The wand was given to Sirius by Andy.

Where did Sirius get it? Of course Andy gave it to him!

After Andy seized Lucius Malfoy's wand, he never used it, and now it happened to be given to Sirius.

If it weren't for Andy, how could Sirius appear in Hogwarts at this time?

This was planned by Andy a long time ago, and it had nothing to do with Dumbledore.

The real Moody has been imprisoned in the office by Barty the Younger. If you want to rescue the real Alastor Moody, you need Barty the Younger to stay away from the castle and can't return in a short time.

After the battle outside the Forbidden Forest, although Barty the Younger was not exposed on the surface, he must be extremely vigilant against Andy.

Whenever Andy appears, he will not leave his office easily.

So Andy needs to always appear on the stage to attract Barty's attention.

As long as he appears at the game normally, he can play a role in restraining Barty.

At this time, Sirius broke in from the outside and would definitely catch Barty off guard.

Barty would definitely guard his office tightly, and he would be alerted if anyone broke into his office.

But now that it has come to the last step, there is no need to worry about keeping secrets.

Sirius's existence is a dark spot for Barty. Barty knows that Sirius has escaped from Azkaban, but he doesn't know that he and Andy have joined forces.

Andy is not sure what Sirius can find, but as long as he arrives on time, he will definitely gain something.

But Sirius and Cedric didn't expect to meet each other here.

After two or three fights, Cedric immediately fell into a disadvantage. Sirius raised his wand and shouted: "Thunder Explosion!"

Cedric was shocked, do you still have a bit of fighting spirit? ! He quickly used the Iron Armor Spell to defend.

No, one layer of Armor Charm can't stop it, so he quickly added another layer.

No, Cedric was completely confused. The Explosion Charm would blow up the whole office. No spell could stop it. It would be better to run away.

As a result, the explosion he was waiting for did not appear.

Sirius made a feint, waved his wand, and cast a silent spell, using the Softening Charm to soften the floor under Cedric's feet instantly.

Cedric stepped back and stepped into the air. His ankle twisted, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The Armor Charm on him was immediately broken, revealing the angle of inadequate defense.


A red light hit Cedric and knocked the wand in his hand away.

Sirius chuckled. Andy's trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west was really useful.

"It's over, kid."

Sirius pointed his wand at the fallen Cedric, ready to give him the final blow.

Cedric's expression was extremely distorted, and he lay there twisting stiffly without making any defensive gestures.


Sirius was stunned and canceled the spell that was ready to be cast. Cedric's state...

Imperius Curse? !

Suddenly, Cedric, who was lying on the ground, roared, his eyes became clear again, and he got rid of the Imperius Curse.

He was breathing heavily, sweating all over his head, and his face was in pain.

Cedric covered his head and said blankly: "Why am I here?"


Cedric regained consciousness and felt that his head had turned into a mess.

He didn't know what happened, nor did he know where he was going.

He tried to recall, but he felt a tearing headache.

The next moment, he looked up and saw Sirius.

"You are..."

Cedric was surprised and struggled to sit up.

He had a splitting headache when he was stimulated by Sirius's face, but the memory just now actually reappeared in his mind.

He had read the Daily Prophet and knew what everyone knew now.

Since Peter was a real Death Eater, Sirius was innocent.

At Andy's suggestion, Rita Skeeter published an article to defend Sirius every once in a while, and everyone knew about this fact.

It's just that the Ministry of Magic is still playing dead for the time being and has not responded at all.

But the public's calls are getting louder and louder.

Cedric froze in place, trying to recall the whole thing.

He only remembered that when the last event started, he quietly left the stands and returned to the castle.

His goal was clear from the beginning, that is, Moody's office.

As for what he was going to do here...

Seeing Cedric standing there in a daze, Sirius had a strange expression on his face, still pointing his wand at


"What's wrong with you?"

Cedric didn't care about that, he hurriedly shouted: "Moody! There's something wrong with Professor Moody! He used the Imperius Curse on me!"

Hearing Moody's name, Sirius looked serious: "What's going on? Tell me slowly, who are you?"

Cedric: "Cedric Diggory, from Hufflepuff."

Sirius suddenly realized that it was you.

He had heard this name from Harry.

Cedric slowed down: "I... my memory is very confused. I only remember that I have been trying to help Harry win the Triwizard Tournament..."

"Professor Moody knew about this for some reason, and then he found me..."

"I only remember that a ray of light hit me, and then I lost consciousness..."

"The Imperius Curse." Sirius said, "You have a good willpower. Most people who are hit by the Imperius Curse will not be aware of it at all."

"And you can still retain these memories, which proves that he doesn't care whether you remember or not."

Cedric's tone became more and more terrifying, and he recalled and said: "Professor Moody has a problem! He asked me to destroy all the "evidence" and kill the person in the box..."

Sirius: "What box?"

Cedric pointed to a suitcase lying flat on the ground in the corner of the office, which looked ordinary.

Sirius walked over and carefully used a detection spell to make sure that there was no other dark magic protection on the box.

Fake Moody was very confident in the defense of his office.

He was sure that the office would not be easily invaded.

If he is invaded, he can rush back in a short time.

Therefore, the items in the office will not be arranged with too strict protection.

Such an arrangement usually does not cause accidents.

Unless the invader of his office is a very capable wizard, and he cannot rush back in time.

Just like now.

"Alaho hole open."

Sirius pointed his wand at the lock of the box and opened the box.

What came into view was a seemingly bottomless narrow space that could accommodate several people standing side by side.

This box was cast with a space expansion spell, and the space inside was several times larger than it looked from the outside.

At the bottom of the box space, a person was lying quietly. At this time, he heard the movement from above, looked up, and met Sirius's eyes.

"Fluorescent flashing."

Sirius put the wand deep into the hole and illuminated the bottom of the box.

That was the real Moody, but he looked extremely desolate.

His face was old, his hair was much less, and there was an empty eye socket on his face.

Besides, half of his trouser legs were empty, lying on the ground helplessly.

"Alastor!" Sirius grinned, laughed, and waved to him, "Andy is telling the truth, you are really here."

Hearing this, Cedric rushed directly to the box and leaned down through the box.

Seeing the person in the box clearly, Cedric was shocked.

There are two Professor Moody?

If the Moody here is real, then who is the one outside?

Moody looked up and saw Sirius's face. Instead of greeting him as Sirius imagined, his face changed, and he used all his strength to curse: "You dirty beast! The hybrid of an ermine and a goblin! A pig from Azkaban! How dare you appear in front of me..."


Sirius's face turned black, and he closed the box again with all his strength.

This is indeed the real Moody, and he doesn't know that Peter is dead yet.

Cedric: "What the hell is going on?"

Sirius: "It's a long story. What else did that fake Moody ask you to do?"

"He also gave me something."

Cedric touched his robe pocket, but found nothing.

His eyes suddenly became horrified: "No... No, Harry is in danger! I've already given that thing to Harry!"

"In addition, Moody seems to have controlled another person!"

Sirius' eyes widened. For the first time, he felt that the situation tonight was out of control.

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