The Quidditch pitch.

The last event of the Triwizard Tournament is still in progress.

Andy stopped in front of another hedge wall. This time, what blocked him was a mysterious golden mist spreading in the air.

Just now, Andy accidentally stepped into the range of the golden mist.

As soon as he touched the golden mist, the whole world turned upside down.

Andy felt that he was standing in the air, and the ground was flat above his head.

The black night sky exchanged positions with the grass on the ground, making people feel dizzy.

Andy left the range of the golden mist and his vision returned to normal.

This is a very magical magic, but the disadvantage is that it cannot move the position and can only interfere with people's senses.

The golden mist didn't react at all when ordinary spells were cast on it.

Just as Andy was thinking about how to get past the golden mist or take a detour, he heard footsteps behind him.

Looking back, Krum appeared in front of him after crossing another hedge wall he had just blown up.

Andy: "Pre-warning, we are opponents now. If you want to interfere with me, I will not show mercy."

Krum's face was dark and he said breathlessly: "No need... Since I dared to come, I have been prepared."

"I can't accept that I have no chance to resist and just watch you win the Triwizard Tournament."

"If I am eliminated, it should at least be a head-on confrontation, and then I lose to you."

Andy nodded, which was quite courageous, but looking at Krum's confident face, Andy suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Knowing that he couldn't beat him, he still appeared in front of him. This didn't seem to be a manifestation of rationality.

According to the plot of the original book, Barty Jr. had already controlled Krum at this time, and he would never let Krum act like this.

Letting Krum fight Andy, what's the difference between this and giving it to him for free?

His last name is not Kusakabe.

"You are not under the control of the Imperius Curse."

Andy's words are not a question, but a statement.

Krum was stunned when he heard Andy say this: "Imperius Curse? I'm fine now."

The two of them were obviously talking about different things.

Andy was surprised, and many possibilities flashed through his mind. Andy realized what he had overlooked before.

First, Peter appeared, then Crouch broke free from the Imperius Curse, and then Barty Jr. came out to save the situation, and he also made an extra door key...

All the clues were connected in this moment, and traces of unusual places were also revealed.

Peter was as timid as a mouse, and it was unlikely that he would take the initiative to appear in Hogwarts.

Unless someone ordered him to do so, and he dared not disobey this person's order.

Crouch's escape from control might be a real accident.

But Peter's appearance in Hogwarts was not an accident.

These two just happened to be encountered by Andy at the same time.

But why did Barty the Younger find the location of Andy and Peter so accurately?

The more Andy thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Damn Barty Crouch, he still underestimated him.

Barty the Younger, who went to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, was probably already connected with Peter.

Barty the Younger and Peter had a plan, which was hidden in many clues, so that Andy had never figured it out before, and they had already started planning from that time.

There was only one possibility for their target, that was Harry, who left the castle as a warrior that night.

According to what Qiu Zhang learned from Hermione, Harry also returned to the castle very late that night!

Harry had no special reason to return late.

But if he was delayed by Barty the Younger who pretended to be Moody, this statement was completely true.

As long as Harry was alone, with the strength of Peter and Barty the Younger, it would be easy to take Harry away with the door key.

And Barty the Younger naturally couldn't use Moody's identity to do such a dirty job.

After all, if the job didn't work, he could continue to pretend with Moody's face.

Barty Jr. is extremely cautious and will not expose himself unless he has to.

The reason why he took the risk to appear in front of Andy was that Andy was inclined to think that Barty Jr. happened to arrive at the scene at the same time for some purpose, and then something unexpected happened, and he was forced to show up to silence Peter and Crouch.

At least, he needed to make sure to kill Peter.

Peter knew too many secrets, he even knew where Voldemort, who was a remnant soul, was now.

So Peter had to die.

Andy followed the clues and figured out all the joints in an instant just because Krum was not the target of Barty Jr.'s Imperius Curse.

Now there is only one question left.

Hagrid also met the so-called Professor Moody that night, and Bartlett couldn't be in two places at the same time.

Even if he hurriedly fled from Andy and then turned back into Moody to find Hagrid, he would not have enough time.

Who is the other Moody?

Bartlett had helpers in the castle, who helped him disguise himself and create an alibi when he left.

Who could it be?

Andy began to brainstorm, he didn't know that Sirius had already bumped into Cedric in Moody's office.

But following this line of thought, Bartlett's transformation of the Marauder's Map into a portkey can also be perfectly explained.

He was not idle, but wanted to use the portkey to take Harry away.

The portkey is like a directional portal that opens at a time.

At the beginning of making the portkey, the time for the portkey to open and close can also be set.

For example, the portkey used by Andy and Qiu Zhang during the World Cup is a standard portkey made by the Ministry of Magic, which is more advanced.

The Marauder's Map modified by Barty Jr. is a one-time one-way portal key, a privately made cheap product that will be destroyed upon triggering.

Why Barty Jr. was able to use the Marauder's Map to escape was not because of his luck, but because he had no choice.

Because he had set the time for the portal key to be opened later that day, and the portal key would take effect as soon as the time came.

Calculating the time, if they really intended to hold Harry hostage, that time would be just right.

Apparition is not allowed within the scope of Hogwarts, and the portal key is their only way to escape from Hogwarts.

However, Barty Jr. acted too hastily, causing the Marauder's Map to be damaged, and was forced to leave evidence for Andy.

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