the next day."

"I have never seen their corpses. I suspect they were eaten by monsters."

Another possibility is that it was used as fuel and thrown into the fire.

Luo Bin took out the red begonia again and asked, "Do you know this?"

The young man covered his mouth and nose and stepped back, "Excuse me, please take it as far away as possible. I'm allergic to crabapple flowers."

Luo Bin put away the begonia flowers and continued to ask: "Where is the previous village chief now?"

It was confirmed that this A-Gump was not the A-Gump mentioned by the charming young man, so the person who was separated from his younger brother was probably the previous village chief.

The young man shook his head, "I don't know! In the entire village, probably only Tisna, the actual person in charge, knows the whereabouts of the previous village chief."

"Wait a minute, you asked me before about anyone else named Forrest Gump. How did you know that my name was Forrest Gump? Did Tisna tell you?"

"No! Your brother told me!"

"Ah Shui? Where did you see him?"

The young man frowned and his expression became serious.

"Oh, I met him on the way. He is sitting downstairs now. He said he has something important to see you."


The silver cup fell to the ground and water spilled everywhere. The boy didn't pick up the cup, opened the door and rushed toward the stairs.

When Luo Bin went down to the first floor, the boy was squatting down to vent his anger at the child.

"Ah Shui, didn't I ask you to wait in the cellar for me to come back? Why are you so disobedient?"

"Brother, sister Eliza opened the trap door this morning and said that I have grown up and it is time to help my brother share the responsibilities."

"From now on, my brother will work half a day, and Ah Shui will also work half a day, so that my brother won't have to work so hard."

"Brother, don't worry, Ah Shui will serve as half the village chief."

The child raised his chin and said proudly.

The young man was completely angry. He pressed Ah Shui's back and forced his younger brother's chest to press against his thigh.

He waved his big hand violently and slapped his younger brother on the butt, making Ah Shui moan and groan. The boy didn't take back his hand until Ah Shui promised again and again that he would never mention "half a village chief" again.

"Ah Shui, you are too young to know the stakes. Tomorrow, I will put a lock on the wooden plank. If anyone comes looking, just cover your ears and never respond, okay?"

The young man hugged the child tightly, with tears in his eyes.

Luo Bin: →_→, based on their birth dates, the two brothers in front of me are the same age. Based on their body shape and intelligence, it is obvious that one is an adult and the other is still in the stage of playing in the mud.

"Okay!" the child cried.

The young man picked up Ah Shui and turned to look at Luo Bin, "I found that if there are bubbles in the mouth, I will not be able to eat well. There is a trap door at the end of the corridor on the first floor. The noodles are specially provided for intruders. Good luck to you, bedroom.”

After the boy finished speaking, he hugged his brother and left.

Luo Bin walked around the villa and found nothing except a few blooming heathers in the 'Village Chief's Office'.

At this time, the sky outside the window had darkened. Luo Bin walked to the end of the corridor on the first floor, opened the wooden plank and jumped down.

The basement was extremely dark. Luo Bin took out three luminous pearls as big as apples and used their light to see clearly the environment at the bottom of the cave.

The basement is about half the size of a basketball court, with a floor height of about ten meters. It is surrounded by earth walls with holes as thick as a little finger.

The holes are so dark and deep that no matter how close your eyes are, you can't see anything.

Luo Bin set up a simple tent, and took out some bread, cans, and braised meat from the Consciousness Sea Space. After eating and drinking, he tied some bells outside the tent, then got into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes.

late at night!

Jingle bell~

The bell rang, and Luo Bin groaned and opened his eyes.

With the light emitted by the peanut night pearl, he saw a huge shadow cast on the top of the tent, and also saw a large hook-shaped thing rushing downwards.

He quickly got out of his sleeping bag and moved to the edge of the tent.


The tent was divided into two halves, and a dark, hook-like thing hooked onto the sleeping bag and then lifted up with a whoosh.

Luo Bin rushed out of the tent and threw out a few night-light pearls. Through the light of the pearls, he could see clearly the true appearance of the owner of the 'Crooked Hook'.

It was a big monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a scorpion. The top of its head was like a scorpion's tail, with a long and slender curved needle. There were large jaws at the corners of its mouth, and a red hairpin covered the tip of its tongue.


Luo Bingu said doubtfully, if the hairpin hadn't looked so familiar, Luo Bin wouldn't have dared to guess.

"Intruder, you have angered me. Tonight is the day you die. I will suck you into paper skin, throw you into the stove, and make soup for Forrest Gump." Man Scorpion said fiercely.

Luo Bin: →_→, I have a question. Does A-Gump know that there is ‘paper bark’ in the soup fuel he drinks every day?

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