The truth is, the truth is.

Andy hesitated. Can he tell me? Moody is Barty Crouch Jr.

It seems that he can't tell me.

Something is wrong.

Barty Crouch Jr. actually contacted Hagrid in advance to help him create an alibi.

But this doesn't make sense. How can he be in two places at the same time?

The one who fought with Andy was undoubtedly the real Barty Crouch Jr., and his strength proved this.

Could it be that after such a fierce battle, he dared to continue taking Polyjuice Potion and return to the castle as if nothing had happened?

This plan is too risky, and he has to run very fast.

Dumbledore: "Has Alastor been with you all night, Hagrid?"

Hagrid nodded with certainty: "Yes, he gave me a lot of advice. I didn't expect Alastor to know so much about magical creatures."

Wow, a perfect alibi.

Andy now has no objective evidence to prove that Barty Jr. is Moody himself.

He successfully injured Barty Jr., but there is no trace on him now.

The Marauder's Map is also broken and cannot be used as evidence.

Once Andy makes an accusation, the chance of success is 50-50.

At the same time, this also means that both sides will be broken.

Andy looked at Dumbledore, and the two exchanged glances. Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

The net does not want to be broken.

Andy then decisively shut up, facing Moody's question, shook his head: "I don't know."

Moody didn't show any abnormality on the surface, and asked: "Dumbledore, you hurried to find me, I guess we have the same idea?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded, "We need to do a secret emergency search around the castle. I can't think of anyone else except you, Alastor, you have the most experience."

Moody: "I'm best at catching those mice. Don't worry, I'm here. If there are still people, they can't hide for long."

"Then I'll leave it to you. Let Hagrid go with you. His hound Fang can help a lot."

Moody nodded and left with Hagrid.

Watching Moody and Hagrid leave, Dumbledore gave Professor Flitwick a few more instructions and asked him to help stabilize the order in the castle.

Professor McGonagall had a task, and Professor Flitwick agreed without hesitation.

Until the end, after everyone else left, Dumbledore sighed softly.

This sigh was neither light nor heavy, just enough for Andy to hear.

"Take a rest, then come with me, Andy, we'll go to the school infirmary."


Half an hour later.

Crouch and Krum were brought back by Madam Pomfrey, and soon after they were placed in the school infirmary, Krum was awake.

He was a little dazed.

Andy, Dumbledore and Karkaroff were still standing next to the bed, and the others were blocked outside by Madam Pomfrey.

The tense atmosphere had passed, and Krum was fine, just knocked unconscious.

"Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?"

Krum said confusedly.

Andy: "Are you awake? The operation was successful, and you are already a lovely girl."

"What?!" Krum was shocked and lifted the quilt to check.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Karkaroff looked at Andy angrily, and then grabbed Krum's shoulders anxiously, "Viktor! You finally woke up!"

"Do you still remember who attacked you! Was it him!".

Karkaroff pointed at Andy.

Krum was shocked by Andy's attack, and his reason regained its high ground.

He tried to recall: "No... I only remember that he and I met the crazy referee, and then, then I wanted to call someone..."

"Then, I felt dizzy, my eyes went black, and I didn't know anything, and then I saw you."

Dumbledore said: "You are controlled by the Imperius Curse. This is not your fault. Most people who have been cast with the Imperius Curse don't remember what they have done."

Krum looked at them blankly: "I don't remember anything."

Karkaroff glared at Andy, as if all this was Andy's fault.


Are you kidding me? I didn't ask him to be a licker.

If Krum hadn't caught Andy to chat privately, there wouldn't have been so many things that happened later.

No, that would have been the case. Crouch couldn't be saved.

No, tonight's events were a little strange. Andy always felt that he hadn't figured it out.

Crouch showed up too easily, as if he had deliberately delivered himself to the door.

The interference factor was too

Too much, with Dumbledore by his side, Andy didn't dare to relax and couldn't enter a thinking state.

"Now that Mr. Krum is awake, let's go see Barty."

Dumbledore took Andy away quietly and moved to another ward.

Barty Crouch, who was rescued, was still the same, motionless.

The bedside table was filled with potions needed for treatment. Madam Pomfrey was also in the ward and did not dare to leave for a moment.

"Poppy, how is he doing?" Dumbledore asked Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head slightly: "To be honest, it's not very good. We have tried many treatment options."

"His body has many traces of being injured by black magic. It's really terrifying. I don't even know how he survived it before."

"What is certain at the moment is that his life is not in danger and his injuries are under control."

"There's just some bad news. Logically speaking, he should have woken up a long time ago."

"I'm afraid he doesn't realize this himself and doesn't want to wake up."

Andy: "In other words, Mr. Crouch's injury will not cause him to remain comatose. It is mainly due to his psychological reasons?"

Madam Pomfrey frowned and said, "That's right, his self-awareness is escaping."

"I have seen similar situations with the Longbottoms before. It was caused by dark magic."

"The Longbottoms suffered tremendous pain, and it took nearly a month for them to regain consciousness afterwards."

"But waking up doesn't mean they can communicate. As you know, the Longbottoms are still..."

Madam Pomfrey was a little sad and unwilling to say any more.

Dumbledore said softly: "Thank you for your hard work, Poppy."

Madam Pomfrey nodded and walked out of the ward.


At this time, a short and fat man walked in from the school doctor's room.

He was wearing a high hat, his head was covered with sweat, and his attire looked a little flustered, and he obviously came in a hurry.

Dumbledore: "Good evening, Minister. Andy, let me introduce to you. This is the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge."

"Connelly, this is Andy Hall, the first discoverer on the scene and the warrior of this Triwizard Tournament."

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