The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

As soon as Andy appeared in the school infirmary, before he could see who was inside, a petite figure quickly threw himself into his arms.

What caught his eye was a long flowing silver-white hair with a hint of floral fragrance, rushing towards Andy.

Andy was shocked. When did Fleur shrink?


Fleur's sister Gabrielle smiled and hugged Andy, hugging him tightly.

She looked completely fine, with her silver-white hair floating behind her back and tied into two ponytails, very cute.

Andy picked up Gabrielle: "Don't learn bad things from your sister. Don't get close to me, or you'll become unhappy."

Gabrielle looked innocent: "I just want to thank you. My sister told me everything."

"You defeated a whole tribe of mermaids at the bottom of the lake to save me."

"You didn't have to do that! My sister said you are my hero!"

Gabrielle looked at Andy with starry eyes, and Andy looked at Furong. Is this a way to deceive a child? Furong looked up at the ceiling.

Gabrielle didn't care and buried her head deeply in Andy's chest.

Okay, Andy accepted it humbly.

Andy finally understood that sometimes there is a big gap between reality and ideal.

Reason told him that Furong wanted to get close to him through Gabrielle and get closer to him.

But it's really hard to refuse a little white-haired girl who looks at you with admiration.

Especially when the little girl's sister is also very beautiful.

Andy didn't even dare to look Gabrielle in the eye.

Whose child is so beautiful, how can others live?

Andy carried Gabriel down and changed the subject, asking, "Where are Krum and Harry?"

Fleur: "Krum just left, Potter is on the bed over there."

Andy turned around and found that Harry and his group were in another semi-open ward.

Through the translucent curtain, you can see Harry lying on the bed, with Ron and Hermione sitting beside the bed.

Hermione waved to Andy, and Andy responded.

After the game, Harry was completely exhausted and slept for a long time before waking up. Then he was forced to stay in the hospital by Madam Pomfrey.

And Krum had already finished the examination and left.

This is the difference. I can only say that Krum is worthy of being a star seeker. His physical fitness is beyond doubt, absolutely top-notch.

Both Harry and Krum experienced the lake bottom marathon, but Krum was like nothing happened, and he was full of energy the next day.

Harry has not yet recovered his ability to move.

Fleur briefly introduced today's situation.

Before Andy came, the school hospital was in chaos.

It is said that after the girl from Beauxbatons woke up, she bravely confessed to Krum, but Krum rejected her without hesitation.

Krum didn't even remember her name, which completely broke her heart, and she ran out of the school hospital crying.

Fleur tried: "It's almost the weekend again, and students from Beauxbatons can go out. Gabrielle wants to go to Hogsmeade, Andy, do you want to come with me?"

Qiu Zhang was alert, and Fleur smiled and pretended not to see it.

Gabrielle is very emotional: "I want to be with Andy, and Sister Qiu."

She took a step forward, took Qiu Zhang's hand, and leaned on her.

"We will definitely come." Qiu Zhang was melted by his eyes, and agreed without thinking.

Gabrielle looks like an elf, popular with both men and women, and loved by everyone.

Qiu Zhang and Gabrielle are both hostages of the warriors. After going through hardships together, the relationship between the two is not bad now.

Fleur smiled and said, "Then it's settled. See you then."

After that, Fleur also left with Gabrielle.

Before leaving, Fleur deliberately winked at Andy and smiled very beautifully.

Qiu Zhang looked at this scene and got angry.

If other people saw Fleur's current appearance, they would definitely be shocked.

Is this still the proud Fleur Delacour in our impression?

In front of Andy, she was a completely different person.

At this time, Madam Pomfrey lifted the curtain, called Qiu Zhang's name, and took her into a small room for a series of examinations.

"Andy! I have something to tell you!"

Harry, who was lying on the bed, turned around and looked at Andy, and said to Andy anxiously.

Andy walked over: "How is the recovery?"

Ron sat next to Harry. When he saw Andy, his expression on his face was still a little awkward, but his attitude was much better than the previous few days.

He was even a little happy in his heart.

Harry's baby is me, not anyone else, not Malfoy.

Huh? Why did I think of Malfoy?

Ron hurried

Sitting upright.

Hermione: "Harry said that when he was at the bottom of the lake, he met Professor Moody."

"Moody?" Andy was surprised.

Harry said: "To be precise, Moody cast a spell on a Howler letter to find me and help me find the direction when I was lost."

Andy: "What happened?"

Harry told Andy what happened at the bottom of the lake in a few words.

Ron and Hermione had heard him say it once before.

Hermione glanced at Harry and said, "I think there is a conspiracy, but they both think it's normal."

Ron: "What's the problem? I think it's cool. We all like Professor Moody."

Hermione: "We just admire him in class. We don't know what he's like in private!"

Andy asked, "Is there anything I don't know?"

Harry said shyly, "Last time we met, Professor Moody suggested that I could become an Auror in the future."

"Since then, he has paid attention to me. I think he wants to give me some help secretly. To be honest, I am very grateful."

"But it's too dangerous for him. Professors can't help warriors privately."

Andy and Hermione exchanged glances and agreed that these two people might be missing a string in their brains.

Harry and Ron actually thought it was normal.

If it was Moody, it wouldn't be surprising that he could pass on information to Harry privately.

As a professor who was responsible for protecting the safety of the warriors at the game site, he had the conditions and strength to do so.

No one would suspect him.

But no matter what Moody's purpose was, this behavior was too extreme.

Andy held his chin and thought, what exactly did Barty want to do?

Originally, Andy thought that he would wait quietly until the last moment before revealing his true identity, but he couldn't help it now.

Barty, who pretended to be Moody, had a big plan, and Andy knew it very well.

He wanted to take Harry away from Hogwarts and take out Harry's blood as a raw material for a very advanced black magic to reshape the body of his master Voldemort.

The former famous dark lord Voldemort is still in a half-dead state.

But that would only happen when the original plot reached the third project. Why did Barty try to make a move now?

Andy ruled out the possibility that someone pretended to be him and passed information to Harry.

At present, Andy is the only one in the castle who knows Barty's true identity.

Even if there is a third party, it is impossible to choose to impersonate Moody's identity. The risk is too great.

In this case, there is only one explanation, he wanted to ensure that Harry's points were as high as possible.

The warriors' points must be related to the third event.

The situation at the time of the game was already quite clear.

Adding up the points of the two games, Andy and Fleur were undoubtedly the first and last.

Harry's only competitor was Krum, and the difference in points between him and Krum was not big.

Moody probably wanted to help Harry catch up and overthrow Krum.

But he didn't expect that even if he secretly sent a message to help Harry, Harry still lost to Krum in the lake bottom marathon, and finally ranked third.

No, Moody sent the message at a too coincidental time.

Not too early or too late, but he sent the message when Harry was lost at the bottom of the lake.

He must have a way to monitor the bottom of the lake.

Andy brainstormed, there were too many possibilities, and finally he decided to let himself go.

Moody's current behavior is still positive. He helps Harry and can't hurt anyone.

Although there are some more small actions, it has not changed in general.

Harry: "What do you think, Andy? What do you think I should do?"

Andy glanced at Ron and maintained his admiration: "Professor Moody must have a reason for doing this."

"Don't worry, Professor Moody won't hurt you."

Harry smiled and nodded affirmatively.

Hearing this, only Hermione looked at Andy strangely, but she said nothing.

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