The two of them were in a state of panic.

Soon after Andy entered the maze, a series of whistles sounded, and Krum and Harry entered the maze one after another. The difference in their scores was not big, and they were almost one after the other.

"Fluorescent flash."

The head of Krum's wand lit up, illuminating the surrounding environment for him, and he ran at full speed as soon as he entered the maze.

He was already far behind Andy, and if he didn't catch up, there would be absolutely no hope.

"Show me the way!"

After running for a while, he held the wand in his hand and chanted a spell.

The wand turned in his palm and then pointed to the north.

Krum identified the direction and ran towards the expected northwest direction.

He soon came to the first fork in the road. Before he could figure out whether to go left or right, he saw the big hole that Andy had blown out, and he froze in place.

In the night, the big hole in the hedge wall was very obvious, and there were ice crystals frozen into frost around it, which looked a bit unreal and unbelievable.

Ta-da-da, footsteps came from behind him, and Harry also came here.

Like Krum's reaction, Harry saw the big hole in the wall and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He and Krum looked at each other and saw the despair in each other's eyes at the same time.

Faintly, they could still hear a series of dull explosions coming from the front.

So Andy broke through the maze in this way.

The two looked at each other for a while, said nothing, and tacitly went straight through the hole in the wall and followed the route left by Andy.

At this point, what's the point of taking other routes?

After crossing several more blown-up hedge walls, Krum and Harry saw the wooden sign left by Andy.

The fluorescence on the wooden sign was particularly conspicuous in the night.

"Don't hate... the past..." Krum said with difficulty.

He was Bulgarian, and reading and writing English was really difficult for him.

Harry translated helplessly: "That means we should not follow him, otherwise we will bear the consequences."

Krum understood this sentence.

His face darkened and he walked forward with his head down.

Harry stretched out his hand to stop him, but failed, so he shrugged: "Okay, I warned you."

At this time, the two heard a scream from behind.

The two turned their heads suddenly and both recognized that it was Fleur's voice!

Krum's face flashed a trace of hesitation, but then he immediately took advantage of Harry's stunned time to continue chasing Andy.


Harry looked at Krum's back as he went away, waited for a while, and looked up at the sky.

There was no red spark, nothing, which proved that Fleur was either in trouble, running away, or had lost her ability to move.

Harry gritted his teeth and returned the same way.

Fleur's voice sounded very close to him, and if possible, he didn't want to sit idly by.

The two went their separate ways, Krum forward and Harry backward.


At this time, Cedric had just walked out of the stands and returned to the castle's foyer at some point.

His eyes were in a mess, as if they had no focus.

A passing ghost floated out of the wall and saw him like this, and couldn't help asking, "Hey! What's wrong with you? You're weird."

Cedric turned a deaf ear to it, walked past it, walked up the marble stairs, and walked to the second floor.

The ghost looked at him inexplicably, and then floated away again.

Going up to the second floor, Cedric found the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with ease and pushed the door open.

Professor Moody's office is connected to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

As soon as Cedric entered the door, he realized something was wrong.

He looked at the stairs leading to the professor's office, which was in chaos, and the door of the office was wide open.

Cedric hurriedly took out his wand and ran up the stairs and rushed into the office.


Cedric shouted with his wand inside, but stopped at the last moment.

The office was in a mess, but there was no one.

Only, a dog.

"Where did the dog come from?"

Cedric was puzzled.

A big black dog with a sturdy physique squatted in the office, biting a peephole in its mouth, blinking at Cedric who suddenly broke in.

The man and the dog fell into silent silence.

Cedric was about to say something, and a trace of struggle flashed across his face, and then his eyes became fierce again.

Is it possible for a dog to break through the defense of Professor Moody's office alone, break in, and cause damage everywhere?

No, absolutely impossible.

Since it is not an ordinary dog, it must be

Eliminate the target!

"Fall to the ground!"

Cedric released the spell that he had not recited just now completely and hit the big black dog.

As soon as he started, the big black dog was ready. It kicked the ground with its hind legs and jumped to the side. It turned its body in mid-air and turned back into human form.

Sirius, who showed his original face, laughed and scolded: "You are quite vicious!"

Cedric looked at Sirius in shock.

Of course he knew this face. Last year, Sirius's wanted posters were posted everywhere.

Because of Rita Skeeter's report, Sirius's photos were all over the newspapers recently. It was impossible for him not to have an impression.

Cedric ran out subconsciously, wanting to call the professor for help, but stopped at the last moment.

His face was twisted into a ball, and he struggled a lot. Finally, he turned around and pointed the wand in his hand at Sirius: "Petrify all!"

"Iron Armor Protection."

Sirius waved his right hand and used the Iron Armor Spell to defend, knocking Cedric's petrification spell aside.

There was a clear gap in strength between the two. Sirius was more experienced, and Cedric could only barely resist.

With only two or three moves, Cedric was completely suppressed by Sirius!

Cedric blocked high and low, and was mad inside. How could Sirius Black appear here? !

Sirius looked calm on the surface, but he was confused in his heart. Didn't Andy say that there would be no one? !

The two roared in their hearts at the same time, what was going on!

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