The two of them were very busy.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."

"Good evening, Andy."

Dumbledore said it lightly, but his expression was extremely serious.

Andy was surprised, how could Dumbledore be here.

He and Barty Jr. seemed to be fighting fiercely, but in fact, it didn't take long.

They were at the junction of the Quidditch field and the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

It was quite a distance from the castle.

Krum, who was sent away by Andy to the castle to find someone, was controlled by Barty Jr. under the Imperius Curse.

If Dumbledore didn't receive the message, it could only be explained that he found out that a fight had taken place here and came here on his own initiative.

It wasn't long before Andy summoned the Ice Spirit Orb.

Dumbledore was so fast.

Dumbledore looked at the ice spikes all over the ground, as well as Crouch and Krum who fell to the ground: "Amazing magic, can you tell me what happened here?"

Andy: "It's hard to explain."

"Really? We will find out." Dumbledore walked towards Andy.

"Wait." Andy pointed his wand at Dumbledore, "After I became a champion of the Triwizard Tournament, what did you say to me alone in the small room next to the auditorium?"

Dumbledore stopped, not angry, but looked at Andy with interest: "Are you doubting me?"

Andy: "Sorry, professor, just some necessary measures, I was attacked by a dark wizard just now."

"Someone used the Imperius Curse in the school, I must first ensure my own safety."

Dumbledore did not explain too much, but raised his hand high.

The next moment, a lightning-fast fiery red figure flew down from the sky above the woods and landed on his arm.

A closer look revealed that it turned out to be a large fiery red bird.

Among the feathers that resembled blazing fire, there were also golden tail feathers, which looked quite heroic.

A sharp cry came from its throat, and Andy looked at it, and his soul actually felt a little trembling.

It was a phoenix, a legendary magical creature as famous as a fire dragon.

The phoenix has magical powers and is the nemesis of black magic, and can see through most black magic.

Their tears can even heal pain.

According to legend, the phoenix will not easily get close to a wizard, let alone stay by the side of a human like a pet.

Dumbledore touched the head of the phoenix Fawkes and said, "I understand your concerns, but I think Fawkes should be able to prove my identity."

Dumbledore has a pet, the phoenix Fawkes, which is a well-known fact.

He is also a rare wizard in the world who can be recognized by the phoenix.

"Sorry, professor." Andy put down his wand.

Dumbledore waved his hand to indicate that it didn't matter, and put Fawkes back into the air: "What happened just now?"

Andy described everything that happened just now in detail, including Crouch who suddenly rushed out, as well as Peter and Barty Jr.

However, Andy did not say Barty Jr.'s name, but referred to him as an unknown dark wizard.

According to the timeline, he could not have known Barty Jr.

In everyone's perspective, Barty Jr. had already died, and only his father Crouch knew that he was actually still alive.

Andy didn't want Dumbledore to doubt him, which would make things a little troublesome.

It would be best for Dumbledore to discover this matter himself.

Besides, Barty Jr. had just turned into such a ghost that even his father couldn't recognize him.

After listening, even the knowledgeable Dumbledore couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

Andy took out half of the Marauder's Map from his pocket: "The dark wizard only left this."

Dumbledore took it, took out his wand, and after a careful inspection, he said in surprise: "This is a portkey, which has completely failed."

Andy nodded: "It's a pity that he was not caught."

Dumbledore: "You shouldn't think so, Andy. It is illegal and difficult to make portkeys privately."

"Although his technology for making portkeys is not mature, ideally, portkeys should not be destroyed or disposable."

"You have forced the other party to reveal his trump card, which is a good thing."

Dumbledore looked to the side. Among all the people present, only he and Andy were standing, and the rest were lying down.

Andy used the levitation spell to move the unconscious Crouch and Krum, as well as Peter's body, to Dumbledore.


Dumbledore bent down and stared at Peter's face first, without speaking for a long time.

After looking for a long time, Dumbledore sighed: "Peter Pettigrew..."

Andy hurried to make up for his mistake: "He confessed a lot before he died, so I accidentally knew about Sirius..."

Dumbledore looked at Andy, and the two stared at each other, and finally smiled at each other with a tacit understanding.

Dumbledore knew the inside story of Peter's incident, and Sirius was truly innocent, but there was no evidence to prove this, so he helped Sirius to overturn the case.

From Peter's position, it was impossible for him to tell Andy so many things before he died.

Dumbledore knew that Andy had a secret, but he didn't avoid Andy at all, which surprised Andy.

"He was also your student. What do you think of meeting an old friend, professor?" Andy changed the subject.

Dumbledore: "If I have to say what I think, I am just surprised and a little bit regretful."

"If I had realized that he was not in the right state in time, maybe I could have prevented many people from dying."

It sounds like there is something behind his words.

Dumbledore no longer cares about Peter, walks to the side, and taps Barty Crouch with his wand: "Resurrect quickly."

Crouch's body shook, but he did not open his eyes.

Dumbledore's face was serious, and he tapped Crouch with his wand a few more times, then said: "We are in big trouble, Andy."

Andy: "What?"

Medical magic is a rare relative weakness for Andy.

His grades in Herbology and Potions are very good, but when it comes to clinical treatment, he is not so good.

Andy has only learned a few very basic spells, such as the Hemostatic Spell and the Sobering Spell.

In this regard, Dumbledore is much better than Andy.

Dumbledore: "My preliminary judgment is that Barty may have fallen into a state similar to a deep coma."

"His body has not been seriously injured, but his heart has been stimulated too much, causing him to be unwilling to wake up."

"The ordinary Imperius Curse cannot do this. He must have suffered many times of the Cruciatus Curse before, as well as cruel torture."

"We have to take him back to the castle and let Madam Pomfrey take care of him."

Andy: "Where is Krum?"

Dumbledore: "Let's take them all with us, including Peter's body. This discovery is very important to us."

Andy nodded: "Sometimes, the dead are more useful than the living."

Dumbledore looked at Andy in surprise and agreed: "That's right."

Andy hesitated.

"Andy, is there anything else you want to say to me?"

Dumbledore asked softly.

Andy: "Before that, we have one more thing to do. It's best to go back to the castle and go to Professor Moody's office right now."


Dumbledore nodded decisively without hesitation.

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