"Robin, give me your broom handle, and I'll pull you to sit on my broom." Wood, who noticed the situation here, flew over and said.


"Hiss, it made my wrist hurt from the shock. It seems Fred was not lying. There is indeed something wrong with the Bludger." George, who flew over to watch the fun, complained after knocking away a black ball.

"Wood, it's useless. My broom will fly as soon as an outsider comes near. And you are the goalkeeper!"

Luo Bin: Brother, if the goalkeeper doesn't guard the hoop, why are you running around blindly?

"Harry and Higgs were chasing the golden ball so hard that everyone stopped to see who could catch it first."

Although Wood said this, he still turned around and flew back to the Gryffindor team hoop.

George stayed behind to help Robin share the pressure of hitting the bludger. He became more and more excited as he hit the bludger. At the end of the hit, he even let out a roar similar to a wolf's howl.

In response, Luo Bin said, are you here to have fun, or are you here to protect me?

Three minutes later, a scream came from the stands in the distance.

Snape's black robes were on fire, and Robin's broomstick returned to its normal state. The two smoking black balls also whizzed towards Johnson and Pousse.

"George, split up." When the danger was gone, Luo Bin straightened his back and said.

"Um, are you sure there won't be another problem with your broom?"

George asked in frustration. Obviously, he hadn't had enough of the game of hitting the bludger with fixed clicks!


Luo Bin said, controlling the broom with one hand to change direction, and quickly rushed towards the Bludger.


He swung the wooden stick fiercely and saved Johnson. The black ball jumped up several meters. After a moment of slipping, it hit the figure in green robe.


Higgs was hit in the back of the head by a Bludger. The intense pain caused him to lose his balance. He and his broom swayed left and right in the sky.

Harry aimed at the right moment and threw Higgs away. He chased the golden stream of light and dived toward the ground.

Robin saw Harry lying on his chest, covering his mouth with his hands, and his neck was twitching, as if he was about to vomit.


A golden ball with silver wings, covered in transparent brushed mucus, rolled into the palm of Harry's hand.

He held the golden ball high and shouted excitedly: Snitch, I caught the golden snitch.

The audience in the stands, except for the Slytherin students, all stood up and applauded. Lee Jordan even excitedly explained: "Oh, my God! The first-year Harry Potter ate, no, caught the gold. Snitch, he won 150 points, I solemnly declare that Gryffindor won with a score of 190:90 points, oh ho!"

Lee Jordan ignored Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes. He threw away his speech and ran to the stands to join the cheering team.

A wonderful Quidditch match that started with cheers and ended with deafening applause.

"Cheating. The Bludgers only hit the Slytherin team. They cheated."

Flint was still roaring angrily when he was carried away on a stretcher, but it was of no use.

After all, the Bludger also hit Fred.

The Gryffindor team won. Captain Wood grinned almost to his ears. He originally wanted to gather the players and hold a small celebration party, but found that the two new players had already escaped. After searching to no avail. , had to give up the idea of ​​having a party.

At this time, Luo Bin and his party were gathering in the cabin at the hunting ground, discussing the sudden loss of control of the broom.

"It was Snape who did it. I saw it all. I read about curses in a book. The eyes are the key to casting curses. Snape's eyes were fixed on Robin's broomstick. His upper and lower eyelids never closed, and his mouth opened and closed to chant curses." Hermione said angrily.

"He is really bad. In order to win the Academy Cup, he actually cheated and harmed others!" Ron said with a frown.

"Nonsense, Hogwarts professors will never harm students. Robin, what do you think?"

Hagrid asked, gripping the long hair on Fang's neck.

Five pairs of bright, big eyes (including teeth) all looked at the black-haired, black-eyed boy.

Luo Bin took a bite of the ferret sandwich leisurely, and then his expression exploded. He didn't expect that there could be such unpalatable food in the world.

It's fishy and smelly, salty and sweet, well, I really shouldn't have even the slightest hope for Hagrid's cooking skills.

Robin suppressed the feeling of nausea and swallowed it. After drinking another large glass of water, he said quietly: "Hermione, is there any spell to break the curse in the book you are reading?"

"Yes, the key to breaking the curse is also the eyes. The eyes of the person who casts the spell must stare at the person or object that is cursed. Wait, you mean Snape is casting the spell on your broom." Hermione's eyes widened.

"Robin, but as soon as Snape's robe caught fire, your broom returned to normal, and even the Bludger stopped chasing you." Obviously, Ron still thought that Snape was casting a curse. .

"Hermione, please tell me in detail what you did on the teacher's stand. Don't miss any details."


Hermione looked up at the ceiling and recalled: "I pressed against the back of the chair and walked half the way around the stadium to the teachers' stand."

"I was walking along the narrow aisle and accidentally bumped into Professor Quirrell, causing him to fall into the front row of seats. I was so anxious that I didn't even say sorry to him and just kept walking."

"I walked behind Snape and squatted down, took out my vine wand, and whispered the spell."

"A small ball of bright blue flame burst out from the tip of the wand. It lit the edge of Snape's robes, and then I hurriedly left the teachers' stand."

After saying that, Hermione lowered her head and looked at Robin inexplicably, "Oppote Professor (opposite professor), this is the reminder you wrote to me. This means that you know that the person who cast the evil spell on your broom is in the teacher's stand. That."

"Cool! If the broom shakes like that, you can analyze the source of the curse. If it were me, I would fall off the broom after shaking it for two or three times."

"Quirrell, Robin, this is Professor Quirrell, right?"

Harry, who had been silent since entering the room, became explosive when he opened his mouth.

"I felt at that time that there were two strange forces rushing towards my broomstick from the teachers' stand."

"One wants to make the broom shake harder, and the other wants to calm the broom down."

"I saw Hermione looking at me with a telescope from a distance, and I quickly wrote down the opportunity professor tip."

"Just now, Hermione said that she bumped into Quirrell and burned the hem of Snape's robe. Obviously, they are the source of those two strange powers, but who is casting the evil curse and who is casting the breaking curse, I will Not sure anymore.”

Luo Bin had read the original work, and he knew that it was Quirrell who cast the evil curse, but he had no evidence, so he could only guide the protagonists to think about who the real bad guy was.

"It's really hard to choose. Quirrell and Snape are both quite knowledgeable in dark magic." Hermione frowned.

"It's not difficult to choose. Quirrell mentioned breaking the spell in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. This time, I think Quirrell is a good guy."

Ron drank fruit tea and dealt Quirrell a good guy card.

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