The Gryffindor team cheered for Harry.

Although he had many flaws compared to Krum, he finally finished the game and fully deserved the score.

"Andy used amazing magic to dive into the water. His speed was undoubtedly the fastest. It took only ten minutes to return from the bottom of the lake with the hostages, not to mention that he brought back two hostages at the same time! This shows his perfect judgment and spellcasting skills!"

"The reason why I didn't get full marks is that the mermaid leader Murkus claimed that Mr. Hall treated the mermaids underwater in a somewhat rough way! This was proven to be true, and the judges thought he could have done better."

After Ludo Bagman finished speaking, the cheers of the audience almost shook the stands down.

If Andy hadn't been deducted that one point, it would have been full marks.

Even so, Andy's advantage was overwhelming.

After the two events, the total score was 100 points, and he was only deducted three points.

Even Karkaroff gave Andy full marks today, and the one point he lost was deducted by Dumbledore.

There was no way, if he didn't make some gesture, the mermaids would rebel.

Karkaroff was going to give six points, but looking at Madame Maxime's cold eyes, he finally changed it to ten points because of his desire to survive.

Karkaroff: I still want to live.

Ludo Bagman announced: "Please give them the warmest applause!"

"The third event will be held on June 24! At that time, the warriors will know in advance the challenges they will face."

"Let's wish them good luck!"

The second event ended in a commotion.

Although the audience could not see anything in the stands, the Ravenclaw students still lined up to return to the castle with laughter.

The atmosphere in Gryffindor was not bad either. Harry had done his best and did not embarrass them.

The most depressed were the students of Beauxbatons.

Fleur was now at the bottom of the points list, especially with Andy, who was currently ranked first.

If there were no major accidents, Fleur would not have won the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament.

Madam Maxime was in a good mood about this.

As long as Fleur and Gabrielle were fine, she would be happy.

She did not take the result of the game to heart. The result had already come out. Fleur herself was inexperienced in dealing with danger, and she could not blame others.

After returning to the common room, Ravenclaw held a small celebration party as usual.

After getting used to Andy's amazing performance, everyone calmed down in an unusually tacit understanding.

They were no longer as excited as they were in the first game when they saw Andy defeat the dragon with their own eyes.

Now all Ravenclaws have become Andy's supporters.

They were so confident in Andy that Andy felt a little weak when he heard it.

"It's just a dragon and a mermaid. They don't look scary at all. I never doubted Andy."

"If you ask me, Dumbledore should change the game to a one-on-one duel. Andy can kill them all with a spell."

"That's right. Next time, they'd better change to a more challenging goal. How about resurrecting the mysterious man and letting him guard the Goblet of Fire?"

"No, can he be more durable than a dragon? It's meaningless if it's not challenging."

Andy was sweating profusely after hearing this.

Can you still brag like this?

Andy shook his head and ran back to his room.

I can't stand it.


The task reward for the second project arrived on time on the night the game ended.

[Ding, congratulations on completing the second task, participating in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament, and getting the highest score]

[Task Reward: God's Eye - Cerinus, and any magic taught in the Hogwarts course of your choice]

The next moment, an ice-attributed God's Eye, Cerinus, descended directly into Andy's field of vision.

The Cerinus God's Eye is pure white, and just feeling the power in it makes people feel that it is difficult to approach.

This is the God's Eye of the famous Liyue Fairy Beast King Xiaomei (also known as Ganyu).

Andy now has more choices, and at the same time he has fallen into choice difficulty.

He now has a full five God's Eyes, each of which belongs to different attributes and has its own corresponding applicable scenes.

For example, the Aquarius can let him run freely in the potion class classroom.

With the protection of the Aquarius, Snape has never caught Andy's mistakes or handles in potion making, and he is almost angry.

When he saw Snape these days, his face became

Even more sallow, and he would put students in confinement at any time.

Of course, Snape's efforts were very effective.

No matter how many points Andy earned in other classes, Snape would find fault and deduct them.

Even if Andy performed impeccably, he could still deduct points from other Ravenclaw students.

Based on this, Ravenclaw's score in the House Cup has not been raised.

Because of this, Professor Flitwick and Snape had a very bad relationship.

But Snape still went his own way.

The Aquarius seat can also make Andy's body movements more sensitive and control the wind element in the air.

The ability of each God's Eye is very powerful.

There is no useless God's Eye, only useless users.

However, Andy only has three equipment slots, even if you count the one that can be replaced at any time, there are only four positions, and it is destined that he cannot use all abilities at the same time.

This scene is the same as Andy expected.

As his control over the ability of the God's Eye deepens, he will inevitably need to choose the most suitable ability for himself in the corresponding scene.

The Eye of God is not omnipotent.

If he relies too much on the Eye of God, he will be in trouble one day.

Andy doesn't want to put himself in such a predicament.

After all, when the elemental skills and elemental burst are on cooldown, Andy can only rely on himself.

The study of magic cannot be left behind.

Andy habitually reflects that he seems to have been a little slack recently.

After Moody's patience with him gradually ran out, he hasn't learned any new spells for a while.

This won't work. He has to find a new sheep to pluck quickly, no, find another professor to ask for magic.

Finally, Andy thought about it carefully and equipped the Cerin Seat to replace the Rock King Emperor Seat.

In daily use, the biggest role of Zhongli's Eye of God is to set a shield.

Now Andy rarely goes to Moody's office, and he won't encounter any fatal threats in the castle.

The next event will be held in a few months.

Even if a battle occurs, he can use magic to protect himself.

So there is no need to carry the Rock King Throne all the time.

Andy also kept the Sky-Shaped Throne.

He still didn't understand the pattern of divination. So far, the two divinations performed by the Sky-Shaped Throne looked more like an accident.

Or maybe divination itself is irregular.

This phenomenon can be verified by Professor Trelawney.

She didn't know when she could make a correct prophecy.

To be on the safe side, Andy still equipped the Sky-Shaped Throne.

Who knows if the divination will succeed again that day?

In the other two equipment slots, Andy put the Hourglass Throne and the newly acquired Ceremonial Throne.

The comprehensive ability of the Hourglass Throne can help him cope with daily courses and deepen his understanding of magic. Its importance is irreplaceable.

And the Ceremonial Throne is used purely because Andy is itching to do it.

He hasn't used the Ice-attributed Eye of God yet.

The next moment after equipping the Ceremonial Throne, Andy intuitively felt that the temperature around him had dropped by several degrees.

He raised his hand, and a layer of frost had condensed on his fingers, but he didn't feel any pain, just felt very comfortable.

At the same time, he looked around and looked at the objects in the room.

His attention became more focused, firmly locked on his target.

Andy now felt that no matter from which angle he fired the spell, he could hit it accurately.

Andy put away the Celestial Seat with satisfaction.

"System, I want to exchange the task reward."

[Okay! ]

Andy's vision changed, and a parchment scroll with simple decoration appeared in front of him.

As Andy's thoughts flashed, the parchment scroll also turned pages, and each page corresponded to a spell.

The parchment scroll was full of incomprehensible words, and some even had illustrations, vividly describing the corresponding effects.

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