The counterattack of the mermaids was immediate.

Andy's actions completely angered them.

The mermaids left the village one after another, spread to the deeper areas of the Black Lake in all directions, and began to sing loudly.

Those who planted trees before will enjoy the shade.

Krum and Harry's hearts were almost chilled.

Because of the singing, they had been wandering around the bottom of the lake for at least twenty minutes, but still couldn't find the mermaid village, let alone the treasure they had taken away.

They didn't dare to get too close to the bottom of the lake.

Grindylow would jump out from the water plants and reefs from time to time.

Although neither of them was afraid of Grindylows, the occasional attacks were really annoying.

The Disengagement Spell could not completely kill Grindylows, but could only injure them, and the number of Grindylows was almost endless.

At this time, the game time was already halfway through, and both Harry and Krum began to get anxious.

Krum did not bring any timing device, so he could not know the exact time, but he could also feel that there was not much time left.

He had thought that this project would be a sure win.

His shark transformation technique was probably not as good as Andy's, and he knew this.

But in his imagination, he could at least get second place, but he didn't expect to be lost at the bottom of the lake now.

Harry on the other side brought a watch that allowed him to accurately record the time.

Harry stopped and looked down at his wrist, intending to see how much time was left in the game.

As a result, the pointer on the dial did not move.

Harry shook his wrist, and the pointer remained the same.

He secretly made up his mind to buy a waterproof watch in the future.

Just as Harry was gradually despairing, a gray-white shadow flashed past him quickly, rolling up a wave of water.

The gray-white shadow passed by Harry, as if it had found its target, and turned around in a hurry, and then circled back to Harry.

What is it?

Harry looked at the white shadow in confusion.

The white shadow looked like a fish, but compared to the streamlined body of an ordinary fish, the white shadow fish looked too square.

It looked like...

A letter?

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. Who was so powerful that he could perform Transfiguration on a letter and find him accurately?

The next moment, the white shadow fish floated directly in front of Harry and began to change strangely.

Its body bent and twisted from the middle, and it actually turned into the shape of a letter.

Harry looked at the mark on the envelope in surprise, as if a mouth was carved into the letter.

This was not an ordinary letter, it seemed to be a roaring letter.

He knew this kind of letter. In the second grade, Ron once received a Howler from Mrs. Weasley. That was one of the most painful days in Ron's life.

The characteristic of a Howler is that it will definitely be sent to the recipient, and the words in the letter will be announced in a shouting way.

Harry didn't know who would send him a letter at this time. He instinctively wanted to stop the letter from unfolding, but it was too late.

The letter turned into a bloody mouth and shouted loudly: "Southeast! Follow the Grindylows, Harry! Where there are Grindylows, there are mermaids!"

Harry's eyes widened. This was Moody's voice.

"Professor Moody!?"

Harry shouted in shock.

In the water, his voice didn't sound real, it was intermittent and wrapped in bubbles.

After conveying the message, the Howler tore itself into pieces on the spot and disappeared.

What on earth was going on?

Harry's mind was in a mess, but he knew that there was no time to think too much at this time, so he swam in the direction indicated in the letter.

He couldn't tell east from west, south from east, but he knew where the Grindylows were.

Just follow the Grindylows and you'll find the mermaids!

After swimming for a few minutes, Harry was surprised to find that he encountered more and more Grindylows.

They emerged from the bottom of the lake one after another and attacked Harry.


Harry had never used the Disengagement Spell so frequently.

The Grindylows attacked him like crazy.

Harry had several more cuts on his body made by the Grindylows, which tore his clothes into pieces.

But he finally broke through the Grindylows' defenses.

Finally, after a fierce battle, Harry saw the stone houses standing at the bottom of the lake.

They looked low-key.

Short, smooth, gathered into a village.

When the Grindylows saw the mermaid village, they dared not continue to chase, and could only watch Harry leave.


At the same time, Harry also saw a shark head swimming in front of him. Who else could it be but Krum?

Krum noticed the movement behind him, turned around and found Harry.

Krum also looked like he had experienced a battle, panting, and not swimming as fast as before.

He looked at Harry silently, without nonsense, and swam straight to the statue square where the singing was the loudest.

Harry followed closely behind.

Not long after, they all came to the huge mermaid statue.

Seeing the two people appear, the mermaid leader's face was livid, but with Andy's precedent, he didn't want to conflict with the wizard again, waved his spear, and signaled his mermaids to get out of the way.

Harry and Krum swam cautiously to the tail of the mermaid statue under the watch of the mermaids.

Ron was tied to the statue's tail, and Krum's partner, the girl from Beauxbatons, was motionless.

The positions on both sides of them were empty, and the ropes on them were neatly cut.

The two looked at each other, and then immediately realized that they were the last to arrive here, and panic appeared in their pupils at the same time.

Andy and Fleur have rescued their hostages!

Krum and Harry rushed over like crazy and began to untie the ropes on the hostages.

The rope was tied very tightly, and Harry tore it hard, but it didn't work at all.

He took out his wand and aimed at the rope: "Tear apart!"

A big bubble came out of his mouth. In the water, he couldn't recite the spell clearly.

A faint white shadow shot out from his wand, completely missed, and hit the statue, but the rope was intact.

Harry put away his wand anxiously, grabbed a sharp stone at his feet, and smashed it against the rope.

The mermaids around them laughed at the two of them, especially the webbed feet on Harry's hands, which made them feel even more funny.

It took Harry half a minute to finally break the rope, grab Ron and put him on his back, and swim upwards.

Krum had already rescued his hostages and set off one step ahead.

Krum swam very fast, without even looking back.

Harry yelled in frustration and quickly took Ron to chase after Krum.

The two of them are now direct competitors.

Whoever returns to the starting point first will have the advantage.

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