Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 280 The leader of the scorpion is actually a big white worm

He activated the 'Flying Dragon in the Sky' skill, summoned invisible wings and flew towards the peak.

When he flew to the edge of the gray-green storm, a tornado appeared out of thin air and wrapped around his body, bringing with it the white flying snow and sending it back to the foot of the mountain.


In the pure white snow, a hand stretched out, followed by an arm, head, and upper body

Luo Bin patted the snow off his body and stared at the storm in the distance with a serious expression. After some contemplation, he silently recited a spell and released Norbert.

"Well, it's so cold, my tail is almost frozen solid." Norbert said with trembling legs.

"Stop pretending, are you a dragon or a fire dragon? Are you afraid of the cold?"

Little Black Dragon: ╭╮, oh no, it was exposed. One hundred cans of herring are gone.

"Hey, hey, just kidding, do you want to have a snowball fight? My snowball is so round!"

"Don't make trouble. I called you here to do business. Did you see the storm on the top of the mountain?"

Norbert turned his face to the peak, "I saw it."

"Fly me up. If you notice something is wrong, fly down immediately."

"Don't be nervous, a small storm is not challenging at all!" said the little black dragon.

Facts have proved that it underestimated the enemy.

At first, it flew fairly smoothly, but in the middle, it flew shaky. Later, another tornado appeared out of thin air, knocking one man and one dragon back to the foot of the mountain.

The little black dragon was hurt by being thrown, and the wailing sound made people's eardrums hurt. Luo Bin promised a series of benefits before coaxing it back to health.

Robin silently recited a spell, put Norbert back into the Rubik's Cube, took out the climbing equipment that had not been used for a year (bought before going to Big Peak), and climbed up step by step.

This time, he didn't encounter a tornado, but an avalanche? ? ?

He quickly took out a marble, pressed the switch button, activated the magic shield, and then rolled toward the foot of the mountain with Bai Xue.

Ten minutes later, the protective cover shattered.

Luo Bin swayed a few times and then, with a pop, he was carried into the snow.

Flying, riding, and climbing, all three methods failed. He was not angry or sad, but instead grinned.

Because when the avalanche rolled down, he saw the scene under the ice, and he thought he figured out how Tisna brought back the holy fruit.

After he regained his composure, he stood up and condensed several balls of flame in his palms. With a wave of his hand, the balls of fire flew side by side to the foot of the mountain, burning the snow above.

Soon, a two-meter-high, circular hole appeared in front of Luo Bin. He took out his magic saw, sawed off the thick ice covering the hole, put on leather boots with spikes, and got into the round hole.

The surrounding ice was translucent, mixed with luminous white dots, so Luo Bin could still see the road ahead clearly without holding the luminous pearl.

After climbing up for about an hour and a half, the slope gradually became flat. After walking for three or four minutes, we came to the edge of a hanging platform.

In front of the suspended platform is a vertical hole with a diameter of fifty meters.

At the top of the hole, there is a big tree with fiery red leaves hanging. From the root of the tree, a long thing that looks like a bunch of grapes suddenly hangs. On that thing, there are green balls as big as a basin, and there are vaguely inside the balls. The shadows are moving.

At the bottom of the hole lies a large white insect that is ten meters long and three meters high. The head of the white insect is only as big as a basketball hoop.

The claws on both sides of the insect's body are short and thin and cannot support the entire body of the insect at all. Therefore, the big white insect relies on the body of the chrysalis to move its position.


From the tail of the big white worm, a green ball the size of a washbasin is discharged.

The green ball slowly flew into the air to the bottom of the 'grape bunch'. A stream of fluorescent green liquid hit the green ball and filled the entire grape bunch, making its color brighter.

At the same time, the red color of the big tree dimmed a little.

Obviously, the green balls discharged by the big white worms were competing for the nutrients of the big tree. Luo Bin quickly looked at both sides of the hanging platform and found a hemp rope hanging down to the bottom of the hole on the right side.

After thinking for a moment, he put on his dragon leather gloves, grasped the hemp rope tightly, and went down to the bottom of the cave.

From the corner of her eye, the big white insect saw someone intruding into her territory. The cricket pupated its body and turned its head towards the intruder. Then, it danced its mouthparts and sprayed out white threads half as thick as its little finger.

Luo Bin stepped back more than a meter and suddenly, a wisp of white silk sprayed from behind him and wrapped around his ankle.

Then, the white silk was quickly wrapped in a circle, and in less than three seconds, it was wrapped into a white cocoon.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), you are very smart when it comes to sneak attacks from behind!

Luo Bin took out a magic dagger and pressed the switch. A 1cm high flame suddenly appeared on the blade. With a slight stroke, the white cocoon burst open.

He rushed out of the white cocoon through the crack and found eight large white insects lying around. The white insects danced their mouthparts and sprayed white silk at him.

Luo Bin quickly used his skills to summon his wings, soared into the air, and waved a large ball of orange flames towards the spot where the eight strands of white silk were gathered.

Zhila! Zhila!

If one strand of white thread is ignited by the fire, and the remaining seven strands are motionless, then the seven big white worms probably do not exist.

Luo Bin took out his bow and arrow, and lit the kerosene wrapped around the end of the arrow. Whoosh, three rockets flew through the air and hit the belly of the big white insect whose white threads could burn.

Zhila! Zhila!

The smell of burning proteins wafted through the cave. Luo Bin's sense of smell told him that the smell of the burning white worm in front of him was exactly the same as Tisna's.

Is it possible that the big white insect is the leader of the human scorpions? ? ?

I originally thought it would be an oversized human-sized scorpion-tailed monster or something.

At the bottom of the cave, the big white insect rolled its body and made a scream that was very similar to the scream of a pig when it was being killed.

After a while, the sharp arrow was rolled away by it, the wound healed quickly, and it stopped howling.

Eight giant insects pupate together. You pass by me and I pass through you. They are mixed together and it is impossible to tell who is real and who is illusory.

Even the rhythm of their mouthparts waving is the same. No, no, the rhythm is the same, but there is only one sound of mouthparts waving from the bottom of the cave.

However, the sound was too weak, so weak that it was difficult to tell where the source was.

Luo Bin thought about killing them randomly on the ground, but that would be tantamount to handing over the initiative to the big white insect, so he chose a safe approach.


He closed his eyes and listened carefully to the clicking sound of mouthparts waving, but the sound was too weak and he couldn't tell from which direction it came.

I have to think of a way to force the big white insect to make a louder sound with its mouthparts.

Luo Bin thought for a moment and came up with a way. He took out the cannon given by George and lit it with flames.

Bang ~

The loud explosion shocked the big white insect into confusion, and the frequency and strength of its mouthparts waving changed greatly.

Luo Bin, who was suspended in mid-air, relied on this change to identify the location of the big white insect's true body.

He drew his bow to full length and shot six flaming arrows.

Poof, the sharp arrow hit the target, and the deafening roar sounded again in the cave.

Luo Bin opened his eyes and found that the phantom insect had disappeared. There was only a large white insect rolling around and wailing on the ice at the bottom of the cave. However, there was a rustling sound in the green ball hanging on the top of the cave.

Luo Bin flew to the bunch of grapes and observed the scene inside the ball through a layer of green film. Those black figures had human upper bodies and scorpions lower bodies. Moreover, their hair was gradually getting longer and stiffer.

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