The two of them quickly cleaned up everything around them with Dumbledore present, taking the two unconscious people and Peter's body with them.

"Expecto Patronus."

Dumbledore looked up at the sky and summoned a silver-white phoenix with his wand.

The phoenix exuded gentle magic, pulled out a stream of light, and quickly flew towards the castle.

"We have to get the other professors ready," said Dumbledore.

"Ah, I almost forgot."

After doing all this, Dumbledore turned his wrist lightly and pointed at the surrounding woods.

"All restored."

The ice spikes still stuck in the ground turned into mist and dissipated, and the damaged trees gathered again and were shaped.

As if time was going backwards, everything in the woods was returning to its original position.

Dumbledore's magic took a while to restore the surrounding environment to its previous state.

"Everyone has their own secrets, and I understand this very well." Dumbledore smiled and said, "Although it is impossible to do it exactly the same, it is much better than before. Let's go."

Andy stopped struggling and returned with Dumbledore.


When the two returned to the castle, Professor McGonagall and several other professors were already waiting in the entrance hall with Madam Pomfrey.

Dumbledore's Patronus flew faster and delivered the message first.

According to Dumbledore's intention, the entrance hall was temporarily blocked, and students were not allowed to approach, leaving only one passage for Dumbledore and Andy to enter.

They also brought a corpse with them, and they had to pay attention to the impact. Peter's identity was too sensitive.

As soon as he returned to the castle, Dumbledore immediately handed Peter to Professor McGonagall in front of him.

Professor McGonagall saw Peter's face and widened her eyes in shock.

"Albus, this..."

Dumbledore stopped her: "We'll talk about it later, Minerva, send him to my office first, and then help me notify the people in the Ministry of Magic, and Ludo."

"They are on their way."

Professor McGonagall said, and used Transfiguration to create a black cloth, covered Peter's body, and then left with Peter's body.

Karkaroff, who received the information, was also in the crowd. He rushed over excitedly and hugged the unconscious Krum in disbelief.

"Viktor! How are you!?"

Madame Pomfrey became even more agitated, and pushed him aside in dissatisfaction, squatting beside Krum and began to check his body: "Be careful not to cause secondary damage to the patient!"

Karkaroff's face turned pale, and then he let go of Krum, stood up angrily, and shouted at Dumbledore: "Hogwarts must give an explanation to Durmstrang!"

"First you have two warriors, and now Viktor was attacked in your so-called safe place! This is simply unreasonable!"

"What a despicable method!"

Dumbledore said: "Mr. Crouch and Andy of the Ministry of Magic were also attacked, and this is not just an act against Durmstrang."

"Igor, I promise that after the investigation, I will give you an explanation."

Madame Pomfrey stepped forward to take over Crouch and Krum and took them to the school hospital.

"I'll wait! If I'm not satisfied, I will appeal!"

Karkaroff wanted to continue to hold Hogwarts responsible. Seeing Madam Pomfrey was about to take Krum away, he waved his robe sleeves angrily and hurried to follow Madam Pomfrey to escort Krum away.

His voice was very loud, and the whole hall echoed with his voice, causing everyone to look at each other in surprise.

Those who were invited by Professor McGonagall were basically important people in the castle.

This incident seemed to have a significant impact on Hogwarts.

Among the other professors present, Flitwick and Snape were there.

Flitwick pulled Andy aside and asked nervously, "Why are you alone with Krum?"

Andy smiled and said, "I'm fine, don't worry, professor. He just cast a killing curse on me."

Flitwick: "Huh?"

Andy: "...I'm kidding."

Flitwick wiped his sweat and said, "I'm glad you're fine. I have to tell you that Karkaroff used to be a Death Eater and Krum was his student. You have to be careful at all times."

Andy nodded continuously.

Snape beside him glared at Andy with disgust and said to Professor Flitwick, "Filius, you're protecting the wrong person. In my opinion, there might be someone else who attacked Krum."

Flitwick: "Who do you think it is?"

Snape said coldly

Smile: "Far away, but close at hand."

Flitwick's face changed, and he wanted to get angry, but was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Severus, Andy is a victim, I can prove this, let's not blame each other at this time."

Snape snorted, then stopped looking at Andy, and whispered a few words in Dumbledore's ear.

After listening, Dumbledore nodded and thanked him: "Thank you, Severus, please continue to help me look until I find him."

"Who are you looking for?"

Snape nodded and was about to leave, when a rough voice came from the side.

Several people turned their heads and found that Moody and Hagrid walked into the hall together.

Moody's dress was almost exactly the same as when he first met him.

The magic eye kept turning, stepping on a wooden leg, holding a cane, and wearing a robe that seemed to be always dark.

Andy looked at Moody. Wow, his arms were swinging naturally, and his accessories were the same as before. There was no flaw at all.

If Andy had not fought with him just now, he would not be able to match Moody and Barty Jr.

Andy even almost suspected that his judgment just now was an illusion.

Dumbledore, the old fox, did not show any surprise and said, "I was just looking for you, Alastor, where have you been? Andy and Mr. Krum were attacked by dark wizards just now."

Moody said loudly, "Hagrid asked me to help take care of his blasting-tailed skrewt tonight. We just heard about it when we came back from there!"

"What's the situation?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "It's not good. We found Barty, but he was seriously injured."

"I think so!" Moody said without surprise, "Recently, I always feel my eyelids twitching. My remaining good eye has always been very sensitive. In the past, when it twitched like this, it meant that there was something dirty hiding around me."

"So he really held Crouch hostage? That Peter Pettigrew, he is not dead?"

Dumbledore nodded.

Moody laughed strangely and said, "So he has been hiding near the castle all along! Great, he actually fooled everyone!"

After that, Moody looked at Andy and said, "Well done! Such a person died a worthy death."

Andy followed suit without revealing any flaws: "Thank you, professor, but I didn't kill him. It was another dark wizard who did it."

Moody wondered: "Who was it?"

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