The water was still flowing, and the water was still flowing.

Harry paddled the webbed feet vigorously, and he had never felt so tired before.

He sprinted in the water with all his strength, but was still left farther and farther behind by Krum.

Harry, who had eaten the scapula, swam at a speed similar to Krum, but Krum was very good at swimming and had a lot of experience underwater.

He could feel where the undercurrent was, find the best way forward, and save energy at the same time.

The two people also carried different weights. Krum's hostage was very slender and had a slender figure.

After all, people who could go to the dance with Krum had good looks and figures.

On the other hand, Ron...

"Although you can't hear it, you should lose weight, Ron!"

Harry gritted his teeth and said, feeling like he was carrying a mountain on his back, it was so heavy.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, although every strand of Harry's hair was trying to move back, his speed was still much slower than Krum.


Harry floated his head out of the water, greedily feeling the sun, even if his throat was still burning like it was on fire, he didn't care so much.

His arms were so heavy that he couldn't lift them at all.

Krum, who came ashore before him, was also exhausted. He lay on the shore and breathed in the fresh air.

The two never dreamed that there would be an underwater marathon today.

When he swam to the back, Krum's Transfiguration could no longer be maintained and he returned to his original appearance.

In the last few dozen meters, he held his breath and insisted on returning to the surface of the water.

"They are back!"

Ludo Bagman shouted nervously.

"Although the time limit has been exceeded, they still completed their mission!"

"The two hostages are intact!"

The audience became lively, and everyone stood up to see Harry and Krum with their own eyes.

At this point, the second project finally ended.

Ludo Bagman had been commenting on the game. The audience knew that Harry and Krum had defeated Grindylow, and they also knew about their final tense sprint, and they were all looking forward to the final result.

For this reason, the audience did not hesitate to applaud.

Krum and Harry did give a wonderful game.

As for Andy and Fleur?

One was killed in seconds, and the other was killed in seconds. Is there anything to watch?

The audience gave the warmest cheers to Harry and Krum.

The medical team led by Madam Pomfrey fished Harry and Ron out, and Harry fell on the shore exhausted.

Percy, who was on the judges' seat, ran down and desperately dragged Ron, who had already woken up, to the shore.

Ron struggled and yelled: "Let me go! I'm fine!"

Percy was at a loss: "Mom must be worried!"

Ron said angrily: "If you don't tell her, she won't worry!"


Harry looked ahead in frustration, and he saw Andy walking towards him.

"You've done very well."

Andy said with a smile, holding a bottle of raspberry juice in his hand.

Harry looked up, took a look at Andy's clothes, and fell to the ground in frustration.

Andy looked like he was on vacation, his body was very dry, without any moisture.

Unlike him, with water plants and mud hanging on his head, he shook his head casually, almost like using a water cleansing spell.

This shows that Andy has been on the shore for at least some time, and the gap between them is huge.

Andy: "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Ludo Bagman has revealed what the bad news is.

"Bad news." Harry's face turned pale and he asked, "How long have I been delayed?"

Andy: "The competition time is one hour, and you exceeded it by three minutes."

"That means?"

Harry was desperate, because Krum had landed before him.

Andy: "Yes, Krum just got back before the time limit."

Harry: "Then when did you get back, Andy?"

Andy: "Let's hear the good news. You are the last one to come back, but at least you are not at the bottom."

"Ah?" Harry was stunned, "What happened to Fleur?"

Andy told him that Fleur didn't even go to the mermaid village.

According to the scoring rules of the Triwizard Tournament, Fleur must be at the bottom because she didn't even try to save the hostages.

The scoring criteria first consider whether one has completed one's task.

Although Harry exceeded the time limit, at least he brought his hostage back.

Harry was surprised and happy after hearing this, and a stone fell from his heart.

He was about to say something when the feedback of physical exhaustion arrived in time. His stomach churned, his eyes went black, and stars appeared.

Before the screen went black, he could still hear Ludo Bagman saying loudly: "What a wonderful game!"

"Some are happy and some are sad. Now, let's review the performance of the warriors one by one..."

Then, Harry completely lost consciousness.


Dumbledore walked down from the judges' seat and came to the lake.

The mermaid leader came out of the lake with a dark face and communicated with Dumbledore about what had just happened.

Once the mermaids left the water, what they said became what they heard from the golden egg.

Mixed with hoarse roars, mumblings and incomprehensible sharpness.

As he spoke, the mermaid leader also glanced at Andy.

Andy was unmoved.

Why are you looking at me? I don't know you. The juice is really delicious.

After listening, Dumbledore smiled and spoke the language of the mermaids to express his gratitude.

The mermaid leader then returned to the water.

Dumbledore walked back to the judges' table and motioned all the judges, including Percy who replaced Crouch, to come over.

The judges gathered together for a brief discussion.

After a while, Ludo Bagman returned to the commentary desk and excitedly said to the microphone: "Thank you, Merkus, the mermaid leader, for providing us with valuable information! Tell us everything honestly, so that we know what happened under the water."

"Now, let's comprehensively evaluate the performance of each warrior and give them a score! Just like the first game, the full score is 50 points, and each judge has given their score!"

"First is Miss Delacour! She was repelled by Grindylow before she could see her hostage, and she also lost her wand. Her score is 23 points!"

The applause rang out at the right time, not warm, but many people cheered for Fleur.

"Then there are Viktor Krum and Harry Potter. These two warriors had similar experiences. After getting lost, they successfully repelled Grindylow and rescued their hostages."

"But Mr. Potter's performance still has a lot of room for improvement. He tried to use the Bubble Head Charm at first, but failed. In the end, he didn't return fast enough, which caused him to exceed the time limit."

"Therefore, Harry Potter scored 40 points! Viktor Krum scored 43 points!"

"Finally, Andy Hall, he received unanimous approval from the judges! His score was 49 points!"

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