The task is to learn a magic spell, but it is not a fixed one.

[Please recite in your mind and choose the task reward. The magic you choose to learn must meet one condition: it must have been publicly taught in the Hogwarts course]

[Magic demonstrated privately by the professor is not within the scope of choice]

Andy suddenly thought: "Can I choose the magic taught in the past Hogwarts?"

The courses at Hogwarts are not static.

When black magic was not defined as black magic, every magic school at that time would teach black magic.

At that time, magic was not divided into black and white.

That era was also the most intense era of collision between magic.

[No, the time span is also limited. The magic chosen must be taught publicly in Hogwarts this school year]

This school year...

Andy smiled, he already knew what he was going to choose.

This is actually a problem of solving needs.

This opportunity is quite rare, and it can make up for Andy's own shortcomings.

Andy's current attack power is very strong, definitely not the level of an ordinary student.

With the Hourglass and Ceres, ordinary adult wizards are no match for Andy.

His defense is not bad either, even the fire dragon can't break his shield.

In this case, the magic he chooses should be able to help him in other aspects and play a supporting role.

With so many restrictions, Andy's dream of the Unforgivable Curse and the Patronus Charm are all gone.

These magics are impossible to be taught publicly in the current Hogwarts.

Then Andy's choice is only one.

"I want to choose Apparition."

[...Huh? 】

"You heard me right, I want to learn Apparition."

Andy repeated.

Apparition is the magic that Lucius Malfoy used when he escaped from Andy.

This magic is similar to the flash and teleportation in Andy's understanding, which can make the user appear in another place instantly.

It can be said to be a must-have spell for home travel, murder and arson.

The point is that it is also a magic taught in the Hogwarts course!

Although it is not on Andy's schedule.

Every adult wizard over the age of 17 can sign up for the Apparition course hosted by the Ministry of Magic and offered at Hogwarts to learn this magic.

A corresponding certificate will be issued for learning Apparition.

As far as Andy knows, Pavard and Cedric have already completed the Apparition course and obtained the certificate.

The system restriction only clarifies that it must be magic taught in the Hogwarts course, but does not specify which grade of course it is.


Andy took advantage of this loophole and silenced the system. Silence is the London Bridge tonight.

"Give it to me." Andy stretched out his hand.

[……Damn, I forgot to add the condition that the person must actually pass the corresponding course]

Andy: "You know I can hear it, right?"

The next second, the parchment in front of Andy suddenly began to jump and turned to one of the pages.

This page of parchment was densely written with words that Andy couldn't understand, combined into a strange formula, and there were two illustrations of a wizard right below.

The wizard in the first illustration was concentrating on the spot, looking forward, and then disappeared, and reappeared in the second illustration.

When Andy saw this, the page on the parchment recording the Apparition was torn off directly, turning into a stream of light and entering Andy's body.

Countless information poured into Andy's mind, and he instantly understood how to use the Apparition.

Strictly speaking, this magic is divided into two steps.

The first step is to Apparate, squeeze your body and disappear from the original place.

The second step is to Apparate, so that the user can reappear from the target place.

The distance of Apparate is limited by the user's magic power and willpower.

Simply put, the stronger the wizard, the farther the distance of Apparate.

Andy excitedly launched Apparate on the spot, trying to move horizontally to the other wall of the dormitory.

As a result, his body did not move at all.

Andy was silent for two seconds, so embarrassed, fortunately no one saw it.

So excited that I forgot the restriction of Apparate in Hogwarts.

It seems that I can only try this magic after leaving the school.


The next day, Andy strolled out of the common room, his destination was the school hospital.

Qiu Zhang and all the students who served as hostages had to gather in the school hospital to let Madam Pomfrey

Give them another check.

Although Dumbledore's magic was behind it, Madam Pomfrey insisted on doing so.

Along the way, many people screamed excitedly when they saw Andy.

At Andy's instruction, Rita Skeeter boasted in the Daily Prophet and reported the process of Andy continuing to crush other warriors.

Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic did not arrange specific reporters for this Triwizard Tournament, so basically Rita Skeeter's article was the only way for everyone to understand the process of the competition.

Many people wondered why Rita Skeeter was banned from entering Hogwarts, but was still able to get first-hand information on time.

Her articles changed their previous style and no longer boasted.

Instead, they focused on reporting the process of Andy and others trying every means to save the hostages during the competition.

As for the indispensable gossip page, she found a new target, that is, Krum and the Beauxbatons girl who pursued him hard.

Her readers quickly abandoned Hermione and turned their attention to Krum who was being pursued fanatically.

Krum is undoubtedly more talked about than Hermione.

Overall, this result is a happy ending for everyone.

Hermione will no longer be harassed, the warriors have gained fans and increased their popularity, and Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have also made a big splash.

Everyone has a bright future.

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