Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 43 Conquering the Whomping Willow

Hiss! Hiss!

Nagini spit out the snake message and retreated with her master, out of the attack range of the Whomping Willow.

When the thicker branch fell to the ground, it rushed forward like a rabbit and used the flower winding skill to firmly lock the thin branch.

Luo Bin also rushed forward as quickly as possible and turned the magic saw's tooth speed to the maximum.

Tsk! Tsk!

Luo Bin pressed the saw handle hard, hoping to shorten the time to cut off the branches. The two branches hit each other hard, which was beyond his expectation. He had to hurry up.

When he saw the smaller branches springing back out of the corner of his eye, he realized that he and Nagini were running out of time.

If you are really hit by a big fist, your skin will be peeled off even if you don't die.

But it is better to seriously injure one than to injure two.

"Nagini, you move away first. There is only a little bark left on the branch. It can't lift its big fist!"

Hiss! Hiss!

Nagini, whose snake body was wrapped around the violently trembling branch, didn't even turn her head, and her rejection was very obvious.

Seeing this, Luo Bin could only give up. Suddenly, a cold wind blew down from the top of his head.

It's the branch just now, and it's about to hit me.

Luo Bin raised his toes and pressed half of his body weight on the magic saw. He was almost, still just a little bit close. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely on his forehead.

Branch, let's discuss it, you can do it slower, can it be done?

It's a pity that Branch cannot hear his voice!

When the thin branch as thick as a thumb hit the top of his head, Luo Bin heard a crunching sound, indicating that the branch was cut off. He hurriedly shouted: "Nagini, okay, go back!"

Xiaoxiao! Xiaoxiao!

Although both the man and the snake evacuated very quickly, when Luo Bin shouted, the Whomping Willow's big fist was only 5 meters away from the ground, so they were still hit by the big fist.

But the strange thing is that the big fist is not tightly clenched and is still soft. If the twigs sweep over the body, it is no different from scratching an itch.

Luo Bin retreated out of the attack range, turned around and took a look, and then he understood the reason.

It's Xiao Hui!

It is hitting the branch violently, and every time it hits the branch, the branch becomes weaker.

Tsk, it seems that this tough guy doesn’t want to kill his master all the time!

Robin raised his eyebrows and winked at Nagini. Then, one person and one snake rushed to the branch and worked together to cut it into a buzz cut.

The Whomping Willow was sawed off three times, and its combat effectiveness was reduced by more than half.

But Robin and his pets gradually figured out how to fight the Whomping Willow. Grant came out of the hole to attract fire from other branches, Nagini locked the treetops, Robin sawed the branches, and Xiao Hui eliminated the second danger. .

So, 20 minutes later, Liu Xiti’s ‘bald’ look appeared!

Luo Bin looked at the large pits, holes, branches, and sawdust all over the ground, and sighed: Cruel, too cruel!

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain under his left collarbone.

Oh, this is the Whomping Willow being beaten into submission?

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, locked his eyes on the Whomping Willow, and tentatively recited the spell silently: Contain everything!

In an instant, the Whomping Willow disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a dry and grassy valley in its place?

Now, the lawn he was stepping on was tilted about 15° with the big tree pit as the center point, which was enough to show how well-developed the underground root system of the Whomping Willow was.

To prevent others from noticing that the Whomping Willow has disappeared, you must get it out quickly!

After silently chanting three times to contain everything, his mind entered the sea of ​​consciousness space along with Nagini, Grant, and Xiao Hui.

He stood in front of the giant Rubik's Cube, squinting and looking at each square carefully. After a while, he found a small tree with a bald head and a root system that was more than ten times longer than the main trunk in a green square.

He waved and followed his heart, and the green square slowly floated in front of him.

He couldn't wait to poke the pocket version of the Whomping Willow totem on the square, and the totem suddenly shot out a curtain of light.

Name: None

Species: Whomping Willow

Level: S level

Personality: Quiet, but will become violent after the branches are hit!

Physical condition: The branches were sawed, and 40% of the soul power was lost (treatment period: five months)

Skills: Sweep (when in the explosive state, it can sweep all objects within a 10-meter radius), punch (like a charging bull, a physical attack), and dance in groups (the treetops tremble, making a sound that creates a terrifying atmosphere)

Magic value: 10000

Combat power: 12000

Luo Bin felt 2000 magic power flowing through the meridians of his body. The fatigue from the fierce battle for more than an hour disappeared and he felt refreshed.

However, what the hell is the group dance skill?

When Nearly Headless Nick holds a death anniversary party next year, will there be a live performance to entertain him?

After Luo Bin named the Whomping Willow Xiaolu, he activated the stocking function of the giant Rubik's Cube, and at the same time, his consciousness was withdrawn from the sea of ​​consciousness space.

Under night, the sunken lawn became smooth again, and the huge tree pit was once again filled with the main trunk and developed root system of the whomping willow.

Luo Bin stared at the night sky without a single star, then scanned the debris on the ground. Finally, his eyes fell on the bald version of Xiao Lu.

The mess on the ground is easy to clean up, but what about the ‘bald’ head?

Tomorrow, if Professor Sprout sees the Whomping Willow in this dead state, his shrill scream will reverberate through the entire castle.

He didn't want to accept Sprout's caress.

Luo Bin put the sawed branches and sawdust into the sea of ​​​​consciousness space while thinking about coping strategies.

When he picked up the last twig, he froze.

Twelve inches long (48cm), jet black in color, tough yet hard to the touch, and surprisingly similar in appearance to his own wand.

Wand Magic Oh, by the way, the ebony wand has its own magical function, which can help cover up the "bald head tragedy"!

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, luckily I have the habit of carrying my wand with me, otherwise, I would have to go back to get it!

He put the last twig into the sea of ​​consciousness space, summoned a big shovel, and buried all the holes and pits flat.

After finishing, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and took out the ebony wand from his pocket.

He walked to the Whomping Willow, pressed the tip of the wand against the main trunk of the tree, and poured the magic power in his body into the wand at a constant speed.

Just like the time at Ollivander's Wand Shop, there was no change in the Whomping Willow at first, but 5 minutes after the magic power was lost, the branches that had been cut flat by the magic saw actually grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When it grew about 4 meters, several thumb-thick nodes grew on the branches. The nodes grew very slowly, like a snail, and the magic power required was three times that of the branches.

When the branches grew to 3 meters, Luo Bin felt that his magic power storage was on the verge of drying up, but he didn't want to stop there.

He clenched his back teeth, gathered all the magic power in the meridians in his body into one place, and then poured it into the wand at a steady speed.

When the last trace of magic power in Luo Bin's body was converted by the ebony wand, it turned into a wisp of green life force. When it passed through the trunk, branches, and rushed to the highest twig, the twigs extended upward by 1cm, and the tops were also covered with a layer of Iron blue substance.

Finally, the new pet greenie has completely shaken off the title of "bald" Whomping Willow.


Luo Bin, who had exhausted his magic power, collapsed on the ground like a giant boy, gasping for air. He couldn't help but laugh as he panted.

Admittedly, he was extremely tired, but when he thought about successfully conquering the greedy, no, long-missed Whomping Willow, he felt more comfortable and wanted to laugh.

At this moment, if I could use the 'Dance of the Branches' skill to add to the fun, I would be able to scare ten Neville Longbottoms out!

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