Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 44 A different kind of luck

About 15 minutes later, Luo Bin felt that his physical strength had recovered a little. He climbed up from the ground with difficulty. After confirming again and again that the Whomping Willow and its surroundings were exactly the same as when he came, he put on his black robe and hid in the night.

The next day, he was woken up by the joint efforts of his two roommates!

"Well, there is no class in the first period in the morning, let me sleep for a while!"

Luo Bin put the back of his hand between his eyebrows to block the dazzling sunlight. It may be because he didn't sleep enough, and his voice was a little lazy and hoarse!

"Oh, my God! Robin, honestly, did you sneak out of the dormitory and do something bad last night while Harry and I were sleeping?" Ron complained as he lifted the quilt of his roommate.

"Well, you really know how to joke!"

The joke of the 'Truth Emperor' instantly knocked away Luo Bin's sleepiness. He got out of bed, opened the curtains wide, and took advantage of the name of enjoying the sunshine to touch and look at the Whomping Willow.

He saw a short, fat figure carrying a bucket, working around the roots of the Whomping Willow tree. He guessed that it was Professor Sprout, fertilizing the Whomping Willow tree.

Tsk, it seems that the crime scene last night was handled very well!

"Harry, what time is it?"

After asking, he poured a glass of water, raised his toes, and moistened his throat comfortably.

"9:58, there are still 17 minutes left before class begins. The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is on the third floor. It's a bit far away. Luo Bin, if you don't clean up, we will be late."

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), just because there is no class in the first period in the morning, I dare to sleep so deeply. As a result, I will be late when I wake up? Or the class of Quirinus Chilo, the epic garlic lover.

On his list of things he must not be late for and skip classes, Defense Against the Dark Arts ranks third.

After the Bludger riot last time, Robin became more cautious. After a week of careful observation, he found that Quirrell was staring at him like the old bat stared at Harry.

However, maybe it was to maintain the timid and cowardly persona, or for other reasons. In short, the areas where Luo Bin was stared at by Quirrell were limited to the black magic classroom and the restaurant on the first floor.

Quirrell often asked Robin to stay in court on the pretext of teaching him more excellent defense skills, and then asked insinuatingly about the whereabouts of Ravenclaw's diadem.

Seeing that Luo Bin refused to admit it and retorted with clear logic, he shook his body and said some ambiguous words nervously.

For example: the curse of the crown that only gains from giving up. The crown gives the wearer wisdom, but at the same time it devours the wearer's vitality. After three to five years, the wearer will face a near-death dilemma. At this time, the crown takes away the remaining After gaining vitality, go find the next target.

In response to this, Luo Bin's answer was: "I don't have the crown. It's useless for you to tell me this!"

Quirrell's lips trembled with anger, but Dumbledore was in the castle and the master's plan had not yet been completed. He did not dare to attack the students in the castle.

"Luo Bin, it's 10 o'clock sharp, you have to"

Ron caught a glimpse of his friend holding a glass of water as if he was down, and stepped forward to urge him.

"2 minutes, give me 2 minutes!"

Luo Bin put down the water glass, washed up quickly, and then ran to the third floor while holding the textbook and stuffing bread into his mouth.

Finally, he ran into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom before the bell rang.

When Quirrell walked into the classroom, the three of them were still breathing heavily. After the class was over, Quirrell walked off the stage and said, "Lestrange, are you still a little confused about the connection between curses and breaking curses? Do you need me?" Come and help answer it?”

Luo Bin: →_→, here we go again, looking for an excuse for detention, why can’t we use something fresher?

"No, thank you!"

Luo Bin held the textbook and stood up to leave, but Quirrell blocked the aisle. The pungent and unpleasant smell of rotten garlic gave people a headache.

"Professor, the day after tomorrow is Halloween. There will be a dinner party in the auditorium tomorrow. We have made an agreement with Professor Flitwick to help him decorate it. Look."

Hermione walked up to Robin from behind and helped him find a way out.

"Well, classmate Lestrange, if you have any doubts about evil curses and breaking curses, you can come to the office to see me at any time!"

"I will, Professor!"

You big-headed ghost!

After Robin finished speaking, he and Hermione walked towards the door.

For two months, Hermione, who was very angry, had not talked to Ron and Harry at all except talking to Robin.

Ron and Harry were very happy about this, because no one was self-righteous anymore and giving orders to them.

"Robin, what took you so long?" Harry asked, pushing up his glasses frame.

"You still have to ask? It must be Professor Quirrell who wants to keep Luo Bin in class so that he can teach him other magic. Luo Bin, you are so lucky!"

"Ron, this kind of luck is given to you, do you want it?"

Professor's special care vs. garlic odor impact

That picture is so beautiful, it’s so creepy!

"No, Luo Bin, only you can afford this rich luck!"

"Oh, coward!"

When Hermione passed by Ron, she left these words lightly.

"Did I offend her?" Ron shrugged his shoulders and said speechlessly.

"You should be lucky that she didn't accuse you at length!"

"Let's go to the first floor to eat. The half piece of bread in the morning won't make you hungry at all!"

Luo Bin put his arm around his roommate's shoulders and pushed them towards the stairs.

In the classroom, Quirrell, who was leaning against the door to eavesdrop, stood up straight, picked at his fingers, and muttered nervously: "Master, what is the use of the crown?"

rustle! rustle!

There was a rustling sound coming from Quirrell's thick purple turban, and finally, a ghostly voice like a whisper came from inside.

"Strange, really strange. I feel that it was destroyed, but I can still smell its breath. Finding it and figuring out what happened to it will be very useful for my great cause."

"Master, but that child is very alert and smart, I"

"If you can't even handle a first-year freshman, what qualifications do you have to be my servant?"

"Master, don't leave me, I will find a way!"

"Remember, Harry Potter can only die in my hands!"

The headscarf rustled a few times, and then there was no sound.

Quirrell's face was sullen, and he repeated the words 'Robin Lestrange' through gritted teeth.

A few minutes later, the muscles on Quirrell's face rolled several times, and his expression instantly changed from gloomy to timid and nervous. After laughing nervously a few times, he stood up, opened the classroom door, and walked towards the first floor.

Robin was unaware of the conversation between Quirrell and the village bully. At this moment, he was happily enjoying a barbecue dinner, and from time to time he listened to the Weasley brothers' plan to scare Filch.

"Fred and Mrs. George are crazy. They actually plan to attack Loris at the Halloween dinner?" Harry said in shock.

"Calm down, they are naughty and mischievous, it's not just a day or two. Besides, they didn't intend to kill Loris, just"

"I just want to shave it into a hairless cat!" Luo Bin said speechlessly.

A few days ago, the Weasley brothers were experimenting with slug fireworks in an empty classroom, and Filch spent a whole day cleaning the slime off the walls.

Then, he cursed and went to Dean McGonagall to file a complaint, which resulted in the two brothers being punished by deducting 10 college points and a 2,000-word reflection report.

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