Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 279 Adult Forrest Gump, deciphering Phoenix Valley


The hairpin shattered, and many red dots emerged from the cracks. The red dots gathered in the air and slowly formed a figure.

This is a blond, blue-eyed, handsome man. His appearance is very similar to that of a charming boy, but one is aggressive and the other is as gentle as jade.

"Do you recognize it?" Luo Bin took out the red begonia and asked.

"Hai Begonia flower, how could you not recognize it?"

"When I was the village chief, every day when I came home from get off work, my brother would give me a hug and give me a blooming red begonia. When I said goodbye, I also gave him a red begonia."

The man took the red begonia and looked like he was recalling the past.

"Your brother Ah Shui asked me to give you Begonia and also asked me to send you a few words. He said: Ah Shui knew everything. Ah Shui regretted tearing up the brotherhood contract. Ah Shui should not have scolded his brother. , Ah Shui knows that he was wrong, please forgive Ah Shui, brother."

The man suddenly raised his head and said with great surprise: "He is still alive, Ah Shui is still alive, that's great."

"Back then, when I was the village chief, I suffered a lot of torture from the villagers. I protected Ah Shui when he was growing up. He doesn't know any of the secrets of Angel Village."

"However, he is so beautiful that he attracts a lot of coveted eyes."

"I couldn't bear to see him follow in my footsteps, so I made a deal with the villagers. From now on, I will double the blood supply, provided that my brother is allowed to leave the village."

"They agreed. When we parted, I gave Ah Shui a red begonia. In order to prevent him from sneaking back to the village, I also said a lot of reprimands against his will, making him mistakenly think that he had been abandoned by his relatives."

"I thought Ah Shui would be able to live a good life after leaving Angel Village, but I didn't expect that one night in the tenth year after he left, Tisna got drunk and confided that on the day his brother left, she sent someone to intercept him at the foot of the mountain. Ah Shui."

"Only those in power know the way out of the valley. I only sent Ah Shui out of the fence gate at the entrance of the village."

"Intruder, Ah Shui asked you to send flowers and letters. He is still alive, right?"

Luo Bin looked at the hopeful eyes and couldn't bear to expose his fantasy, "I think it should live as beautifully as this red begonia. I came here to find the treasure. Do you know any information about the treasure? ?”

Bang ~

The man slammed the sofa and his expression became angry, "I know! What I knew before was just the tip of the iceberg, but I transformed into a hairpin spirit and followed Tess for so many years, and I learned a lot of secrets."

"The villagers led by Tisna are not humans, but turned into scorpions. They are pests and invaders."

"This place is not called Angel Village, but is called Phoenix Valley. In the valley, there are green mountains, green waters, lush grass, and various small animals living there."

"There is a sacred phoenix tree on the top of the valley. Every twenty years, the sacred tree will bear a sacred fruit, and the sacred fruit will give birth to a pair of twins."

"Of the twins, the one who grows faster will inherit the position of Valley Spirit and guard the peace of Phoenix Valley. The one who grows slower will accompany the creatures in the valley and help them treat their illnesses and injuries."

"One day, a huge human scorpion broke into the Phoenix Valley, claiming that its home was destroyed and asked for help for a while."

"The sacred tree and the twins were kind-hearted and agreed to the woman's request. Unexpectedly, the kindness was not rewarded. The woman led the tribe, sucked the flesh and blood of the creatures in the valley, imprisoned the phoenix tree, built an insect nest under the tree, and even tried to steal the phoenix. The treasure of the valley.”

"Fortunately, the Divine Tree saved a hand. It hid the treasure, summoned a snowstorm, suppressed the leader of the Human Scorpion Tribe, and prevented the Human Scorpion from leaving the Phoenix Valley and invading other worlds."

"You tell me all the secrets of Phoenix Valley, maybe you want me to do something, right?" Luo Bin said calmly.

The man nodded, "I saw everything that happened in the basement just now. You are different from other intruders. You are wiser, sharper, and better at grasping details. I see destruction in you." Lose the Scorpion Clan and revive the hope of Phoenix Valley, so”

"So what?"

"So I want to make a deal with you. If you destroy the Scorpion Clan and help Phoenix Valley revive, you can get the treasure."

"Do you have this power?"

"I do. I'm not dead yet. I'm still the spirit of the valley."

"Human Scorpion was afraid of fire, so he took the current A-Gump and A-Shui out of the village, and then set fire to the whole village."

"It's useless! In Tisna, one person is born from ten thousand eggs. For other villagers, one is born from one thousand eggs. If you burn one to death, another one will crawl out of the soil soon."

"Even if you burn all the hundreds of thousands of scorpions underground, there will still be new human scorpions coming in outside the village."

"The best way is to find the Phoenix Sacred Tree, enter the human scorpion clan's lair, kill the scorpions, and cut off the supply of human scorpion energy. At that time, all the human scorpions in the village will turn into ordinary scorpions. When the Phoenix Valley recovers, The creatures in the valley have their own ways to deal with them.

"How can I find the Phoenix Tree?"

"It is rumored that the place where the first ray of sunshine shines in the morning is the location of the Phoenix Sacred Tree."

"Intruder, if you meet my brother again, please pass a message to me, just say: I'm sorry, A-Gump has been thinking about A-Shui.

"No, I have no intention of becoming a postman. Just hold your breath and talk to him yourself!"

Luo Bin had an intuition that if he agreed, this guy would turn into red mist and disperse.


Under the man's shocked gaze, Luo Bin took out a magic glass ball and put the man's spirit body into the ball.

At this time, the windows were slightly bright. If you look closely, you can see that the small courtyard is still shrouded in mist, indicating that the sun is about to rise.

He quickly ran to the roof and stood for a while. He saw the snowy peak to the north, a golden-orange light emerging from the gray-green storm.

The Phoenix Sacred Tree is right there!

Luo Bin ate some hamburgers, canned food, and milk on the spot to replenish his energy. Then, he walked quickly downstairs and when he went down to the living room, he bumped into Forrest Gump.

"You're still alive! Great! Where's Tisna?" Young A-Gump said excitedly.

"Dead, absolutely dead!"

"Awesome!" The corners of the young man's mouth couldn't stop rising.


The trap door at the end of the corridor was pushed open from the inside, and 'Tisna', whose skin and hair were bright white, climbed up on all fours. Her eyes as she stared at the boy were full of primitive desire.

"Titisna, didn't you say she was dead?"

"Calm down, this Tisna is not on the same level as Petisna. The strength and intelligence are not at the same level. Well, then, it will pop up a fire shield to protect you and Ah Shui."

After saying that, he strode towards the door, but the young man stopped him again, "Where are you going?"

"Capture the thief first, capture the king, then I'll kill the scorpion leader."

"What is a scorpion?"

Luo Bin: →_→, tsk, he’s a little village chief who just took over and doesn’t know anything yet!

"Don't ask so many questions. You just need to understand that after the Scorpion leader dies, you and Ah Shui can live a normal life."

Luo Bin waved his hand and walked out of the small courtyard. On the way to the fence gate, he met many villagers who showed desire but did not dare to hunt. After leaving the village, he turned directly to the foot of Beifeng.

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