Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 55 The out-of-control broomstick

Robin rushed forward quickly, fanning the flames and saying: "Yes, whether it is eyesight or flying ability, Higgs can't compare to Harry. Whether your team's chaser is a substitute player or not does not seem to be very important."

"Besides, Madam Pomfrey's medical skills are excellent. A few bottles of magic potion will ensure that your nasal bones will reorganize and regenerate, and your newly grown front teeth will be whiter and straighter."

"Luo Bin!" Ms. Huo Qi shouted sharply.

"Luo Luobin, it's you, you did it on purpose!"

Flint, who had no front teeth and a mouth full of blood, not only had trouble speaking, but every time he spoke a few words, he had to swallow a mouthful of blood. The iron-smelling blood stuck to his throat, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. All the teachers and students in the school can testify to me that I hit the Bludger from below and the ball jumped straight up. Your injury has nothing to do with me." Luo Bin Pupil said with earthquake.

"You're not impossible."

"Flint, Robin didn't lie. Everyone has seen the truth. Okay, you go to the school hospital and replace the substitute player."

"No, I hurt my mouth and nose, not my arms and eyes. I can still hit him."

To increase his credibility, he held the broom with one hand and performed several beautiful backflips on the spot.

When he stopped, he found the two of them flying five meters away. Suddenly, his fierce eyes showed a trace of doubt.

Luo Bin: →_→, if you don’t fly farther, wouldn’t you be covered in blood?

"Okay, I respect your choice."

Ms. Hooch flew forward and waved her wand, temporarily helping Flint stop the bleeding, and then blew the silver whistle with both hands.

! !

Red and green intersect again in the sky.

Harry, who has lost the golden snitch, is competing with Higgs to find the trace of the golden ball faster.

Flint, who didn't remember the hit, once again used the "deliberate collision skill", causing Alicia Spinnet to lose the Quaffle. He held the ball with one hand and rushed towards the Gryffindor hoop. .

Of course, Robin would not let the buck-toothed man go. He hit the Bludger from left to right. The black ball rushed to the right for more than ten meters. After a moment of sliding around, it turned east and hit Flint's forearm. .

Katie Bell (G) took advantage of the situation to steal the Quaffle, dodged and flew all the way, and threw the ball into the Slytherin hoop.

Flint turned the broom and glared angrily at Robin for ruining his good deeds.

Robin raised an eyebrow and glared back, and shrugged his shoulders, showing that he was innocent, which made Flint's teeth itch with anger.

Next, Flint would be hit by a Bludger every time he tried to do something physical. 20 minutes later, physically disabled and strong-willed, he was dragged back to the locker room by Ms. Hooch with brute force.

The person who replaced him was a short blond man who was riding a broomstick very swayingly. It was obvious at first glance that he was a novice.

After killing the buck-toothed man, Luo Bin decided to concentrate on Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao.

The broom shook violently up and down.

Luo Bin held the broom tightly with his hand, his upper body pressed against the broom handle, and his calves were crossed and locked tightly to prevent him from falling.

More than ten seconds later, the broom was still shaking, as if it would not stop until it threw the person off. Luo Bin clearly remembered that the Nimbus 2000 instruction manual stated that it did not have a vibration massage function.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he remembered something.

He pushed his legs to the left and his hands to the right, trying to change the direction of the broom, but it couldn't. It was good, Quirrell was casting a curse and stopped running away.

Whizzing! Whizzing!

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

As if receiving an order, the Bludger let go of the back of Wood's head and turned around to fly towards Luo Bin.

Fortunately, Robin sensed the danger. He tightened his grip on the stick and struck the Bludger.

Unfortunately, the teachers' stand was too far away and the black ball couldn't hit Quirrell's head.

The broom was still shaking up and down, and the two bludgers took turns rushing towards Robin. If it weren't for the blessing of magical creature skills, he wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long.

Harry on the other side of the court saw the Golden Snitch again. He clenched his broom and chased the golden stream of light.

Higgs followed closely behind him, and everyone's eyes were attracted to the two of them. No one noticed that there was a red shadow shaking up and down on the edge of the court.

No, except for one person!

"Hagrid, something's not right with Robin. Please lend me the telescope."

Hermione snatched away the telescope without waiting for Hagrid's answer. She saw Robin holding a broom in one hand and hitting the bludger with a wooden stick in the other hand. There was something wrong with his broomstick. It was shaking violently, as if trying to The master was killed.

On the other side, Luo Bin fought hard to knock away a smoking black ball. He felt that his physical strength was low. If he continued like this, he would be disabled even if he died!

Suddenly, he saw a figure standing up at the highest point of the stand. The figure seemed to be holding a telescope in his hand. That position was Hermione.

Oh, by the way, in the original book, it was Pepper who accidentally interrupted Quirrell's spell.

Xiaoxiao! Xiaoxiao!

The broomstick shook even more violently. His legs were crossed and locked tightly, his chest was pressed against the broom handle, and his arms held the broom tightly. He stretched out the index finger of his other hand and wrote in the air: O P

After writing the capital prefix, add letters to the back.

Hermione on the high platform stretched out her index finger and gestured with Luo Bin, OOppoist, PProfessor.

oppoist professor!

Hermione stared at the opposite side.

She saw Snape staring intently at his friend's broomstick, his thin lips opening and closing as if reciting an ancient spell.

"For the Academy Cup, he really didn't give up any bottom line!"

Hermione put down the telescope, leaned against the back of her chair and left.

Hagrid picked up the telescope and continued to look at his little Potter.

Harry held the broom tightly and chased the golden stream of light. When he was dozens of meters away from Robin, he vaguely felt that something was wrong with his friend. He flew forward and saw his friend's broom shaking violently. He asked anxiously: "What's going on?" ?”

"Don't worry about me. Go chase the golden ball. It just passed over my head. If you chase it now, you still have a chance to catch it."

Robin urged, Hermione had already taken action, all he had to do was hold on to the broom and knock away the Bludger, waiting for the curse to end.


Harry wanted to pull his friend onto his broom, but as soon as he got closer, his friend's broom made a splash and jumped up one meter. When he wanted to get closer, Robin stopped him.

"Harry, leave me alone, Higgs is almost uh, well, he's caught up."

"Tsk, up and down, are you treating the stadium like a circus? And you, Harry, I will definitely catch the golden ball before you do." Higgs finished his talk quickly and flew towards the golden streamer. go.

Luo Bin: Circus? I never believe you didn't see what was going on with this broken broom.

"Harry, go chase him!"

As he spoke, he waved his arm fiercely and knocked away a rushing Bludger.

Harry saw this and believed that his friend was capable of protecting him. After nodding, he quickly chased the Golden Snitch.

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