The two of them were stunned.

Mr. Diggory and Cedric were completely silenced by Andy's move.

Everyone knows that for wizards, there is a huge difference between having a wand and not having a wand.

The wand is not only a weapon for wizards, but also can enhance the power of wizards' magic.

After all, not everyone can skillfully use wandless spells, especially for students like Cedric who have not graduated yet.

If Andy had a wand, even if he only knew a levitation spell, Cedric, who was unarmed, would have no chance of winning.

Mr. Diggory knew this even if he admired his son.

"Haha, Mr. Hall, you are really a joker. Don't you know that private duels are prohibited now?" Mr. Diggory said.

Andy said, "Your skills in making up for it are not ideal."

Qiu Zhang couldn't help but burst out laughing behind Andy.

This laugh made Diggory and his son even more embarrassed. Cedric turned his head to watch Ollivander fiddling with the wands on the shelf, while Mr. Diggory began to chat with Qiu Zhang.

Both of them tried not to continue this topic.

Fortunately, Ollivander finally climbed down the freight elevator and handed Cedric a rectangular box.

"Mr. Diggory, let's try this wand."

"Your original ash wand was twelve and a quarter inches long, with a unicorn hair core. This wand is also made of ash, only one inch shorter than your original wand, and the core is also from a unicorn."

"These changes are relatively minor, which will make the power of some spells less intuitive, but the corresponding changes in Transfiguration are very gratifying, allowing you to perform Transfiguration more flexibly..."

Olivander began to talk endlessly when he talked about wands.

Cedric didn't listen to him finish, took the box containing the wand, took out the ash wand inside, and conjured a rose from the top of the wand.

"I think this wand is very good, thank you, Mr. Ollivander." Cedric said.

Ollivander said: "That's it? No more trying anything else?"

"That's it." Mr. Diggory squeezed over, took out his wallet, and quickly bought the wand.

Cedric said to Qiu Zhang: "Will you go to the World Cup next month? My father and I will go."

"Of course." Qiu Zhang nodded, and Cedric smiled happily when he heard this.

Then he heard Qiu Zhang add: "With Andy."

Cedric's face darkened, and he stiffly took his newly bought wand and said: "...Then we'll see you then."

He said goodbye, and then he and Mr. Diggory quickly walked out of the store.

After they left, Andy looked at Qiu Zhang: "Qiu, you are really popular."

Qiu Zhang raised his chin slightly, looked up at Andy from the bottom, and smiled: "Of course, don't I look good?"

"Very good-looking." Andy praised from the heart.

Qiu Zhang didn't expect Andy to be so direct, which made her, who originally wanted to tease Andy, feel a little embarrassed.

She avoided Andy's gaze and said to Ollivander: "Mr. Ollivander, we are here to buy wands. This is..."

Olivander adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at Andy, and said: "I heard everything just now, Mr. Hall, right."

He gave Andy a thumbs up: "Being young is good. If you want to duel, I will definitely be your assistant."

Andy asked: "Do you need an assistant for a duel?"

"Of course." Qiu Zhang explained, "The rules in the past were like this. When the duelist fell, his assistant would continue the duel."

Olivander said seriously: "Don't worry, Mr. Diggory's wands are all made by me. The wand will not attack its maker."


"...False, so you'd better not duel." Ollivander said, "Okay, which hand are you good at?"

Andy stretched out his right hand.

Just like at Madam Malkin's, Mr. Ollivander took out his wand, lightly tapped it, and a set of exquisitely shaped measuring tapes flew out from the side, and began to measure the length of Andy's arm.

Olivander thought for a while, took out a wand from the shelf next to him, and handed it to Andy: "Try this one, the wand core is made of dragon's heart tendon, which is very suitable for passionate duelists."

For some reason, when Andy got this wand, his mind suddenly became full of

Then a strong BGM sounded, making him want to start playing cards.

It probably looks like this.jpg

The next moment, with a bang, a ball of blazing white light shot out from the head of Andy's wand, piercing through a shelf in Ollivander's store, and white smoke came out.

Mr. Ollivander, who showed agility that was completely disproportionate to his age, came out from behind the counter and exclaimed: "It's powerful, but it's not completely suitable for you."

He walked to another shelf, climbed up the freight elevator again, and took down several boxes of wands.

"Let's try these. I have a hunch that you will also be a very picky customer, Mr. Hall."

Olivander's hunch was right. In the next half an hour, Andy tried no less than ten wands in succession.

These wands are made of various materials, and the wand cores are also strange, including Veela's hair, unicorn hair, phoenix feathers, etc.

But these wands are not very suitable for Andy without exception.

As soon as Andy got them, they couldn't wait to release their power in Andy's hands, making explosions or turning into all kinds of strange things to change the surrounding environment.

Ollivander's shop was already in a mess. Several shelves fell to the ground, and the piles of wand boxes on them were scattered everywhere, flooding the other spaces in the shop. There was no place to walk.

From this chaos, a faint smell of burning could be smelled.

Ollivander's shop was not very eye-catching to begin with, and now it has become like a pile of junk.

Qiu Zhang has gone from expectation at the beginning to helplessness.

She walked to the corner of the shop, away from Andy and Ollivander.

It was too dangerous to get close to them. If you are not careful, you will be affected.

Just now, Andy got a wand made of acacia wood and cut a shelf in front of him in half, almost hitting Ollivander.

Now she wants to see what Andy can do for her.

Ollivander turned a blind eye to this. He got up from the ground, covered in dust, and looked at Andy excitedly: "Great, I haven't seen such a picky customer for a long time. Let's try something else."

"I think we should not do that." Andy stopped him and said, "Mr. Ollivander, let me try to choose one myself."

If he kept trying like this, who knew how long it would take here. Andy was already a little impatient.

He just suddenly thought that he still had an Eye of God, and wondered if Sister Lisa's ability would be useful when choosing a wand.

Ollivander frowned and said, "No, no, no, please don't do that. It's the wand that chooses the wizard, Mr. Hall, not the wizard who chooses the wand."

"Only a wand that is willing to follow you is the most suitable wand for you."

After that, Ollivander turned around and began to search for his wand again.

Andy agreed, but in his heart he activated the Eye of God hourglass seat directly.

The next moment, a golden film of light flashed across his vision, covering everything he saw, and there was a faint purple electric light surrounding his vision.

His perception of magic power instantly increased countless times, and he could see the layers of light coming out of magical objects, as well as the invisible magic fluctuations floating in the air in the store.

Everything around him related to magic could not escape Andy's eyes, and all the magic wands seemed to be calling his name in unison, longing for his touch.

Andy turned his head and looked to his side. A box containing a magic wand was now emitting a dazzling light, which was more eye-catching than other magic wands.

Andy walked over and took the magic wand that was quietly in the box in his hand, and a feeling of blessing filled his mind.

"This is the magic wand I want." Andy said.

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