The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

After Qiu Zhang and Andy walked through Gringotts for a few rounds, they came out and continued their shopping trip.

When the two of them passed by Flourish and Blotts, there were not many people in the bookstore.

Qiu Zhang then took Andy to buy all the textbooks they needed for the fifth grade.

Including books such as "Intermediate Transfiguration" and "Book of Potions".

The fifth-year curriculum is very heavy and stressful.

So there are the most books to buy.

In addition to the seven main courses including Transfiguration, all Hogwarts students must take at least two of the other five elective courses after the third grade.

The five elective courses are Divination, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Magic Runes, and Arithmancy.

Depending on the number of courses selected, a person will have to buy at least ten books in total.

For example, Qiu Zhang took the Divination course, so her book list will include the book "Dreams and the Future".

Andy thought about it and bought the book.

After enrollment, he plans to take Divination with Qiu Zhang.

As for the other elective course, Andy has not decided what to choose.

If there is a chance, he wants to take them all.

Because the results of the fifth-year courses determine whether you can enter the advanced class of the corresponding subject in the next school year, and are also closely related to the advanced wizard level examination.

If you want to study magic seriously, it will definitely not hurt to get good grades.

Textbooks for two people, this is not cheap.

After purchasing all the books he needed, watching Qiu Zhang generously throw out dozens of gold galleons, Andy couldn't help but sigh that raising children is really a waste of money.

No wonder the Weasley family in the original book lived in such a tight situation.

Raising one child is stressful enough.

And the Weasley family has seven children to support.

After buying the textbooks, Qiu Zhang took out the list of items he had made before and crossed out the textbooks: "Basically, everything I need to buy is done. The only thing left is your wand."

"Let's go, let's go to Ollivanders."

Olivanders Wand Shop is the only shop selling wands in Diagon Alley, and it has a long history.

A crooked sign hangs at the door of Ollivanders.

[Olivanders: Making fine wands since 382 BC. ]

Even if you look around the world, you can't find many shops that can compare with Ollivanders in terms of historical heritage.

In sharp contrast to the heavy history, the decoration of Ollivanders shop is extremely simple.

The space of the entire shop is quite small, and there are wooden boards with holes everywhere, and the dust on them is also heavy.

There were still a few spider webs hanging on the door.

Qiu Zhang took Andy to stand at the door of Ollivander and stared at the door for a few seconds. Everything was self-explanatory.

Qiu Zhang was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Ollivander is already very old and doesn't pay much attention to the hygiene of the store."

Andy: "Understood, understood."

After that, Andy slowly pushed open the door of Ollivander.

At this time, there were customers in the store, a father and son who looked somewhat similar, talking to a white-haired old man climbing on the freight elevator.

"Welcome to Ollivander, please wait a moment, I will select the wands for these two gentlemen first."

The old man on the freight elevator said, it seems that he is Ollivander.


The younger of the father and son standing in the store saw Qiu Zhang standing behind Andy and spoke out.

"Huh? Hi, Cedric." Qiu Zhang introduced in surprise: "This is Cedric Diggory, from Hufflepuff, one grade higher than us."

"Cedric, this is Andy, Andy Hall."

Andy suddenly realized that this was Cedric Diggory. He didn't expect to meet him here.

According to the timeline of the Harry Potter story, there will be several major events in this school year.

In addition to the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort has been resurrected and will come back again.

And Cedric was the first person to die at the hands of the Death Eaters after Voldemort's resurrection. He was extremely unlucky.

At that time, only Harry Potter was by his side.

This is also one of Harry's psychological shadows.

It's a pity that Cedric is so young, talented, handsome, and good at Quidditch, but he died at the hands of Peter Pettigrew in the end.

"Nice to meet you." Andy shook hands with Cedric.

The young man named Cedric noticed Qiu and

Andy came with them and was stunned for a moment.

"Nice to meet you? Am I so famous?" He greeted Andy with a puzzled look on his face, and said to the middle-aged man next to him: "Dad, this is Qiu Zhang I mentioned to you. She is the seeker of Ravenclaw College and she flies very well."

Cedric's father, Mr. Diggory, looked at Andy and Qiu Zhang, ignored Andy directly, and laughed heartily: "Hello! Haha, son, you have a good eye, this lady is quite cute!"

"Dad! Don't be like that!" Cedric said.

Qiu Zhang pretended not to hear and asked, "Hello, Mr. Diggory, how come you are here?"

Cedric replied, "My wand broke accidentally, and we came to Mr. Ollivander to repair it. It will take some time, and I have to buy a new wand as a backup."

"How about you? Qiu, you don't need to buy a wand, right?"

Qiu Zhang said, "Andy only found out that he was a wizard yesterday, and then received a letter from Hogwarts, asking him to buy one."

"Ha! I didn't expect there would be wizards who awakened so late." Mr. Diggory laughed exaggeratedly, and then patted Cedric on the shoulder, "Son, if you want to duel with Mr. Hall, I bet you can beat him without a wand."

"It's a pity that bullying a wizard who has just enrolled is not honorable for you."

Andy said, "Oh? In this case, Cedric can duel with me without a wand, which will definitely make him win honor."

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