Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 45 The magical floating spell

In fact, such punishment is nothing to the twin brothers.

However, Filch absolutely shouldn't have cursed him with the curse words "There's no one to teach you about life". The two brothers couldn't sit still and decided to take revenge on what Filch cherished most.

By the way, is the texture of a shaved long-haired cat different from that of a Sphynx hairless cat?

"Robin, who are you going to dress up as to ask for candy from the professors tomorrow night? Pumpkin head? Vampire? Ghost? Owl? Werewolf?"

Luo Bin raised his hand to interrupt Ron's conjecture, "I won't pretend to be anyone. As soon as the dinner is over tomorrow, I will go back to the dormitory to sleep."

Except for Pumpkin Head, the rest of them had to put on clothes and put on makeup. Not only was it time-consuming and labor-intensive, it was crucial that they didn’t even need it until the very end.

The original book mentions that a sumptuous Halloween dinner was interrupted because a mountain troll broke into the basement.

"Uh, okay! I'm going to cut two holes out of a torn sheet, put it on my body, and tie a black rope around my neck. Hey, this way I will become a ghost. Harry, what are you going to dress up as?"

"I've never celebrated any festivals at my uncle's house. I don't know what I should dress up as!"

"What a coincidence, my old bed sheet is very big, big enough to cut out two ghost suits." Ron shared in a brotherly manner.

Robin caught a glimpse of Harry's vague intention of agreeing, and couldn't help but remind him: "Ron, is the tattered sheet you're talking about the one that Scabbers (Peter Pettigrew) peed on and still can't be washed clean? "

"Well, that's it! However, you were wrong about one thing. I soaked it in cleaning fluid all night and rubbed it with my hands for half an hour. Now, even if I put my nose against the sheets and smell it, I can't smell it. A hint of urine. Harry, have you decided whether you want to wear a ghost costume with me?"

"Well, I'd better forget it, Robin, what do you think of tonight's pudding?"

Harry didn't want to talk about the urine-stained sheets anymore, so he changed the subject.

"not bad!"

It's soft, glutinous and sweet, melts in your mouth, and has a hint of lemon aroma when you taste it carefully. The elves are good at cooking!

"Forget it, it's boring to play ghost by yourself, just let the torn sheet stay under the box!" Ron said with a pout.

However, his anger dissipated just as quickly as it came. After chewing on two big chicken legs, he smiled and told interesting stories about the artillery team.

The next day, when Robin crawled through the hole in the Gryffindor common room with "Standard Spells: Elementary" and "A Thousand Magic Herbs and Fungi" in his arms, he smelled a rich and sweet smell.

“It smells so good!”

"It's the smell of roasted pumpkins. Eating roasted pumpkins, carrying jack-o'-lanterns, and dressing up as pumpkin monsters are customs that have been passed down for many years on Halloween." Hermione raised her chin and explained.

"Tsk, I'm just talking about common sense. Is it necessary to act like the 'number one know-it-all at Hogwarts'? It's so showy!"

Hermione regarded Ron as nothing, and after saying hello to Robin, turned and walked away.

"Well, she's so angry! Robin, Hermione's attitude towards you went from being unpleasant to actively greeting you. How did you do it?"

"you guess?"

After saying that, Robin smiled, turned around and walked towards the stairs. Ron ran after him, pestering him all the way to ask what method he used to control Hermione's temper.

However, he didn't ask the reason until the class bell rang.

When Ron was still about to poke his head in and ask, the Charms teacher walked in holding the textbook.

"Everyone sit tight and don't whisper to each other!"

When Professor Flitwick walked onto the podium, Ron was sitting upright and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, not bad! Come on, turn the textbook to page 66. Today, we are going to learn the incantations and gestures of the levitating spell."

"The levitating spell is a magical spell that can make objects float in the air. Remember, the amount of magic power input into the wand, the clarity of the spell, and the firmness of the thoughts will all affect the chance of successful casting of the levitating spell."

"The gesture of the floating spell is to wave and shake. To break it down, it means first drawing a '~', and then starting from the end of the wave, drawing a '|' downwards."

"Come, practice the gestures with me, wave and shake. Remember, the wave should be drawn longer, and the bottom of the vertical line should be on the same horizontal line as the bottom of the wave."

The new students raised their wands high and practiced waving and trembling gestures with their teachers. When their wrists became sore, Flitwick put away his wands and asked them to stop.

"Yes, we are all very enlightened little wizards. I am very pleased. Next, let me talk about the floating spell."

Guagua! Guagua!

Just as Flitwick was speaking, a toad's cry suddenly came from under the podium, followed by bursts of shrill screams.

"Ah! Toad, don't come here!"

A girl with yellow hair covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly.

Persimmons specialize in picking soft ones, and the same goes for toads who are humane. It croaked and jumped on the back of the yellow-haired girl's hand, scaring her so hard that she flicked her wrist wildly.


The toad was thrown to the desk 2 meters away by the girl. The boy with curly hair picked up the "Standard Spells: Elementary" textbook and slapped it away, "Get away, you ugly guy!"

Then, like a drifting Robinson, the toad fell on the desk, on the head of the person, and grabbed the student's witch robe.

It makes the class very chaotic!

However, the most tired student among the students in the classroom was Neville. He bent over and chased the toad around, shouting as he ran: "Leifu, stop, stop quickly, Leifu, wuwu, don't leave me." , woo woo~”

"Wingardim Leviosa"

The toad Leif was hit by the spell. It spread its limbs and exposed its belly, and slowly floated upward. When it reached a height of 5 meters, it was suspended in mid-air. It seemed to be fixed by magic without blinking!

"Leifu, wuwu, my Leifu!"

Neville walked to the side with tears in his eyes. His two thick arms stretched out and then retracted, retracted and then stretched out.

After repeating this for seven or eight times, Flitwick knew what Neville was thinking, "Child, spread your hands and put your little fingers together."

"Oh, yes, Professor!"

After Neville sniffed, he did as the teacher said and Flitwick waved his wand.


The toad landed accurately in Neville's hand.

Neville closed his palms to cover the toad, "Leif, wuwu, don't leave me again, okay?"

The only response he received was the croaking sound of a toad.

"Okay, kid, go back to your seat!"

"Okay, Professor!"

After Neville sat down, Flitwick realized that the new student under the podium was staring at him expectantly and eagerly.

"It seems that after Leif's episode, everyone has felt the charm of the Levitation Spell. Just like what I just recited, the incantation of the Levitation Spell is: Yugardim Leviosa."

"Remember, the pronunciation must be accurate. There once was a wizard named Baruffeo. He pronounced the f as an s, which caused a bison to flash over and knock him down."

"If you expect to eat beef in the next year, just pretend that I didn't say anything just now."

Flitwick's voice was high-pitched and thin, and his intonation was like a mountain road. Most of the students in the audience were amused by him.

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